It's about damn time

It's about damn time

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's another "Bomb"

Steven Bomb was a mistake

Holy fuck

We're never getting back to regular scheduling are we

Bombs are our life now

Make the best of it because CN will never stop making schedules this retarded.

Goddamn, finally! This makes my day.

I swear to god, though. This shit better go on for a while. If we get like, three new episodes and then go right back on hiatus I'm going to drive to the CN head offices, find the guy in charge, and then take a gigantic angry shit right on his desk.

Aw yeah! And a reasonable amount of time passed between batches of new episodes, even.

>it's a "Stevenbomb and then month long hiatus" episode
Fuck this

Why? You get back to back new episodes and you dont have to endure having to wait weeks for it. This is especially effective in summer time when kids will have more of a chance to tune in, therefore good ratings.

Bombs are a godsend, I don't understand why people don't like them. And its not like this bomb is going to be too eventful to care for, its just townie shit probably.


So will we get any more homeworld gem info or will it just be steven messing around with beach city residents?

>he likes hiatus' that last months after every bomb

Because these bombs are usually followed by literal months of no episodes

We've already seen Steven Floats, so... one episode of dicking around in the sky, one episode of Peridot/Lapis being cute, and three episodes of bullshit with the townies is my guess.

We're getting corrupted Jasper, that's all I care about

hopefully she can be cured

Because then there's usually a 3+ month hiatus following with no word from CN on when it might be coming back.

Hopefully the latter.

We need some hummie episodes.

Though the ideal would be Steven messing around with the hummies and the gems getting involved with it.

Wait, is this just one week? or every week?

Honestly, knowing Sugar, it'll be both. Bitch a master of the ruse cruise.

>Lion 3: Straight to Video
>Catch and Release
>Super Watermelon Island
Titles and episode descriptions mean nothing.

I KNEW IT! Never give up hope! Given that this is the Canadian website, we might still get a TV spot tonight! GET HYPE!

>We've already seen Steven Floats
I feel like I've been punched in the stomach, thanks for reminding me before it would hurt me worse as a nasty surprise.


God, I want her to violate me

>Rising Tides, Crashing Skies

Everyone thought it would be a game changer.

>Another bomb
I hate CN. I hate how they honestly think these bomb formats still work even though they don't.

God bless you, Rose user. You magnificant man you!


Have we confirmed those titles were legit?

When my days seemed dark your light of hope and believing reached me. Thank you Rose user

The sad thing is this is very literally true and it's probably gonna suck.

Now hold on, what makes you think CN Canada has the same scheduling as CN America? This could be France all over again. After all, Canada is home to an awkward bootlegging of the French language.

I'm pretty sure CN decided to bite the bullet and have actual conversations with their foreign offices so the France incident doesn't happen again.

They came from a source that has a record of being legit

They weren't episode titles, just titles for the mini-marathons CN runs when they do SU reruns every few weeks. They tend to be much more direct than the regular episode titles.

I don't care where it's from, I'm watching it

>Summer of Steven
>Starts half-way through summer

Really, now?

They're running on valve time.

>another bomb


Well we had hoped for an announcement but we didn't expect it to be this shit still over half a month away and is a shitty bomb format

>Summer of Steven
>it's one weekday week of episodes

Yep. Assume nothing.

She'd probably be very gentle about it and make sure to get your consent first.

I love her so much.

>halfway through summer




>it's one weekday week of episodes
>Hiatus till November

Don't forget, we also already have the first episode of the week, so it's not even a full weekday week of new episodes.

What titles?

I can't do this,not again

I'm not terribly excited desu. I haven't liked a lot of the most recent episodes, plus the stupid bomb format and constant hiatuses don't rev up much hype in me either.

This is going to be last summer all over again, mark my words...

>Bomb in mid-July
>Promised new episodes right after, in August
>End up with a hiatus that lasts until September

Not according to CN's PR! You should be extra excited because they've starved you of episodes!

Why is CN emulating how badly Disney treated Gravity Falls? Do they think the show's hiatati were what made it a success for some damn reason?

But user, we barely know anything about her. Which, in her own words, is a good thing.

Gravity Falls lost of a lot of fans over time because the hiatuses were so long.

I know she's a babe and that's all I need to know. I want to smash her like a comet.

Also we all know that we are just getting a bunch of townie episodes

Such a fun bomb

Ok let's play the guessing game:
>Too short to ride: Peridot in Funland
>Bubbled & Earthlings: Bismuth episodes
>Alone at sea: Jasper
>Know your fusion: Smokey quartz (Peridot and Amethyst)

You know what? I'm glad we're getting town episodes again. We need a break from Peridot and the barn.

another fuckings tevenbomb
who fucking cares anymore, man
its just gonna be the same garbage it always is
we get 5 episodes that are super hyped up
they inevitably leak before schedule
we watch them all weeks before they "air", then just become more and more disappointed with each passing week that they dont have new episodes, because good fucking lordy we can only ever fucking have 5 episodes

Fuck these hiatuses!

I'm cool with townie episodes but I'm not gonna get hyped over a bomb of them
Spoilers obviously

Too Short to Ride will be the return of Stevonnie, mark my words.

I think we've actually learned a lot about her general character throughout the show, her actions kind of permeate the entire setting. Not her specific actions mind you, but her attitudes and ideals have been laid out in mostly subtle ways. Truth be told I think she's one of the more complex characters on the show, up there with Steven and Pearl.

If the leaked episode titles are anything to go by though, Amethyst may be joining them up there shortly. Or at least short in CN terms.

Smoky Quartz is gonna be either peridot and amethyst or Steven and amethyst fusion

Weekly schedules allow more organized discussion and fanart. The whole fandom is focused on one thing at a time and has a week to pick apart episodes. Bombs throw everything at you at once so each episode gets overshadowed by the next one. Sure you can bring up any episode you want to discuss later, but there's often less interest by then.

It might not matter to some people, but I like the fandom and discussion stuff. Weekly schedules facilitate that.

>Too short to ride: Peridot in Funland
Confirmed by leaks.
>Bubbled & Earthlings: Bismuth episodes
>>Alone at sea: Jasper
We won't see Jasper for another year at least. She's underground, user, she's not at sea.
>>Know your fusion: Smokey quartz (Peridot and Amethyst)
I fucking wish.

I think the Bomb will be:
>Steven Floats
>Too short to ride
>The new Lars
>Restaurant wars
>Kiki's Delivery service

I'll laugh when Alone at Sea is a Yellowtail episode


I hope Steven and Peridot fuse in Too Short to Ride.

Steven Floats was never a part of the last few episodes. It was a leak for us Americans.

I went to a carnival today and I these aliens are common prizes, its a Peridot episode

There has never been a Quartz gem that didn't involve Rose's/Steven's gem, so

Steven floats aired in France a month ago, where have you been?

No, Steven Floats aired here bro. I have it recorded on my TV.

Oh yeah, I guess I'll be able to post the polling results again once the episodes air. It'll be interesting to see how on-the-mark /sug/ was with those.

The sentence was just phrased really weird.

The Stevidot shitposting is gonna be off the charts.
Where the fuck is Connie? Hell, where's Greg? Steven hasn't brought them up for a while.

Where was this pic found?

Purple and Green make a brown color when combined.

Let's hope it stays that way.

Fuck that, fuck Sugars Invader Zim OC, I want the humans in Steven's life to show up.

The event will last everyday Monday-Friday from July 18 until the end of August. Get hype

To be fair, any StevenxGem fusion will make the ship with Steven and the other Gem rise incredibly.

CN anything app

They don't have nearly enough episodes to do that.

Why? They're awful. Only exception I can think of is Dewey, but unless we get an entire arc about him, I see no reason to have another townie episode.

In universe it's only been like a couple weeks since they came to his birthday party

Stevidot has risen to cancerous levels though. Both the Sup Forums and /trash/ threads were hell during and after Gem Drill.

That is something I would actually get hyped over to bad it won't happen

Steven isn't a show anymore.

It's a series of events.

Peridot x Alien stuffed animal is the true OTP

>Yfw CN airs the wrong promo and spoils the end of the series

It's calmed down now, actually. Still really hope they fuse soon, but I'd also really like for Steven's first Gem fusion to be with Pearl.

If they do that we actually WILL have a hiatus till November

My best guess is they have tons of episodes in reserve at this point. Just think of how many hiatuses we've had. The average show goes from September to May in a single season. It took two more months for SU to do that, and that's with 12-minute episodes.

They should at least have enough to last more than a single week.

Sounds like something they would do

>Shows an adult Steven and Connie with their kid.
>Rebecca finds out and kills every employee in the CN offices using Ian as a bat.

That's 30 episodes minimum user, they'd be airing the start of season 4 by then.

>Steven and Amethyst

I'm not sure how that works out given Amethyst's hedonism and apathy and Steven's altruism and excitability. Maybe they'll try and initiate a fusion orgy, or we get another Sugilite-like rampage because they don't want to defuse

Its got to be at least more than 1 week? Matt said it'll be a mega event right?

Inbefore believing mat

*five months

Forgot about summer.