It's an Uhura takes command to save the boys episode

>It's an Uhura takes command to save the boys episode.

Seriously, Nyota don't play.

Other urls found in this thread:

Redshirts die. Redskirts kick ass.

Was that the pimping episode?

M'Ress was not in that episode at all.

>it's a Spock starts practicing witchcraft episode

Satan was a cool guy

>It's a Klingon episode.

>ywn defend your bro Satan in wizard court

Is that on the far right an AZN?

this guy was awesome, just look at him

[fetishy comment]

>Bones asks if it was a good idea to let Satan loose in the universe
>Kirk just shrugs it off

Starfleet was too trusting for it's own good.

I'm kind of hoping they replace Chekov with him in the next movie

To be fair they have run into weirder and more powerful shit than the devil, it's probably fine

>next movie

Pretty optimistic of you, user.

And besides blowing up Trelane's computer, they never actually overpowered any of those beings.

Why wouldn't there be?

Because Beyond looks ridiculous, and this is an underperforming summer movie season so far.

They swapped out Uhura and M'Ress on an episode to episode basis to keep voice acting budgets per episode low.

They did the same job, which, given the post on the ship, it kinda makes sense they'd have more than one duty officer.

Modern special effects could probably make it possible.

And it'd be kinder than recasting Yelchin.

>And it'd be kinder than recasting Yelchin.
yeah that'd be a bad move

Wasn't M'ress voiced by Majel Barrett?

>Wasn't M'ress voiced by Majel Barrett?

Yeah, she was. The Computer wasn't always though.
And like half the cast of every episode is James Doohan.

I felt kind of bad that they couldn't afford to keep Koenig around although iirc he did write an episode

He wrote the time travel Ep I think which is one of my favourites

What about the "friendly angel" guy?

A part of me feels like I should watch the animated series

It's actually quite good, assuming you're a fan of TOS.

I liked TOS plenty, how silly does it get?

Came in here to post Satan good looking out user

Not significantly sillier than season 3 TOS.

Cool, is it still on Netflix?

IDK. I'm a filthy Canadian, and our Netflix is utter shite.

Guess I'll find our when I get back home

Walter Koenig wrote The Infinite Vulcan, which was the giant Spock episode. The time travel one, Yesteryear, was written by D.C. Fontana, who also wrote 10 episodes of TOS, 5 episodes of TNG, and one episode of DS9.

They didn't actually beat him, just tricked him into losing his power.

Why were the miniskirt uniforms on Trek so damn cute?

It's TOS seasons 4&5, for all intents & purposes.

It's bad when 2 affirmative action hires have to squabble over the same position...

Different shifts, apparently. Uhura doesn't sit in that chair 24 hours a day.

lazy bitch

That giant Spock episode messed me up

There was just a second, extra, huge Spock that was stuck on a planet with some guy probably for decades and decades

Everything in TOS is adorable

Voyager should have been a TAS

And hot. based Theiss

Is this McCoy's daughter or some random falling girl in a dress?

Go, Redskirts!

If it is she's a cutie

I want a main male character to wear one of these around

M'Ress a cute

this looks very Roman

Yes it is. I watched it two weeks ago

Not really any more silly than Spock's Brain or the original Tribble episode. Or the Roman Planet. Or that one with the planet that HAD the United States, but forgot about them until Kirk read the Constitution.

I'm pretty sure a bunch of TAS episodes were scrapped TOS episodes

2 cute






they were ALL scrapped TOS episodes. Mostly due to budgets and special effects. TAS and TOS are roughly equal in quality really.