I never saw the first one, did it win an Oscar?

I never saw the first one, did it win an Oscar?

It might be too late to generate hype.

Nope, it lost to Brave.

How in the fuck...?

Those things really are rigged. Or just a sexism oscar under "equality" and "feminism" since that movie was INCREDIBLY disappointing.

To this day: Original first teaser trailer for Brave was better than the film itself.

Half the people who voted for Frozen hated animation and didn't even watch it

Because the academy doesn't watch most of the movies that are nominated.

I thought the first movie was pretty mediocre. The interactions between Ralph and Vanellope were somewhat entertaining and the revelation that King Candy was actually Turbo and ruined Vanellope's life was cool, but other than that the entire movie was plagued with jokes that weren't funny and writing that fell far below stellar.

I'm hyped in the sense that I hope the sequel blows the first film out of the water.

What was his name again?

Fuck-off Faggot

Hooray, more jewish princess porn

I hated how 90% of the movie took place in Sugar Rush. I was hoping to see them go on some big adventure where they travel to different games all around the arcade.

Hyped as fuck man, now that its official. Loved the first film, looking forward to this.

Brave is average at best, but WiR is an inconsistent story with unnecessary "main" characters and lack of proper closure on many fronts.
It's bad.

No, it wasn't anything to do with feminism. It's simply that it was the Pixar movie. Most of the people who give animation Oscars don't actually watch the fucking movies because animation is "immature" and for children, don't you know, so a lot of them just kind of go "well, just give it to the Pixar movie, my son says they do good movies don't they?"

>No, it wasn't anything to do with feminism.
It was a female-focused thing receiving more praise than a male-focused thing, so it has everything to do with feminism. According to people who use it as an insult.

The academy hates animation for some reason (probably because it is seen as a kids medium) so the voting is complete bullshit as most haven't even watched all the films nominated.

>lack of proper closure

Okay then. Pretty sure those aren't what's wrong with it though. If anything there's a couple of pacing issues here and there.

>sequel involves the internet instead of consoles

I can't wait for the mandatory "hip" meme references!

Ralph's big villain moment is done under the belief that he's doing the right thing, so it really isn't any different from the usual accusations from his own game's people.
On that account, the nicelanders never really have a moment where they reflect on their game existance and that Ralph is playing a role. Everything is okay at the end just because it's time for the ending so ALL BE HAPPY, OKAY? See: taking in other videogame refuges for no real reason.

Felix is a hanger on that has no real purpose other than be a completely disconnected B plot. He might as well not be there. He also doesn't get any relevant moments to realize Ralph's feelings on the whole villain deal.

Calhoun has a little more relevance, but then again the entire bug deal is a background nonthreat with the only purpose of adding to the climax' spectacle. A simple confrontation with Turbo would have been enough for the story. Adding the bug threat and the chekhov gun solution for it doesn't really play into anybody's favor as characters and so it feels too much like a plot in a single episode of a series rather than part of a full length film story.

On Turbo, the "twist" is well set up, but it doesn't really add that much for the story, sadly. Turbo being someone who was only mentioned before makes him less of a character. The King has enough personality on his own and it would be satisfying to see him go down just as he is. It sure ties the loose end of why the game glitched out like it did, but it could also have been simply a matter of the game's own villain going into the database to fix his status as a villain. Reflecting Ralph's own plight, y'know?

The movie still has a couple of great character moments, but the things I pointed out really play against the finished product. A sequel might have a chance to lay down a better script by figuring out what people actually wanted to see from the original. So hey, it might be good.

>who else can't read the catalog?

What happened to that comic? The author did a couple of pages them never touched or mentioned it again.

The only good thing about the Movie was the Short Paperman. Everything else was Meh. Sup Forums only likes it because of the little girl

The sequel is going to be instantly dated and cringe if it's parodying modern internet. I have nothing but pessimism for it. At least this means more Vanellope art on pixiv.

>Sup Forums only likes it because of the little girl
but most people hated that jewess