How's Your Webcomic? /hyw/ #290

Share your comic with others!
Link your website and portfolio!
Critique and comment on others' work!
Previous thread: 10 more till 300!

Other urls found in this thread: printers

Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag

Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:

>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;

>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:

>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?

>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE:

>*-Finally, here are some links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme:
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a site:

>*-Here’s the contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:

>*-We also got a SKYPE CHAT room going on,
To join the chat, seek out 'starlinemike' or 'scribblehatch' and they'll add you in.

>*-We also got a DISCORD CHAT going on,
Ask for an invite in the thread.

>Wise words from John Cleese:

>Invisible Ink:

>Paper Wings

>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:

>Writing Resources:

>Guide to promoting your comic:

Decided to redraw Maude. I wasn't satisfied with how she looked.

She's a QT.

wouldnt chase that out of my barn with a pitchfork that's for sure.

>tfw u want to add QTs to your comic but your art sucks

Posted this just before the new thread went up. I'm also looking for an invite to the discord.

What's your opinion on dirty fanart?

I like the eyes on this one more. They carry over with the partially shut look from the previous panel.

Practice, my friend... then your comic will have all the QTs.

Stop feelsposting and draw.

You don't need to bang out an entire comic in a day, just draw.

Can anyone recommend a good, reasonably-priced printer to print webcomics at home?

I want to see what my comic will even look like in print before I try going through some printing company.

Inked it. Will color tomorrw.

Just fucking report them. Giving them replies is giving them what they want.

do any of you use references? what would you recommend?

That she is user.

Been finding more possums and racoons around my complex. It's nice being given the chance to observe them.

That's an interesting style. I'm really digging it. Got a blog?

I've been asked that before. I honestly don't mind it. It was bound to happen, and I wouldn't wanna be the type to censor other artists.
and yes, i am speaking in past terms. There's a few Maude lewds in the booru, for anyone interested.

Cute! Too cute... Gonna get some insulin.

>dem details and that lovely linework
I've said it before, and i'll say it again. Magnificent!

Depends on what kind you are looking for. Google some stuff user, it's not that hard.

I mean if you recommended working with references or not

Of course you should work with references, whenever possible.

but isn't that like copying?

Hi, guys. Somebody asked me to swing by and post updates again.

No user. It isn't. It's only copying if you trace it. Use references when you can. You won't regret it.

Welcome back!

i dont care if they didnt take the time to clean up their pencil drawings or sketches, i'll take em dirty or not!

HNNNNGH love all that detail
... hoo boy though, my beloved peg-feet kind of backfire when it's rollerskates time..
gettin' a BFG feel. i think the human's eyes need to be lowered though. i mean it's a loose style but that would do wonders.

Most people highly misunderstand what referencing means.

I do, yeah.


Kingdom Hearts, or work on comic?

never give up user!!!!

A-Anyone? printers

but it IS leading somewhere
somewhere where those suggestions for making hell more interesting will come in particular handy actually.

Love this art style, the big guy looks like he could've come out of The Gorillaz.

do you also use references for human figure?

There's a reason I asked here. I don't trust random Google links. I assumed fellow comic artists would have a more well-informed opinion.

Sisters updated with a four pager.
Shit starts happening again next week. Damn pacing for the sake of starting off a new story arc. Rewriting the next few issues because I miss the violence, but still trying to preserve cohesion.

This looks interesting. What's your story about?

>I'm also looking for an invite to the discord.

what would the boring effeminate main character say if you asked him?

Tfw all your thumbnails are crap and you have to spend hours reworking them so your pacing won't be crap

wish we could help, but i don't think anyone here does their own printing. that's pretty enterprising of you

>that's pretty enterprising of you
It's more that I want to go through testing, trial and error on my own time and terms, rather than ordering samples from an actual company only to find out they look like shit and have to go through a much more annoying process to fix them.

I'm pretty sure it's bones anyways.

i suppose cohesion is worth more than violence..

ohh I'm piecing this together now. He can channel the old leader so that makes him a good choice.. at least in the eyes of the others, whom they're trying to impress, while still kinda running things. in fact the 'puppet' line is kind of on point, he just wasn't quite aware of who was holding the strings when he said it.

I don't quite get what Jam means 'they were big books'.. meaning she expected more to be in them? Or is she talking about other books he didn't fetch? I feel like we're following up on an offpanel scene it would have been useful to see.

>venture bros reference
so much fuck yes I can't even. GO TEAM PUNCH MAGIC PUNCH

>eats his pizza like a madman
yeah. for a second I forgot Bea had mozzarella sticks and I thought it was stuffed crust pizza that was just miscolored in that panel, but noo.. he's eating it straight up crust first. Now i can see nibbling the crust-edges first, to sort of 'get them over with' and save the best for last, but.. the fuckin MIDDLE?

Long-term, it's about a witch living during the American Civil War, split into disconnected short stories. Similar to Hellboy in storytelling style, I think.

This one in particular is about the witch coming to terms with the fact that she's living in the shadow of the witches of the medieval period, and with it the 'giant shadow' they cast.


interesting overlappy wings there.. the sort of impractical thing one would only expect to see in an angel, but in such a drab and unassuming size and color scheme.. this has a neat feel to it i tell you what.
that said, shouldn't the middle pair of wings have a double-alula just like the others?

You got a website?

sensible. but in that case your question should be 'what do the professionals use' since nothing else is going to give you an idea of what to expect, right? you couldn't expect comparable results from any other printer.
anyway the samples are free

Just my tumblr.

oooh that's neat!
yeah see, her eye placement looks a lot more right in those other examples. and the higher cranium too. I'd stick with those designs and try to keep more consistent. she looks just perfect in the lower left.
also not to put too fine a point on it, but i fucking love it when something is set in the past, but to them, it's the present, and they compare and contrast their present to a MORE distant past. That almost never happens. I also like the future equivalent, which happens even less often.. and even then usually in less satisfying ways (oh those laser cannons are like 50 years out of date, ours are three times as good!)

Yeah there was something of a two month-ish time skup from the end of the first story arc and the start of this one. Sammy's been the guy dealing with deciphering Scott's books. Which have been something of a background element since the end of the third issue. Jam tends to read them but doesn't seem to understand them because "Scott's a rambler."

Jam expected there to be cool stuff rather than generic universal spells. I mean, she can't even throw a fireball and that's right up there on the "what wizards ought to be able to do" list.

Things will pick up shortly, I might move an important spell to an earlier issue just because it adds some good tension. Honestly I think it'll all be better once we get more Craig-centric.

>Historical Witch Stuff
Check out "Escaping Salem" by Richard Godbeer if you can, it puts a really interesting look into the official law/legal process of witch trials aside from the fuck up in Salem and is really a very interesting read that might be of use to you.

yeah that stuff is hella interesting. and from a scholarly point of view it's always neat to pin down how "yes, the popculture version of that is incorrect, but the real thing is still pretty weird, and it WAS different here in this famous instance than it was in other places"

I'm just talking basic shit, like if my pages are the right size or if colors look off in print compared to my screen, just simple little shit. That's why I was hoping for cheap, but not so cheap that it falls apart or prints 1997-tier black and white jpeg.

>anyway the samples are free
But what if I get a sample that looks like shit and I want to try fixing something?
I doubt they'd let you keep ordering samples of shit over and over again while trying to fix mistakes or something, not to mention you're waiting days in-between.

In my comic? No. In pieces meant to be showy. Sometimes.

Shit, speaking of all this printing talk is it really not okay to print comic stuff under 300dpi or whatever?

My pages are 72dpi and 800x1000 pixels so I guess I'll never be able to print these without it looking like shit, huh?
People who print must make their pages and artwork fucking huge.

just delete it

I love that sort of thing too. Historical fiction is my fucking jam, it's just a pain in the ass to write because of the amount of research required to be historically accurate.

That sounds phenomenal, actually. Like I mentioned above any resources are helpful.

Pages need to be massive to hit the minimum 300dpi limit, which means several thousand pixels large. Takes up a bit more storage space than I'd like but the potential for print is worth it, I think.

yeah i hear you, it's a novel idea.
in the meantime i can tell you to change your comic to cmyk mode if you wanna see what it'll look like printed (granted your monitor still won't tell you perfectly, but any printer will at least tell you the colors even if it's low-quality, because that's about the ink), and similarly check your DPI and what the size is given in inches to understand how big it'll be printed. those two things you can test virtually and on any cheap printer..
also i have seen lots of modern printers that can use that high quality glossy paper, so maybe look for that.

yeah what... what word DO we use to describe our non-comic work that's meant to stand alone as a larger, more detailed piece? I feel like I need to talk about that a lot
i mean, that's your final size for web, but surely your original file is bigger, right? unless you're doing pixel art no way are you drawing on that small a canvas
and whatever the printing standard may be, the fact is you really don't need to be that high. higher than 72, yeah, but..

not only that but of course buttoning yourself down to accuracy always takes a little of the fun out (though going by her clothing obviously you aren't too married to it. or else witches just happen to be rocking clothes like that in the 19th century as their equivalent of black robes and pointy wide brimmed hats)
and then history keeps changing all the time.. but it's still fun using it as a guideline and filling in the many blanks yourself.

Thanks, I'm trying to find a nice blend of fantasy and mundane with my comic.
And crap, thanks for telling me. I keep forgetting the details on his wings.

oof, I only just now realized the vertical strip format makes it a bit more ass to read on Sup Forums just by hovering over it with the cursor, the way I read most of the stuff here. sorry bout that lads.

>i mean, that's your final size for web, but surely your original file is bigger, right? unless you're doing pixel art no way are you drawing on that small a canvas
I really didn't know it was so weird.
Like I said, my pages are all 800x1000, which I thought was fairly large.
I draw in Flash and my art and colors are all pretty flat, maybe that has something to do with it.
I didn't even know what dpi was until lurking here and seeing it mentioned in printing discussions at some point. I always just went by image dimensions.

>i draw in flash
no worries man, you saved the original flash files, right? that shit is vector. you can make it any size you want, instantly.
>I always just went by image dimensions.
and you really still can, you just have to remember those dimensions are 2100x3150. if you want to remember them as 7x10.5 inches at 300 dpi, that's fine too.

Oh god but my stories run hundreds of pages, the thought of doing alternate sizes for all of it both in flash and in the actual pages sounds like way too much to be worth it.

printing is a pretty heavy endeavor. you might be able to find a batch-saving / batch-resizing program to do the doity woik for you. I used one once, but that was making things SMALLER so that's a different story. but i'm sure people who work in flash must have a decade and a half of tricks and quirks and there must be someone SOMEWHERE who's got a little script that you can feed in "take all the flash files here and batch-convert them all to 3150 px"


>That bottom right.

HMMM. That's interesting

>check out internet archive just to peruse my old page-title shit
>weirdly enough it has a saved version of my cbox chat thing from 2014, which appears on any archived version of the site regardless of date
other longrunners should go check theirs out too. it's neat

I'm having a hard time with this big panel. It's supposed to show the main character nearly escaping being hit by the truck, but I think the perspective makes her look a little too big, even though she's supposed to be a little closer in the foreground.

I don't know. This panel's weak. Any crit or advice would really be appreciated! I don't mind redrawing this panel.

>yeah what... what word DO we use to describe our non-comic work that's meant to stand alone as a larger, more detailed piece?

An illustration?

If she where a bit more to the right it would look better.

the point is gotten across, however it looks like she was about 10 feet away from getting hit, not actually in any danger.
yeah that'll work i suppose. but to me illustration means drawings done to share the job of telling a story, with writing doing the rest of the job.

brand new: yeah i used that as reference, i study stuff from this thread from time to time

I'll fudge it around and see if that helps.

Yeah, that's what I'm worried about, I want there to be some danger there.

Hmm. I don't necessarily agree with your description. Illustration can be sequential, but that doesn't mean they always are, or that they always really need to tell a story. Sometimes they're just standalone drawings, I guess?

I think it might be a little more apparent if in one panel you actually showed her in front of the truck, rather than just to its side.

semantics is always a kick in the earlobes, but if an illustration isn't what i've said, then... what does it illustrate?
I guess I should be slightly less specific, as you could also call the diagrams in an instruction manual ilustrations, or the drawings people used to do for natural guides to things before photographs were invented. but basically an illustration is supposed to represent something. hence illustrate.
whereas if i just drew a cool robot because i felt like it, I don't know what to call that, and how to say "this isn't how I draw in my comic, it's how i draw for ___s"

That's a smarter idea, and probably a more interesting angle to look at. Do you think just the one panel would be more effective or should I split the moment into two?

A doodle? A sketch? A mountains? A sky? A windmill?

I would personally call a drawing I did for shits and giggles either a drawing, a doodle, a sketch or an illo depending on how detailed or rendered I made it.

yeah i usually want to say like 'a piece' if it's meant to be a standalone work of art appreciated as a picture. (or more often, as a design for a greater franchise i've made)

I prefer the one on the left, but maybe try drawing her more to the left of the panel as if she had just seen the truck and the reader could make the connection more that she jumped back.

That's smart! I think that's what I'll go with, thank you.

>known some guy online for years
>he is the reason I even draw to this day
>he has always been better than me at art, telling me that he will help me with my webcomic if it ever finish the story of it
>one day he just ditches me and blacklists me on every single website we did anything on
>he now makes furry porn and shit like that, and refuses to even talk to me

Holy fuck if he ever gets popular I'm so fucking telling all the cringey things he's done around me. That nigga is a double crossing fuck and I hate that he is doing better than me currently in life. Fuck man that nigga is slowly getting popular and it makes me so fucking mad when art of his gets decent popularity


He's years ahead of me though, and I'm slowly realizing what I've been doing to make art is probably the dumbest thing I could be doing if I want to improve.

If I would beat him then that would require me starting all over in how I draw stuff, which would take years, and I'm slowly running out of time to practice this stuff because I'm already making a webcomic, and stopping it altogether to slowly rediscover how to art wouldn't do anyone any good

This nigga embraced how I draw stuff too and now because I believed what he said all these years I've basically dug myself a hole.
Sorry Sup Forums I just need to vent a bit. I've gone through a really tough day today.

Vengeance is a great drive, use it.

Just keep it up, man, you'll improve if you keep going. We all believe in you. It may take time but you'll get there.

don't sacrifice your comic to make time to study
sacrifice all your anger and retribution instead, then you'll have the energy and drive to study. whatever else happened with that guy, he benefited from having known you. That's reason for you to feel good about yourself. after that, forget him. literally. none of those other feelings you're talking about (or that one user seems to be bolstering) are going to go anywhere.

Some speed lines on the bottom left panel might also help to illustrate it.

Gives the impression the truck just left the panel's view and it was really close to hit her.

I'm gonna be honest with you because you seem like someone who would understand and HYW doesn't seem to aknowledge the elphant in th room, KEEPING DRAWING BAD WON'T MAKE YOUR DRAWINGS BETTER NOR APPEALING, you have to realize that if your drawings are subpar you should be practicing your abilities instead of making a webcomic with mediocre art, because art (no matter what they say) is the most imoortant part in a visual project

This desu

You gotta try studying as much as possible and getting critique if possible, learn all the time.

did for me.
but it's a lot fucking slower.

Prove it

You're not wrong at all, and I already do regret starting it too early. I have no clue why I did either, I guess I thought I was ready. Honestly I believe my art is good enough to start a webcomic though. Its not me sucking that gets me mad, its that how I make my stuff makes sub-par art in twice the time as anyone else

Thanks though. I appreciate it. Made me feel a bit worse but a bit better too

Forget him like he forgot you. Get on improving yourself and your art and the rest comes second.

If you truly care about your comic/art/skills you should focus on that by working on it, asking for advice and critique, acknowledging that it everything takes time and fuck the past.

Like the great Shia once said: "JUST DO IT".

literally nothing I could show you that you wouldn't just deny
in any case, like I said, it's slower. and there's a lot of backslide. it's a lot better and faster to spend your time studying.

>literally nothing I could show you that you wouldn't just deny

What do you mean? Just post a progress image from a few years ago. Even if you're not so good now, you were probably worse before (in your words, and also according to common sense)

Progress/improvement pics would be a great thread activity.

the point is to make you practice, maybe I'm wrong and you're good, the practice to be better, maybe you're just plain awful, the practice to prove me wrong, I believe in you user, do you?

oh sorry, I mistook you for someone else. You were actually serious.
We've got a lot of posters who deny progress has happened at all, for this or that person, instead of acknowledging the different rates of improvement and how best to ramp up that speed