Tfw it's a D&D episode

>tfw it's a D&D episode

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These episodes are boring since none of the players do anything terrible that gives you a look at what kind of person they truly are.

Have they ever made a good D&D episode? In any show?

What's the verdict on the Gravity Falls episode?

Not Sup Forums but Community's D&D episodes are pretty good.

That episode didn't make any sense to me
>That guy only made one character and used it for every game he played in
>DM's somehow approve this while other players are level 1
>DM rolls for everything, players just say what they want to do and DM determines based on his own rolls

That from Dexter was actually fun and what made my want to play it.

It feels like someone tried to play but wasn't capable of finishing their character sheet. The worst part is that the episode is basically filler, I was expecting way more from one extradimensional shenanigan.

The episode where Finn and Flame Princess explore dungeon is all based on D&D, with Finn as the DM.

>tfw no Pony gf

Didn't feel like the writers played for the most part. Not D&D but South Park's World of Warcraft ep, it really felt either like they played or good research.

trash of the highest caliber

it completly missed the point of D&D, so much so that the writers had to come up with the most contrieved and forced of "conflicts" to come out of dipper wanting to play the game. it singlehandedly managed to drive me away from the show

it didnt understood the most basic thing about dungeons and dragons, the put it as this thing where imagination rules and you can do and be anything but the fun of the game is precisely in the opposite, in the constraints that force you to be clever and problem solve, also in being part of a story.

it was more of a comment on the d20 system and math/probobility in general. Neat, but it limited the audience even more.

you could tell they had no idea what they were doing by the emphasis they were putting on the board and miniature aspect of the game.
right in the picture they show the game coming in a box like is fucking monopoly or some shit

t. lvl 23 sperglord elf ranger

I've always felt slighted. They focused on the numerical aspect as something that is inflexible. At best, they were good players with a shitty, vindictive GM, at worst it was a petty jab at 'them nerds o'er there!'

> tfw always wanted to try D&D, but I don't know anyone around me who would play it.

I'd invite you to try it online, but the only group I'm in is LEWD Eclipse Phase.

Does this one count?

You know what? Fuck it. It's better.

You might be able to find a group on for it. Seems like a good way to make friends too.

It's not worth it unless you do it yourself since the DM will 90% of the time be an asshole. They seem to be the only once who have to the time to run games.

What's the name of this one animation, where these two guys that hated each other find a map, and go on an adventure for the treasure, slowly becoming friends during the course of time?

One of the guys loses his hand, I think.

What's the verdict on that?

The Reward?

EXACTLY. Thanks so much, man! It's been itching the corner of my mind for some time.

Abed was... special.

What about the SECOND D&D episode, though? Everyone got real into it that time.

How many people do play D&D still though?

TFW Yu-gi-oh season 0 had a D&D episode but no one watched it

Plenty. Even if you don't count stuff that is basically D&D like Pathfinder or Adventurer Conqueror King.
Don't know what they're saying but it at least looks nice.
It was a two-parter and the original series finale before they switched to primarily card games and whatever the hell Dungeon Dice Monsters was.

Subject. Verb. Object. It's not hard.

And more than ever. Between social media making it easier to find people who also like to play and online shopping making accessibility a non-issue, games like D&D, Settlers of Catan, and Warhammer 40k are in a golden age right now. And I

didn't watch it, but i did read it. it was actually a lot more interesting than before it got turned into a card game series. i just wonder where it would have gone if it didn't go down that path because it was much darker.

nope, that was larping a completely different thing, is just as nerdy but not the same

China, IL has the best one solely because Babycakes has to RP jacking off a literal mountain of dicks.

The only version I have ever played was 4.0, where the focus seemed to be on its messing around with a story. The only real limitations seemed to be the dice rolls and staying true to your character.

you didnt have to add lewd
it's eclipse phase
it's automatically lewd

its as if they were all playing for the first time or something

You're a faggot.

Same. I found a game shop near me that does weekly sessions, but I don't particularly want to roll up and go 'Hello, well established group of friends. Stop having fun so you can teach me how to play instead'. Seems like kind of a dickmove.

>Yu-gi-oh season 0
Yami Yugi was really fucked up in the concept. the guy just rapes people minds some episodes

Community is the worst show I've ever saw, boring shit with no sense. Chavy Chase makes completely no sense in this episode

What's the absolute worst depiction of DnD in cartoons, or in any kind of media?

Chevy Chase actively didn't want to be there so they often had to write around whatever he did and did not feel like doing on a given day.

> in any kind of media

So who watch this show exactly? for what demographic they are aiming?

definetely made for 9gaggers and ledditors

teenagers and young adults who think "nerd culture" is cool but are too lazy to dig deeper

A significant portion of adventure time is based on dnd

The first time I ever played D&D, I was 12.
I made a ninja who dual wielded katanas and ended up having psychic powers
We rolled a single D20 for literally everything, but even that was closer to what they did. Keep in mind, that one guy in the episode had supposedly been playing for most of his life.

>mfw i liked this dnd episode

I think the point is
>nobody knew anything about DnD so the DM had to handhold them throughout
>nobody cared that much going in
>the point was to cheer up Fat Neil, not to play for the sake of the game, so they bent the rules a lot

>>DM's somehow approve this while other players are level 1
I figured that was because they were hamfistedly trying to cheer the dude up, so they made his character overpowered compared to the rest so he'd feel special/important.

what show is this?

I think that's the first time I've seen people excited to play 4e.

Do MMORPG episodes count?

This show is just one big commercial for "nerd" products

A lot of wasted potential for one of Ford's first episodes with Weird Al guesting.

>its an mmo episode

The Realm of Darthon seemed pretty solid

>would like to play a tabletop game sometime
>TFW no friends
>TFW TERRIBLE math skills and would probably avoid to not embarrass myself if I ever did get the opportunity

i knew this pretty badass guy who was fucking in love with the show. i could never understand why, i think he just had shit taste.

That's definitely one of the best Regular Show episodes.

I remember Tristan was a fucking magic gunman. Also Bakura is a cunt.


Kim Possible did an MMO episode
Kim's race was called spritekin.
This is an extremely cute word.


>tfw I have the same problem, but instead of D&D, I'm interested in 40k Rpgs.
I just want to roleplay as a servant of the Omnisiah.

I forget, Dexter was being a little dice rolls cheating, railroading fag DM right?

Didn't some guy tried to rape the chick and he mind raped him to douse himself in gasoline and immolate himself in the mango?

>I made a ninja who dual wielded katanas and ended up having psychic powers
Sounds like a JoJo character.
Oh shit hold up

The best D&D games are in harmontown

>you hear the gnashing of ivory on ivory

First character I made was a Paladin.

Couldn't afford a mount so I'd charge my lance at enemies on foot, usually getting three guys on me since everyone else was still behind.

Also I'm pretty much an unlucky son of a bitch so I rarely actually did damage.

You. You're thoughtful and considerate.
I like you.

>There will never be a Risk (world conquest) episode in any cartoon ever

>Tfw have group of friends that play DnD
>TFW everyone but 1 player and the DM are shit heads
>One person is a basic "Good guy Paladin" who always asks the DM what he should do and doesn't even role play
>The other is trying to "Win" DnD by making his character Min Max as possible making everyone else useless
>2 others just steal the loot rolls and don't show or tell anyone what they have
>Everyone constantly trying to fuck each other over
>Everyone has to have some kind of Special Snowflake shit that the DM has to take care off
>DM has to keep track of so much shit that stuff gets overlooked

not to mention they kill every NPC that even looks at them funny

I used to fucking love this thing, man. Takes me back...

That's The Reward, and it and its prequel (The First Hero) are both amazing.

Tell me more about it, OP

>The whole show is about that kids got sucked into rollercoaster
>Not into D&D board

What kind of fucked up marketing is that?

>That guy only made one character and used it for every game he played in
That was very common in the early days of D&D, when it was less about an overarching story and more like a series of modules to be beaten. People had characters that they transferred between games. Sure, feels a bit dated, but remember they're playing 2nd edition for some reason.

I remember when I first started play 4e in High School with friends as my first DnD sessions, then I saw this episode shortly after and got super mad how they shit all over everything that makes DnD, DnD.

Math in tabletop is super easy, episically the d20 system, it's just basic addition/subtraction plus the odd multiple/division stuff. It's shit you should be able to do if you managed to get past primary school

1. online
2. play a rules-lite game

Unless you're dyscalculic, you shouldn't have problems playing any RPG. The most complicated RPGs are like that not because of difficult calculations, but because they have a million tiny little interlocking rules systems or features that you have to keep track off (HERO, Rolemaster, GURPS...) Steer clear of those and you'll be fine.

I know the show is shit.
But I would a Bernadette

Yea dude, actually happens in both the manga and anime too

Yu-Gi-Oh was pretty batshit crazy when it started

Same as well. I wanted to join some people but they already had an established 4 person group.

They let him use the over powered character because the point of the game was to make him "a winner"
I just figured Abed rolled all the dice because he didn't trust some of them not to cheat. That or maybe they just had one set of dice

>>Everyone has to have some kind of Special Snowflake shit that the DM has to take care off
Ha! With me is the opposite, my player ALWAYS choosing the same classes and races, Ad I have basically to beg for them to explore a little more all te options that they have.

Same here, thought being horribly shy probably isn't helping anything.

That show was surprisingly good once it hit the second season. Pity they barely even tried to connect it with D&D stuff, but what we got was fun

Actually, according to the creator his major inspiration and feel for Yugi Oh was fucking HELLSING.

If you look carefully you can even notice the influence on the art style. He wanted to do a brutal horror comic about the King of the Games being a super powered evil side, that slowly becomes a good guy.

The idea was to have him playing always different games on each new arc, but them the card games became too famous and profitable, all the manga had to revolve around it and be kidified for the mainstream audiences.

>implying a dungeons book would put actual audience on the cover

That episode of Community as great.

I read it in the manga but Season 0 never aired in the states so I had no idea it existed and I didn't start torrenting anime until I grew out of shonen anime.

Best D&D Episode?

Got back into DMing after a long, long hiatus, 5e is good stuff, 4e was vidya game-style garbage.
3.5 and Pathfinder are fit only for min-max obsessive autists.

Kazuki should have stuck with this concept instead of pussing out.


It wasn't pussing out, it was cashing in

It's nice to do what you like, but better to pay the rent and have money left over to party with.

it feels really weird reading the old yugioh stories. yugi behaves like a tool most of the time, gets bullied for it and then he becomes this super cool awesome dude who gets revenge in an overly edgy way. And the girl loves him.
Maybe it's just me, but it feels like the writer is compensating for his own childhood where he got bullied. The villains for example are written in such an unnecessary evil way that they feel more like straw men than legit characters.

i picked up seasons 2,3 and 4 of community the other day at a yard sale. 1 dollar a piece and they were still sealed.

There are decent D&D related comics, at least.

Wait, you mean the board game Risk? And bot some identically named RPG?

Because Undergrads did a fucking great episode with Risk, complete with the game exploding into everyone being cunts because the game is lasting too long