What would Sup Forums do?

Sup Forums, you are suddenly coming to and you find yourself on the top of a building near where you currently live. The last thing you remember is going to sleep in your own bed. As the world around you starts to come into focus and the haze in your mind clearing, several things start to become clear, it's still night time, and you feel very different. You feel a pressure over would whole body, nothing uncomfortable or painful, more like a soft hug. Slowly you start to get up and as the haze clears more, it becomes very apparent what this feeling is, you are in a catsuit. Not just any catsuit, your are in Catwoman's suit. You are now desperately searching for something, anything reflective to look at yourself. A couple feet away you spot a puddle of water and crawl over to it. With the help of the full moon that is out you see the reflection of a beautiful woman in the water, she seems to do everything you do. Then it hits you like a ton of bricks, you have been transformed into Catwoman.

From this point on, describe what you do with the rest of your day. How does it go? What do you do? How about the rest of the week?

Play with my own tits for a while before letting Batman defile all my orifices.



Masturbate to find out if woman can have orgasms. ;)

Shitpost on Sup Forums.

>letting Batman

Did you read OPs post? There is no batman, you are near your house where you are now.

Oh well then try to go home but be unrecognizable to anyone and also having no real identity or social security number or record of existence fail to get a place to live or job eventually becoming homeless.

>you are suddenly coming to and you find yourself on the top of a building near where you currently live.

More than likely, I'm at the top of an assisted living apt building. There aren't a lot of tall buildings around where I live.

I take off my clothes throw them off the side role around on the roof and give myself some bruises before I start banging on the door and screaming for help. When help arrives I cry and mumble hysterically. Make up some story about making a delivery when I was attacked ask for whoever is attending to call the police. Ask to go to the bathroom and escape. run around the side pick up my clothes and go home. I guess break into my own place. Do I have Catwomans skills and athletic ability? Clean up, try to figure this shit out for a little while. Probably play with myself after that? Just sit in my apartment and wait a few days to see if this wears off. After a few days I'd call into work pretending to be my mom or sister and say I was in a pretty bad accident and am in the hospital. After a week and this is looking permanent, I start cam whoring to make money. I'm assuming I can get away with being a couple and having payments deposited into my account. Probably start withdrawing my money from the bank using the ATM at night. Probably look into buying a fake/stolen identity. Probably start buying tampons that shit is probably going to pop up sooner or later. After I've settled into this new life maybe start hitting on any hot lesbians I used to know, using what I know about them already to pick them up. Save money where I can, lay low, live the simple life of a hot lesbian. Probably work out more than I do now since I'd just be maintaining a hot body rather than trying to get one.

>having no real identity or social security number or record of existence
That is not a drawback for a cat burgler.

I'm not a cat burglar nor have the skills of one. Are you retarded? Even then having no home and nothing but the clothes on your back how the fuck are you supposed to start a cat burglar career? Especially without contacts.

I let Ben Affleck ruin my orifices then.

well, after spending about 30-45 minutes getting used to moving properly in Catwoman's body and checking out what gadgets i have on me (as well as a few other things i have on me), i'd just go out thieveing. a lot of the places around where i live close around 10 PM, anyway.

Dude, when you turn into a fictional character, you get all of that character's skills and abilities.

Do you currently know Ben Affleck? If not then how would you go about doing this? He probably has hot women come up to him all the time and nothing happens.


boring fetish to be honest

>He probably has hot women come up to him all the time and nothing happens.

If that was the case he'd probably still be married.

Kill myself because I don't want to live as a woman.


All day, every day. In fact, Batman will have to dislocate my jaw to make me stop.


>wake up with catwoman's body
Yell something like "Yooooooo"
Then proceed to cosplay all the cute stuff that I can't cosplay as a guy without ending up in a cringe thread. Probably try on outfits too. Just doesn't look the same on a guy, usually looks really bad. Use new looks to make more female friends, who tend to be more ready to hear emotional junk with each other.
After that, see if I can find a way to switch back and forth - I'm still a guy at heart, after all, and while cosplay/cute outfits are fun now and then, it shouldn't be an always thing.

Attempt to woo Batwoman into letting me get into her pants.

Checked em

I'd rape the joker