What does Sup Forums think of Rocko's Modern Life?

What does Sup Forums think of Rocko's Modern Life?

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I read somewhere that spunky is supposed to be a bull terrier. I also thought he was a jack russel.
Anyways, good show. I still like it.

It's a hoot.

I find it funny that Ren & Stimpy got more shit for being inappropriate for children when this was way worse in that regard. I guess it's just because the former was more popular.

Damn good show; my favourite was the one where everyone was singing about saving the environment except Rocko, cos' naturally no one invited him to recitals.

Pretty good stuff, one of the few 90s nick shows to actually hold up.

Is there any show that beats this in the "everyone in the world is an asshole and the main character has a shit life with the worst luck" department?

Ed Edd n Eddy comes to mind, at least with Double D.


Good show.

They say cartoons don't teach kids, but this show prepared me for all types of shit.

CatDog is full of assholes and the main characters never really win. At least Rocko's friends seem to genuinely care about him.

It was basically proto classic Spongebob.

True dat

Loved that shit.

I didn't care for it. As a country boy, I could relate to Courage more.

Rocko manages to do it without coming off as being overly negative. I guess because of Rocko's positive disposition and the fact that he's still got plenty of friends.

It's the combined facts that EVERYONE in Catdog besides Dog (and occasionally Cat) are fucking outrageous assholes and that Catdog are complete outcasts. The only friend they ever make is the bird, and even then she's not really there for them a lot of the time.

In Rocko, people are rude, but they still act like actual people and don't go out of their way to fuck over Rocko. Also, Rocko has lots of friends to help him out.

One of the best cartoons ever made


That doctor lady with the hook was cute IMO.



That's actually a very accurate assumption. Bull terriers and pit bulls are known for their ear shapes, short hair, and the distinct way they sit down, which is directly on their butt instead of sitting on their feet.

t. bull terrier owner.





Paved the way for Spongebob

Still fun to watch to this day.

Out of the early 90's cartoons, it's one of only a handful that still holds up. In some ways it's even better, aside from the innuendo going over your head as a kid, it tackled and parodied a lot of stuff that a kid couldn't really understand. The animation was pretty good, the style was distinct and not overly-ugly like a lot of cartoons from the era, and the writing was solid. It even ended on its own terms.

Interestingly, you can draw a direct line back from most people currently working in the animation industry to Rocko. It kick-started a bunch of people's careers, who would go on to work on cartoons from the late-90's to mid-00's, and those cartoons got a lot of other careers rolling.

I liked it back then and I still do.

They ought to give Rocko another chance. There's tons of new stuff out there to ruin a modern modern life: ordering over the internet, mobile phones, political correctness, trigender bathrooms, absurd flight passenger regulations, government phone tapping, mars rover, garbage separation etc. etc. etc. It would literally write itself.

At least CatDog ended up reuniting with their parents who genuinely love them and all the assholes fucking died in the arctic.

Holy shit

tv movie when

Rocko was more clever about it.

Show should have been called, Rocko Flying Under the Radar.

Now I have to go watch this again.

More please. Also, sauce?

kek, when I was little i got chinese food with my family and when we opened our fortune cookies I repeated this completely deadpan and freaked my mom out.

I'd say Tom Goes to the Mayor, but there were far more idiots than assholes.

Found the sauce inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=1083997

Rocko is funny and good though.

Tom is part of that Anti Comedy stuff they do late nights during the week. Where they are trying to be So Bad It Is Good, on purpose. Though they fail. Because you can't be so bad it is good, on purpose.

Humor's subjective, but I like both Rocko and Tom.

>dat blush
I want to do lewd things to cute beach body Rocko.

You're in luck, he's just legal.

That's the most adorable beaver I've ever seen.

I would totally put my penis in rocko

Such degeneracy...

fuck you Sup Forumsmblr, not even my old cartoons I grew up watching is sacred. You are all disgusting creatures and I hope you all hang on the day of the rope.

Nothing is sacred and all is permitted.

Yes. It's called "Real Life".

I didn't know wallabys were considered beavers in 2004.

Man, times have changed, Pluto isn't even a planet anymore.

>it's "Filburt becomes a MMORPG addict" episode

>Such degeneracy...
Have you already forgot about the "Wedgie Boy" episode?

please don't, they would PPG-ize it

Well, Rocko does love rainbows.

It's happening. Nick was hiring for a storyboard artist specifically for a new Rocko show. It will likely be a few more years before we hear anything else about it.

Normally I'd curse the internet for ruing my childhood, but things like this somehow makes my adulthood better...


>This video contains content from B_Viacom, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

So they're doing this instead of just removing videos now? Hm.


Rocko had a dream life.

>Owned an entire house
>Two great friends
>Got to sit around reading comics all day
>Got to plow the neighbor wife regularly


Fantastic show. 10/10. Actually bought the complete series dvd. I feel jipped though, they censored a lot of jokes.

He was just renting the house.


Sit on me! Sit on me!

> Ask for a character with a good hook

> Given a character design with an actual fucking hook

I tried to watch it as a kid because the main character had my accent, but it bored me. Tried to watch it again recently and it still bores me. It's weird, I can recognise what I'm seeing isn't bad, but I have no interest in it at all.

I remember watching this with my dad, we both thought it was hilarious and still do.

I also thought this legit was an adult show. In my country they only dub kid's stuff, this wasn't dubbed.

This confirms it. I am gay.

Time for celebration

heres a (you) champ. faggot

Why his life is "modern"? i dont remember if they explain his childhood.

How he get money? live in a universal income society?

This means you have honest to goodness autism.

I remember an episode where he worked at a comic book store.

>and all the assholes fucking died in the arctic.

I don't remember that part of the movie. Did those three punk dog characters really die? That's awesome.

Oh, be nice!

I like how this twenty-year-old children's cartoon does a better job at satirizing religious fanaticism than Family Guy ever did.

You say this like Rocko was somehow a super innocent children's cartoon or something. I mean, he worked as a phone sex operator at one point.

It's okay to admit you got a boner

>that episode where it was directly implied Rocko's car was being raped at the trash dump.

Wait, really?

You love it, you dirty whore.

Damn it, I knew there was a reason I used to think schnitzel was a sausage. I made a fool of myself in Germany.

Does anyone know where I can see this show without the jokes getting censored? I really wanna see it now.


Fuck. Can't because I don't own a pc.

stop being poor

Level up Wash your hands

Haha, I wish.

It still holds up and if anything is even funnier when you watch it as an adult. It takes such good jabs at the monotony and ridiculousness of adult life.


>You can't fight city hall, you can't fight corporate America...

Thanks for the reality check, Rocko.


I used to love it

too bad it came on in the ass hours of the morning where I live.


Teacher says that when a car gets its gas cap, an angel gets its wings!

Your teacher sounds hot.

Your teachers full of crap!

Epic le summer meme, bro.

Does Kisscartoon have the episdoes uncensored?


>It's a "Heffer joins a cult" episode.

1st season theme>B52's shit