Did this guy do anything wrong? It seems like Popeye just bullies him every episode

Did this guy do anything wrong? It seems like Popeye just bullies him every episode.

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He wanted the same stick figure Popeye wanted and wouldn't take no for an answer.

Later on, he and Popeye realized it was all just sexual tension between them. youtube.com/watch?v=cCcYyB3OSQc


At least Bluto is aware that Olive isn't exactly attractive.

I could've sworn that Bluto once tried raping Olive.

Am I going crazy?

That was what he was doing most of the time. I mean, it wasn't explicit, but he was always trying to get physical with her, she didn't want it, but he never took no for an answer. Then Popeye would have to come in and get him off her.

Bluto's personality, behavior, appearance, voice, and even his name changes do to the loose nature of the Popeye universe. So he's spend a decent amount fo time being both unforgivable and sympathetic. I think the worst thing he's ever done is make Popeye a cuck


Wasn't there a cartoon where Bluto married someone else and they became very good friends with Popeye and their children would fuck arround?

Sounds like "Popeye and Son"

What a prick


Childhood is when you idolize Popeye

Adulthood is when you realize Bluto makes more sense

BASED Fleischer Studios.

In what way?
Bluto's always been an ass trying to get his dick wet.

How do I into Bluto mode?

Stop bathing, become obese, get cucked by a vegan.

Who was the other Wimpy?

And that's why Bluto makes more sense.

Of course you wouldn't understand.

Reach powerlifter mode, permabulk, and go on nofap

>"Popeye and Son"

If I remember correctly, didn't Popeye and his kid get fucked up harder then a usual Popeye cartoon

Has Popeye ever outright killed Bluto?

>One piece fights will never be animated that well


isn't Bluto an attempted rapist in almost every short?



Bluto is an aggressor and an asshole.
(I always thought Olive looked super hot during that song)

>Mfw cartoons aren't this good anymore
it hurts

What about the innocent people on the train? God, Popeye could've saved Olive Oyl without killing nobody, but I guess his an ass afterall.

Piss off you nostalgia tard

God, he went full Winnie the Pooh on Olive, that was delightfully harsh.

Go watch your Tumblr Universe kiddo


Never knew bluto had it in him

Bros before Hos

That makes Olive look like a bit of an asshat too. Don't it?
And Bluto & Popeye seemed to be pretty friendly before Bluto messed him up, what's up with that?

in some shorts Bluto and Popeye are actually friends and Bluto always betrays him

>Bluto is the insecure fedora neckbeard autist that can't take no for an answer

>Popeye is the confident alpha manlet

Yeah, some of the cartoons have them being navy buddies.

Why didn't Bluto just destroy every can of spinach?

>That makes Olive look like a bit of an asshat too. Don't it?
I always just took it as her just singing a tune she liked at work and them taking it too literally.

Fair, but she still sleeps around, like alot.
Man, I wonder what Popeye sees in her that I don't.


Sure thing, buddy.

Nope. For all the INSANE shit Popeye hits him with, Bluto just keeps coming back. Bluto is the heartiest tank in fiction.

I'm glad Popeye straight up rejected her after that.

She has a lot of experience she can share, and I bet she's a freak in the bed. She's got the flexibility to do some crazy shit.

reminds me of how Tom and Jerry are mortal enemies one episode, then best friends the next.

Bitch. Got. Burned.

>that ending
Holy shit, Olive

Oh well, 2 of 3 ain't that bad.

Aren't Popeye and crew all just actors in the movies?

Bluto's durable as fuck

Bluto has, just off the top of my head, attempted countless attempts of kidnapping, just as many sexual assault attempts, (or what passes for that in a kid's cartoon) animal cruelty, minor thefts, wholesale theft, barbarism, forced slavery, regular assault, posing as Superman, vandalism, and that's even before you get into the more modern cartoons where he's littering or running property scams or some shit.

I don't think a jury in the world would convict Popeye for beating the shit out of him especially since Bluto instigates alot of this directed towards him or Olive Oyl or both at any given time.

I post just for making you aware of that SNES Popeye game: youtube.com/watch?v=VtHY7ahoGwg

yes. i'm not sure where OP got the idea that he was a good guy.

It's a little weird that in this cartoon Bluto's not trying to rape Olive for once, considering the drinking song that this is based on kind of is about rape.

who even was wimpy in the first place? just some random guy who tagged along with popeye?

They're comic strip characters doing movies then.

What the fuck are you talking about? Bluto is the textbook definition of an confident, domineering alpha male asshole. In the majority of the cartoons he's in, he's always seen taking other people's cool/valuable shit and women for himself.

The problem is he's always trying to take Popeye's woman.

He's Popeye's friend in the original comics, in the shorts his role changes based on the episode

Why nofap?

>He's Popeye's friend


That gluttonous scumbag?

Popeye must be a terrible judge of character given the qualities of people he surrounds himself with.

Do you think there's any truth to the sex cartoon urban legend?

OP realizes that sometimes you gotta take the pussy.


The cartoon is a legend, yet Tijuana bibles are real.

Batman vs Popeye when?


He was a one shot villian in the original Segur comic. When the shorts were made Bluto was the perfect foil. In the comics Popeye's main enemy was the Sea Hag. Also the reason why Bluto became Brutus was because of the mixed ownership of Popeye first by King Features and second by Paramount. When they made new cartoons they just changed the name.

Autism is literally the definition of being an alpha male without any of the social gainz. The only difference between autistic neckbeards and Chad is differing interests.

he did, once. Popeye still got extradimnsional spinach from one of the audience watching his short.

>that pic

fuckin DESTROYED. Holy shit Bluto

Makes sense, but she's definitely just an ass in the remake


misogynist trash

You guys have convinced me. Where can I watch Popeye?

First episode here: youtube.com/watch?v=-HhrNuiz7gk


strike up the band for Popeye the Sailor!

>dat hula Betty Boop

>What about the innocent people on the train?
Some cartoons have Popeye straight up murdering people for inconveniencing him. Sure, it's played for laughs and he wallops a guy who then has a halo and angel wings, but let's face the facts, that was murder.

Popeye cartoons can give such an adrenaline rush. And just the whole hand-drawn style with realistic 360 degree movement is delicious.

I really wish he'd get a Devil May Cry style action game. I mean the guy is a master of High Time. Instead we get shitty platformers (or good platformers turned into Jumpman games).

I remember a few years ago someone was streaming a bunch of Popeye cartoons and we ended up calling it Popeye's Murder Parade because he was constantly killing people

We were talking about Wimpy not Bluto.

ayyy madre , she was ugly

Bluto married a woman named Lizzie and had a kid named tank.

There was still some rivalry between Popeye and Bluto

Did they ever explain what happened to Popeye's eye?

Holy shit, take it easy on her bluto

>watch some popeye cartoons
>shit is literally Trigger anime levels of CUHRAZY

I did not expect a cartoon as old as this to have some dragonball z tier fights

lost it in an arful battle

The manga is better

It's probably genetic, his pappy has the same thing. He has his pop's eye

The animation quality is also amazing for its time. Hell, classic Popeye fights take a hot steaming dump on the grand majority of anime fights that are being made now.

So Minute Maid makes you gay then?

wait, olive isn't considered attractive in the popeye universe?

i always thought she was like blondie for them.

Remember that time Popeye's dad shaved himself to pretend to be his son and had sex with Olive - twice?


Nah, the show and comic constantly made jokes about how Olive is basically 4 noodles attached to each other.

Remember that time Popeye literally beat the entire fucking ocean into submission?

Aw shit.

>Did this guy do anything wrong?

He was pretty metal in his first comic appearance.

What legend?