Lucky Penny

Do people actually like this? The art style is really great, but the story is just some Scott Pilgrim-tier nonsense. It starts off okay, but it got pretty chaotic and distracting after halfway. What's the moral between the story exactly?

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The moral is men should be beta and women should ask out men. If you're a super beta you'll have hot girls as your friends and they will secretly have crushes on you and random girls will come up and ask you out.

Also your car will be destroyed.

It's a romantic-comedy/slice-of-life with a twist. Movies and TV shows come out life this a lot. There quite popular there, so it's only natural they'd appear in comic form.
Was that so hard to understand?

What I don't understand is you.

It didn't bring anything new or particularly interesting to the table, the 'twist' and everything after that were way out of left field, the ending didn't resolve much and the characters were a little boring.
That said, I liked it.

>Dat calarts smile
>Do people actually like this?

>Calarts smile
Is it really a thing?

I remember they started posting it on Johnny Wander. I hated it and it just kept going and getting worse, so now I don't read their comics anymore.

I felt exactly the same way, and I think they started another comic too.

To answer your question a different way, yes, some people like this. Clearly you don't, which is fine. Not everyone has the same tastes in comics.

I liked Lucky Penny at first, but I fucking hated it after a while because one of my favorite webcomics had been hijacked by this random-ass quirky love story that was apparently NEVER GOING TO END.

And then they ended it! And I could go back to liking it. And I could excitedly look at every JW update again, because clearly now it'd go back to being the slice-of-life goofiness I loved.


No, Yuko. This wasn't what I wanted at all. I want Slice of Life in your charming art style, not whatever the fuck this new shit is. Why are they summoning a demon? What are the parallel storylines about? Is magic commonplace in this universe? YOUR NEW COMIC SUCKS.

I feel the same way, but mostly because Penny's character was all over the fucking place.
Is she a jaded loner? Is she a happy-go-lucky doofus? Those traits are diametrically opposed yet she switches between them willy-nilly

you dodge a hug bullet, after that they did a miniarc on their wedding in India and they started a new oneshot with a guess artist that is shit

The art is cute, didn't like the story though.

I know somebody like that in real life. She's got haphephobia among other issues and tends to be kind of reserved around strangers, not to say constantly on edge, but really fun and outgoing around people she trusts. Her personality changes according to the situation.

Then again, I've never read this comic, so maybe it's not like that at all. (I just saw the pic in the catalog and though it looked cute)
That there is definitely not something an introvert with a fear of strangers would do.

Yeah, it's an edit, she's wearing underwear in the actual comic.

Yeah I enjoyed it. Not a huge amount going on plot wise but it was fun.

haven't read the whole thing yet but maybe she uses the latter as a cover-up for the former?

It has implied /ss/. That's all it takes for some people.

It's been storytimed several times. I read it and found myself thouroughly unimpressed by the story.

I liked it.

It's one of the comfier comics I've read.

This is objectively correct.

I thought that the girl was just freakishly tall?

Penny is a sociopath.

i liked the bits where she was in her underwear
i didnt really notice anything else in it to praise or complain about

It's just a less serious Rule 63 Scott Pilgrim.

I like Scott Pilgrim, so I think this is okay.

I want to fuck Penny's face but the story is shit.

People tended to like the story time Dan Dashly did the other day.

It's inoffensive and safe, just like most popular media nowadays.

Was Penny autistic?

She was quirky. So yes.

Dropped her as soon as she started smoking. Fucking sickening.

>comic is about slice of life
>lets try making it about other things
>oh wow, that didn't work
>lets keep forcing them, that'll work!

She's a self-insert character who's supposed to be "funny".

You can tell she's a self-insert character because she's incredibly unfunny, but makes up for it by looking cute.

The main love interest guy reminds me of myself and reminds that ill never find love. 1/10

>it wasn't /ss/

I remember reading the pages with the kid and thinking "oh boy, can't wait to read this" and was thoroughly disappointed. Between this and Seconds, why are girl protagonists so unlikable in these kinds of comics?

The story is plodding nonsense that goes nowhere but it is definitely cute and frequently a little funny. Not a tour de force or anything but I don't think it was meant to be. Accept it for what it is, a bit of fun.

I like it but that's mostly because I like Ota as an artist.

It does start becoming fucking incomprehensible near the end but it's whatever, I dug it. It was fun.

i like it

i like the art but the plot is shit

I liked it but, it was a off brand Scott Pilgrim light.

It felt like they didn't know what they wanted to do with the story it also didn't help that itnfelt rushed and it had some really bad choppy dialogue at times.

Lucky Penny is garbage, but I love Johnny Wander.

can you even english?

I wonder if they thought they didn't have enough material to support a comic about their own lives after John moved or died or went to jail?

I hated the weird tonal shift between the first half and the second half. David's plot being real and not a delusion or dream makes no sense and the story goes from slow and meandering to frantic and meandering.

Can anybody describe what was so bad or messy about the plot? I wanna know but I don't feel like reading it.

He was the best. I enjoyed most, but not all of Jonny Wander. I checked it infrequently.

I thought Penny was garbage. Gave it a fair chance when Dan storytimed it. Still of that opinion. Ota's art is cute and all but it wasn't enough to make me care for that shit show or just sit back and go "oh this is stupid and cute."

Naw, it's shit. Unfortunately, because I love Yuko's art. I also liked the other stories they've done so it was super disappointing for me that it was such megatrash, and doubly so because it pretty much killed Johnny Wander.

TL;DR greatest tragedy of our times, famalama.

>answer, then read thread
>oh, I guess every faggot in Christendom already said exactly what I did

Feels good desu

>why are girl protagonists so unlikable in comics by millennial women who are into comics?

Why do you think, nitwit.

Lucky Penny (2016) (Digital) (mv-DCP)

Lucky Penny (2016) (Digital) (mv-DCP)

DOWNLOAD both links, once BOTH finish downloading, click on either download to auto-join for complete trade

I really liked it, it was comfy and charming.
I guess I understand the dislike but it seems too pronounced in this thread...

The plot is just a shitty compressed version of Scott Pilgrim.

Ananth detected

>getting completely undressed in a laundromat

I'm not a jew, user

Yes, Ananth, I know that you're a hindu nuffin.


No, considering this is used in shows where the creators did not go to calarts.

it's an edit

How's that dofus movie going? Haven't been following the news.

O'Malley is a dude.

the fat autistic girl at my job recommended this so i can only assume its shit

Also the writer of Lucky Penny is a dude too. It's the artist who's female.

I bet she even goes on Tumblr and ships characters from a cartoon, cute

Started okay and got stupid. Overall cute.

it's out with subs.

Oh shit, is that the artist from Hanna is Not a Boy's Name? I loved that comic, too bad she quit.

user your criticism of a mediocre thing is incredibly bad. please feel bad about yourself as soon as possible.

I guess you like it? It's fine dude.

I have no idea why he changed it, but he used to be named Panagariya. Remember Applegeeks?

And their recent going-to-Ananth's-family-in-India wedding diary?

Tessa Stone.
shes got two projects now, Not Drunk Enough (her own webcomic), and Is This What You Wanted (written by Ananth of JW)

someone asked one day when they did a Q&A and all he really said was that he did it for personal reasons but wasn't really comfortable sharing too much.