Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

So will it get cancelled next year or get cancelled next year?

It'll get cancelled when the toys stop selling.

You mean now? Because the toys aren't selling anymore already.

The turtles fad never lasts long. The poor performance of the latest movie is the beginning of the end of this cycle. See you in a decade for the next TMNT revival.

Turtles are like scooby doo, as long as their merchandise sells they will keep getting new shows.

>The turtles fad never lasts long. The poor performance of the latest movie is the beginning of the end of this cycle. See you in a decade for the next TMNT revival.
I think the same. Only the IDW comics will probably remain until the next reboot. TMNT is a franchise that reboots each decade with new movies and cartoons. See you in 202X for the next thing. I'm glad that we have the comics, only few people care about them which is lame because it's the best TMNT thing for a while.

The show's creators have planned for 5 seasons which are already confirmed. I hope they keep going. Partially because this is the best version of TMNT and partially to annoy you. And I hope whatever series comes after is as kid friendly and silly as possible.

But we have IDW, so are you retarded or just really stupid?

>The show's creators have planned for 5 seasons which are already confirmed.

This "they planned a 5 season arc from the beginning" meme is stupid as fuck.

If they really DID plot the whole series in advance for 5 seasons then why the fuck have they backtracked and spun their wheels so much and repeated the same plot lines over and over and over to kill time and eliminate character and plot progression?

They mentioned the 5 season plan in an interview years ago. And I don't know what you mean about back tracking or spinning their wheels. They have fun adventures and loveable characters in different situations. That's what TMNT is about.

I could not give less of a fuck about any of the comics. They take themselves too seriously. Who needs sad sack turtles? This is a kid's franchise.


TMNT is one of those lucky franchises that can actually hit all the demographics.

Kind of like muppets, sure, it was made for adults, but anyone can watch it.

Nick TMNT probably has the most wasted potential in any tmnt incarnation

Saddest thing is, they're actually getting five seasons, it's just that Nick is taking forever releasing the second half of season four.

Meanwhile, Spectacular Spider-Man legitimately had a five season plan and it was killed after two.

I was hoping there was a cheesy shitty comic instead of just a grimdark shitty comic


I read 10 issues and didn't like it. It's just not entertaining at all. Maybe you have to read it as a kid or something to still like it.

You're still a fag. You only read 10 issues and think you can legitimately give your opinion. Go fuck yourself. You're worst than the autists from Technodrome forums. At least they know the charm of the old comics.

I didn't mean to trigger you. Ten issues is plenty to give any comic at all whatsoever. You give a book a couple chapters, comics a few issues, a tv show 2-3 episodes and if it doesn't draw you in then they didn't do their job at making it appealing properly.
If it "takes time to get good" then it's admittedly bad to begin with and they should have tried harder to make the beginning more interesting.

>Ten issues is plenty to give any comic at all whatsoever.
No it's not. Kill yourself.

It's already been renewed.

Are the comics at least selling reasonably?

For IDW standard yes. They will even launch a second ongoing next month. I don't think they will drop the comic.

That's good to hear. I'm in the middle of catching up on them right now after I got sick of the new show and games. It's nice to have at least one medium where the Turtles aren't fucking complete shit.

I dropped it when they made Mikey literally Mentally retarded

So, first episode?

it was actually confirmed in the episode where they go in his head.
he's like 6 mentally

>this is the best version of TMNT
it's not even the best cartoon version

>Meanwhile, Spectacular Spider-Man legitimately had a five season plan and it was killed after two.

I'll never not be salty.