Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition Discussion

Let's post some easter eggs from the movie

>Nairomi is in fact a fictional setting in the DC Universe -- and while it might not have the long history of Qurac or Bialya, it was referenced in Batman #79 way back in 1953, where the Dark Knight encountered the Shah of Nairomi. In that story, he competed with Batman for the affections of Vicki Vale.

>In The Adventures of Superman #427, the Man of Steel decided that he didn't trust the president of the aforementioned Qurac. He flew to the country to interrogate President Marlo about recent attacks in Metropolis.

When he arrives, Superman bursts directly into the presidential palace and pins Marlo to the wall. Soldiers try to stop him, but he melts their weapons with his heat-vision and dismantles a fair amount of their military infrastructure.

>The event caused an international incident and got into a lot of questions about whether Superman should have a role in international politics. Superman realized that it wasn't his place to shape the destiny of humanity and that people had to have free will.

But i thought that Superman only saved cats from trees and smiled, and that he saved anyone from everywhere. Did Sup Forums lie to me?

A fan art of Action Comics #1 on the wall

You know I'm surprised they got all these non-comic cameos.
Black Science Man I can understand, but Charlie Rose?

All the news anchors appearances seem to be a reference to TDKR


Anyone notice C.T Fletcher in the movie? It might be more /fit/ related but I was really surprised. It was during the scene where the branded criminal got shanked to death.

>That guy who took possession of the Kryptonite from the divers and apparently brought it to Lex? That's Emmet Vale -- the scientist who created Metallo, the Kryptonite-powered Cyborg who has become one of Superman's most recognizable villains.

Could someone post all these news titles?

All Star Superman easter egg?


So this kills any chance of Metallo showing up?

Pete Ross and the father in Man of Steel.

Good movie desu, only mar___ fanboys will hate it.

I.e. the evansposter, pic related.

no, you imbecile.

Why? He didn't die in the film

Sorry mate, I was merely throwing idea's about. The speech in All Star Superman from Jor El is very similar to Jor El's speech in Man of Steel as well, so I figured Snyder might have took some stuff from there.


>Superman never died before ASS
>Doomsday killed Superman in ASS, right guize?

This one's a stretch

Yeah but I could see this being one of those throwaway things. But hey they could also tweak Metallos origin too, wouldnt be the first time

>When Jimmy drops dead, it’s revealed that the CIA is monitoring the interview via satellite – sending troops on the ground in for damage control. The operative in the field who takes point is referred to only as ‘Python’ – and the man who was killed dubbed ‘Talon.’

>Normally we would write off these monikers as placeholder code names… but seeing just how in-depth the easter eggs and references go in the rest of our list, the choices seem too perfect to be coincidental. For starters, the figure known as ‘Talon’ was introduced by Scott Snyder as part of the acclaimed “Court of Owls” storyline that drew eyes to the “Batman” comic series in the New 52. And the desert-camo-ed ‘Python’? Well, he’s a DC Comics villain too. Who just so happened to make his debut in – wait for it – “Sandman.”



I had a few chuckles with Alfred's li'l snarky remarks. They lifted quite a few scenes.
The cinematic cut missed that bit of levity.

>Greeg Checking
This confirms it. Snyder is a Sup Forums poster. No wonder Sup Forums shills the myth that BvS isn't anything other than shit. It's Snyder, it's all Snyder. Snyder himself shit posts on Sup Forums.

that was pretty cool

mind = blown

Man, is comic bright as fuck.


Shame about the movie.


Lex's Prisoner number and the Motherbox in Cyborgs clip's classification number

It's funny that this guy keeps shooting at the lower floor a full 10 seconds after Batman already flew on top of him

Theatricality and deception is all about showering your enemies in splinters m8