Civil War discussion thread

How did you guys find it? Will joss come back because it underperformed?

It didn't underperform you mongoloid.

Personally, I thought it was a little stale. Winter Soldier was significantly better. In fact, with all its faults, I still liked BvS more for at least trying something besides the le quipptastic Marvel template

>Projected to make more than ironman 3
>Avengers + Spiderman
>makes less than dark knight rises

Shit underperformed.
It was okay, I agree though, bvs was better.

Yeah, takes balls to unironically hire Snyder to make a movie for you.

It did pretty well for a movie without "The Avengers" or "Iron Man" in the title.

I know you are pretty angry because the DCEU is dead, but that's Snyder's fault, not Marvel's.

Its my favorite MCU film so far honestly.

>Captain America movie made more than a Batman and Superman movie, and more than twice of an X-Men movie
>most succesful movie of the year

Wouldn't believe this if it was 10 years ago, tbqh.

>3 months later
>still mad

Well Civil War is actually past Rises if you look at the worldwide numbers.

>civil war $1.132 billion
>Dark knight Rises $1.085 Billion

It takes all the avengers to barely defeat one Batman.

Still counts :^)

It takes Batman and Superman to barely defeat some Marvel's Z-listers.

But they also beat Batman Superman and Wonder Woman while having the only named character in the title be Captain America.

And it's going to take you the entire Justice League to, MAYBE, beat my Batman.

>marvelfaggots filename
Back to Sup Forums. Go spam your SNYDERKINO memes.


Meanwhile DC can't even beat their own Batman


Joss left because he hated working with Marvel's execs.

Then again, so did Favreau, and apparently he's down for coming back.

>because it underperformed?
Are you for real son?

What exactly do you have to gain by this?

Like, really are you just that salty? This is really the best you have?

Actually it took just one Iron Man

But hey, if you want to keep waving the BvS banner, as if most of the world doesn't respect the Nolan movies, you take solace in knowing that it beat Hunger Games 2.

It took one Iron Man do defeat Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

Sup banquo. Fucking faggot

>Ranked at 11

What is wrong with people

Stupid stupid kids