Does anybody else remember the 00s, you know, when Disney actually didn't dominate the entire movie market? I still do

Does anybody else remember the 00s, you know, when Disney actually didn't dominate the entire movie market? I still do

Those were dark times

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>warcraft that high

Go watch the second half of the epic rap battle of history Stan lee video.

It sums up Disney fucking perfectly

>Universal had 3 movies break a billion last year
>very likely won't have any that do it this year
>likely won't have any that break 750mil (Secret Life of Pets is the only one that might potentially do it)

Gah. And now they'll be even more dependent on Fast and Furious and Jurassic sequels to get them money.

Doesn't Disney also have Dr Strange and Rouge One still coming?
>Disney may actually end the year with the top six spots on the list

Yeah it was pretty great.

It was also a time when Sup Forums stayed on Sup Forums and didn't spill its garbage over into Sup Forums every single day.

Blame China.

They're legit trash.

That video's direction surprised me.

>Yeah it was pretty great.
No it wasn't

Man, it would have been great if civil war didn't underperform

It was avengers + spidey c'mon

>Wall-e threads fueling burgeoning robot fetishes
>Everyone overhyping Doctor Facilier, then Charlotte threads after the movie came out.
>It was hard to get a thread about the upcoming Tangled movie going because it looked like an obvious Dreamworks rip-off
>Coraline was the board's movie queen instead of anything Disney
8 years. Actually makes me nostalgic.

>Civil War underperformed
No matter how many times you spam this it won't be true


>Zootopia has made more money than BvS

Holy fuck. Warner Bros, what are you doing?

>what are you doing?
Being themselves apparently

Nice twist.

I didnt even know Disney owned ERB.. scary.

People fear what they don't understand its only normal that a brainless flick garners more attention in the modern western world after it has been ravaged by degeneracy and egaltarian thinking

dont know what the fuck are you talking about, this is the first time a disney live acion movie made it to the top withouth counting Pirates of the Carribean

>Furry movie BTFOs BvS

i can't stop laughing

I was actually thinking more along the lines of their animated fare. Not just Zootopia but everything in the Second Renaissance of the animation studio

The gap between disney animation & other companies has been increasing year by year in terms of quality

The only reason movies like Kung fu Panda and his studios keep it up it's because they can come up with better things in other aspects (KFP2 stills mops the floor with Zootopia in a few things).

ALso, personally iI think competition is good for Disney

Blame especially their government for banning game consoles.

Didn't they recently un-ban them? I could have sworn I heard something like that about a year or so ago.

Wait till Finding Dory gets done with it's run.

>Domestic gross

Failing to make a decent movie.

That only means pleb films are the way to success.

I for one welcome the new mouse overlords when they buy the japanese animation

Because for the better part of the past decade, Disney has been the only company to make anything other than "snarky talking animal smiles slyly and makes pop culture jokes."

Right now it's either Disney or GKIDS indie stuff.

it always belonged to them in the first place

Dr. Strange won't make top 10, unless it can make $600 million world wide, which is doubtful. It will do well, but Antman, Thor money. Finding Dory will easily clear 1 billion, Fantastic Beasts should also claim a top 5 spot, it can easily make more money than Deadpool. Ghostbusters should make more than 400 million world wide, and it's hard to say what Suicide Squad will do but it has just as good a chance to making the top ten list as does Doctor Strange but I don't expect it to either, but it mind up with enough money to knock Kung Fu Panda off that list, if Secret Life of Pets doesn't (but I don't expect it to make more than 600-700 million world-wide given that it's not a sequel).

Zootopia deserves it tho

I wasn't trying to say Disney domination was bad