How many superheroes are actually vigilantes? Most of the time, what they do is prefectly legal...

How many superheroes are actually vigilantes? Most of the time, what they do is prefectly legal, there is no law saying that you can't stop wanted criminals/criminals committing a crime, citizen's arrest and good samaritan laws are a thing. A vigilante is someone that takes the law into his own hands, which only guys like the Punisher do, or who acts completely outside the law with a total disregard for civil rights, like Batman.
Most heroes just beat up the bad guys and let the police deal with the rest.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_arrest_in_the_United_States

They need to bring back vigilantism in superhero comics. The genre was better when superheroes were actual crime fighters.

>there is no law saying that you can't stop wanted criminals/criminals committing a crime

That's actually illegal in every country on earth. It's just selectively enforced.

>That's actually illegal in every country on earth. It's just selectively enforced.
Nope. If you see a crime in progress, there is no law saying that you can't step in and stop it, especially if the criminal poses a danger to others. It's where the NRA gets their "good guy with a gun" thing.

>If you see a crime in progress, there is no law saying that you can't step in and stop it

Yes there is. There's a youtuber being sued for literally everything he's worth for reporting a pedophile WHO WAS ACTIVELY TRYING TO MOLEST KIDS to the police. This kind of shit happens all the fucking time. Try going outside for a change.

All superheroes are vigilantes you morons.

Vigilante - noun- a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

No real world police force likes non-police stopping crime. It makes them look bad and complicates things.

Source? What youtuber? That sounds pretty sketchy, since that's not even vigilantism, reporting pedophiles to the police is definetly not illegal.
More importantly, you said SUED. There's a difference between criminal law and civil law. And just because someone gets sued for "everything he's worth" doesn't mean he's going to lose everything, frivolous lawsuits exist, and they usually fail. The youtuber will sadly have to waste time and money to go to Court, but there's no way he'll lose the case.

>Peter will get cucked out of another of his girls
When will it end?

but also by stepping in they pin every single thing that went wrong in the situation on you, the so-called 'good guy with a gun'
someone died? YOU FUCKED IT
Everything magically went well? Well the cops are still pissed because you made them look like the incompetent douches they are. So enjoy your 'interfering with a crime scene' or other such trumped up charges.

There is literally no situation where a vigilante who gets caught wont be prosecuted for something

I take it you're unfamiliar with good samaritan laws.
Also, the NRA, the GOP and the entire Conservative media echo chamber would jump to that guy's defense, so trumped up charges wouldn't work.

>there is no law saying that you can't step in and stop i

Literally nowhere in the world

If there were a incident that made a small percent of the population metahumans, would it be nonstop violence like in the comics? Would most of those with powers turn to crime like in The Flash? Would politicians like trump try to go all Keene act?


Easily googled

Thinks it's spam... PERIOD com/watch?v=bGmKiq0cJ4o


whatstrending PERIOD com/news/22348-creator-sued-online-predators-pedophile

Stop telling me it's spam you piece of shit

www.gofundme PERIOD com/2adgvxck

You are naïve as fuck if you think the legal system works that way.

You're an idiot. A civil lawsuit is not an indictment of a criminal act.

As I thought. It's a frivolous lawsuit. I feel bad for the youtuber, especially since he has to resort to asking for money in order to pay the judicial expenses, but there is no way the pedo is going to win the case if the fact that he's a pedo is a proven fact. Otherwise, Chris Hansen couldn't have done his show for so long.
I should also note that the lawsuit isn't for reporting the crime, but for "slander" by doing a Youtube video about it and suposedly ruining his reputation. Still stupid, but your claim that it's a crime to report pedos to the police is just plain incorrect.

But but...I have all these fwd'd emails! Do you think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>The genre was better when superheroes were actual crime fighters.
What are you talking about? Superheroes never stopped being crimefighters.

They may not like it, but most superheroes don't break any laws in the course of their activities. So not much they can do other than send angry letters to the Daily Bugle.

You're talking as if trying to help can't make things worse, especially with people untrained (there is more to training than how to use a gun by the way).

Avengers are UN sanctioned.

I do not like her shoulder eyes

The law is not made for superheroes. The law is made for your average Joe to stop a thief caught in the act and restrained him until the police arrives.

Superheroes are not there by luck (or lack thereof some would say) but because there are actively looking for trouble. They are substituting themselves to the police forces without having to follow any of the rules that those same police forces are supposed to follow in most well functionning country (I'm not really sure the USA enter that category, by the way).

>but because there are actively looking for trouble
I'm not sure that matters from a legal perspective. As long as you only go after people you are legally justified in going after (wanted fugitives, criminals caught in the act), don't break any laws, then turn the perps over to the police. Often times, the Police are either not at the scene, or if they are they are no match for the villains and thus need help.

Why does Bendis hate D-Man so much? He shits on him all the damn time and uses him as the butt of jokes.

There are a lot of capes that actively go out and kill people though. Guys like Punisher and Red Hood are most certainly not on the right side of the law.