ITT: Absolutely kino scenes

ITT: Absolutely kino scenes.

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Can we actually discuss why quipspeak is so fucking terrible instead of just meming and stoking a flame war?

I was just watching this show my wife likes called Wrecked, and it struck me how every MC in it has this same kind of "voice" that's hyper aware and sarcastic. It's a smug plot-insulated writer's voice that let's the characters say dumb shit but since we all know it's dumb it's okay. It's the voice of a teenager trying desperately not to look foolish and it rings so false it grates on my fucking ears. I'm not gonna preach about "honesty in writing" or anything like that although I'm sure someone else could, but what gets me is just how prevalent that voice has become in all of pop culture.

Can you explain in more detail? Give me some examples.

Was this movie good?


I liked it.

>WOAH! this scene is getting a bit too serious. Let me just tweak the dialogue a little...

i enjoyed it. cool visuals with marvel tier writing and action.

Meh. Disappointing. On the other hand it is one of the better MCU films.

I fell asleep in the last quarter of the film. I felt nothing watching this quipfest.

>meme spewing
Opinion discarded

It's nice if you want a more "supernatural" superhero film. Most of the Marvel universe is just people with fancy technology, Doctor Strange actually has magic shit.

In a world that has media and some self awareness about superheroes, it makes sense that they would fire off a lot of smart ass remarks. More realistically it would be profanity-laden.

The thing you're referring to is like how Joss Whedon writes his dialogue. I also find it grating, but it's tolerable in most of Marvel's movies. Most of the people who complain about quips are retards who can't think for themselves.

It bears mentioning that Whedon has been writing like that since the early 90s with Buffy and stuff, and that was always pretty successful.

I can't quite recall specific scenes, but I'm talking about scenes where characters "hang lanterns" on anything. "Hang a lantern on it" is a term for when the characters acknowledge shortcomings in the plot or overall writing as if it makes it acceptable, and I feel like not only has that become prevalent, but now it's a full-blown attitude. Like OP's pic. It's silly. But it's supposed to be silly, so fuck you if you don't like it regardless of there being no need for it. Writer's can't be arsed to come up with anything better than retarded quips that point out how retarded they are. Just bugs me is all, again not because it's a particular style, but just because of how many people do it.

It destroys what it creates for safety. By mocking itself, the writer removes the possibility of critique on the basis of the created fantasy of the movie. Those snide quips are reality piercing through and, in the process, limiting the possible critiques.
If the humour is lost on a viewer they are rejoined with a 'You just don't get it.'

>Uh, we didn't agree on this. The fuck you talking about...


The most annoying thing about this scene is how it makes the villain look like an autistic idiot.

>It's nice if you want a more "supernatural" superhero film. Most of the Marvel universe is just people with fancy technology, Doctor Strange actually has magic shit.

If that's how you choose to look at it. That movie really kinda made it seem like it could go either way if you chose. The way the Ancient One describes it feels like you could interpret it as magic/supernatural, or the deepest form of scientific understanding of quantum physics and how the universe works.

What's autistic about it? He has a confused reaction to being told that the person he's speaking to is named "Mister Doctor" and Strange's attempt to elucidate is "It's Strange." which most people would assume is a sentence and not a name.

Seriously. The only weird part is that instead of "doctor", strange should have said "It's Doctor Strange" But it's passible because a it's something people with doctorates are known to be autistic about.

Yes, if anything Doctor Strange is the autistic one in this scene. Kaecilius had a very normal reaction for a dude leaking black stuff out of his eyes.

If you're never sincere you can't be sincerely
It's like never trying so that you can say you never failed

In this example the quipspeak doesn't break character though. I mean it just sounds like a genuine misunderstanding.

Well, I don't show off, don't criticize
I'm just livin' by my own feelings
And I won't give in, won't compromise
I just only have a steadfast heart of gold

I don't know why, I can't leave though it might be tough
But I ain't out of control, just livin' by my word
Don't ask me why, I don't need a reason
I got my way, my own way

Numale libcucks at the top, me at the bottom.

>Marvel wasted Mads Mikkelsen on a shit tier, one movie villain

you obviously haven't seen the episode.

>marvel tier writing and action
>made by marvel

>he watches soap operas for women and numales who think they're too smart for soap operas

pic related

Look at this pussy whipped fag. Probably thought he could rent Spidey for free but now Sony's got their teeth all over his precious MCU. It's called capitalism Feige.

He could have saved us. But we didn't listen.

I think he means its what you expect from a marvel movie now, ever since they found the golden ratio of quips per scene, which is alright when above all you want your movie to be enjoyable. People bash BvS for its kind of stupid plot but honestly if it had as many jokes as a marvel movie I don't think people would have cared as much about it.
You have to give credit to snyder, since he at least tried to shake up the formula for what a superhero movie is supposed to be right now, but instead of bad writing peppered with jokes you get bad writing laden with gloom.

>posts scene from show
>criticizes someone else for watching the show
Are you drunk?

forgettable but not terrible. Well acted, good visuals. Plot and all that is your basic stuff.

The best part is the acting quality, I'd say.

Benedict Cumberbatch is easily one of the top five actors of the 21st century.

I finally watched dr strange the other day and that was literally the only good scene and the movie reminded me why I stopped caring about capeshit after the first avengers.

I enjoyed the non action scenes. I thought the action scenes were lacking and I was expecting Strange to use bigger spells like pillars of light but instead we got his stupid whip thing.

why is he wearing a batglove while drawing
it's very strange

His name's Kaecilius and he was friends (maybe?) with a dude named Mordo. "Doctor" would literally be the least strange name he'd encountered.

Everybody treating the Ancient One as a big mystery because she was a thousand years old sorta rang hollow due to Mordo and Kaecilius seeming like they had time traveled from some primordial prehistory. Kaecilius's backstory and name (and something about his look) make him seem like an ancient roman sage or warrior who, after losing his family, moved to Nepal to become a wizard. It's just really awkward.

Because he can.

>-it wouldbe painfull..
>-you're a big guy!
>-...for you


Thanks for clearing that one up for us Doctor Obvious

For some reason it rang a little better than Thor did in that regard.

I think it was a combination of two things. Doctor Strange takes place on earth has a doctor as the protagonist, so viewing science in more clinical, "scientific" terms fits better. Also, despite it being described as such, it's also much more blatantly "magical", with fancy handsigns and weird supernatural objects and shit.

Thor's "Science and magic are the same" explanation struck wrong because it looked more "scientific" and technological despite being set in a fantastical world. Likewise, the thought of the God of Thunder running around using... science, is actually alot weirder to take than the idea he's using magic.

>so viewing science in more clinical, "scientific" terms

*Viewing magic

Why did Mads think that Doctor is his name? Doesn't he realize that Doctor is a title for a profession?

It's Captain.

Captain Doctor?

It's... America.

Maybe, but I don't live there.

Horrible. Not nearly enough scenes that are interesting visually, themes aren't explored in the slightest (lol internal life is bad cos i say so), everything was done for you to not sympathize with the main character (he loses control of his hands by getting in the most ridiculous car crash you could imagine) and of course endless quips. I mean quips can be good but why do they have to be obligatory quips.

>the most ridiculous car crash you could imagine

I love that scene.
That car did everything but fuck him.
His hands look like he tried to fist Wonder Woman. Later they show his x-rays and it looks like a bunch of gravel stuffed into a pair of latex gloves.

Does your wife's son also like that show?

This scene is how a 12 year old imagines a surgeon lives.

The way they bend over backwards to justify Strange's name popping up in The Winter Soldier is hilarious. I read someone trying to explain that he's some well known public figure, probably appearing on the news, being very outspoken about events and politics, and absolutely none of that is visible in the movie. He's basically just a better paid House only with a different disability. Which, frankly, is a good direction to go for Dr. Strange.
Rewatching this scene, I realize that Strange is going to be how Janet Pym gets out of the subatomic dimension.

It's not *that* bad.

>His hands look like he tried to fist Wonder Woman.
I don't get it, why would that do something to his hands?

My first draft of that joke was "like he tried to fist she-hulk" but I thought I'd go for a more topical reference.

Ya know this is actually why, even though it's hated by idiots who think it's the worst of the bunch, Guardians of the Galaxy actually rises above the rest of these films. The dialogue isn't always top notch but every character does have a distinct voice. Sure Star Lord and Rocket are quip machines but they're still distinctive flavors of quip machines and it makes sense for them to be so.
And instead of just being bullshit to make idiots laugh a lot of the "quips" actually have a point beneath them. The much hated Mary Poppins scene, it was Peter being his usual sarcastic asshole self but then realizing he really cares for Yondu and wants to pay him a compliment, only for Yondu to make it even funnier but only because he's elated that his son is proud of him.
James Gunn is fucking great man, and this board is full of idiots.

>The much hated Mary Poppins scene,
People hate that scene? I thought it was both hilarious and, like you said, touching, and the whole theater got a good laugh out of it.

>based mads acting in capeshit
So disappointed in him desu.

>Guardians of the Galaxy actually rises above the rest of these films


Explain your issue with this scene. Use at least twenty words.

This scene was so good it almost hurt.


That implies Kaecilius and Mordo were their original names to begin with. Chuck Giles and Larry Mantooth probably changed their names when they were named masters, because their magic names were their True Selves.

It devalues a climax into a simple joke and reduces the villain previously seen as gruesome and calculating into a bafoon who falls for the oldest trick in the book and also Memelord is a shit actor with zero substance besides his Reddit-verified humor.


Not him, so the challenge doesn't apply to me, but even as someone who enjoys the first Guardians movie, and even likes the concept of the scene (that an intensely over-serious villain is flustered and flummoxed when he finally encounters the protagonists of what is almost a completely different movie, and that Peter Quill has been satisfyingly built up as the sort of person who would challenge a galactic conqueror to a dance-off as a distraction), "turd blossom" is such a weak, flat insult that it completely ruins the bathos of the scene. It's not funny enough to support the comedy, and too intentionally-lame to support the drama.
Also, at that point the film had created a villain that was so prepared for every eventuality, so obsessed with his own physical perfection, and so capable of seizing the upper hand in every scenario, that I was honestly disappointed he didn't bust out some sick Kree breakdancing and utterly destroy the Guardians of the Galaxy with intergalactic body pops.

That's not even the climax, that's when Peter grabs the stone and sees his mom. You're an idiot.

Thank you for actually explaining your opinions. This is rare to see on Sup Forums and I welcome it.

It was okay. The quips and jokes feel really out of place (lololol this big fat Chinese monk likes Beyonce, that's hilarious right?) and are definitely the worst part of it. Also what said.



>when Sup Forums bends over backwards to go 'i-its ok'

there's nothing to discuss, really. anybody who excuses let alone enjoys it doesn't deserve to have anything explained to them. it's just bad and anybody who likes it should feel bad

This film was entirely worth it for the memes that came from this scene.

Beyonce? Bono? You see I'm a huge music fan which is why I keep namedropping these singers.

Non capeshitter fanboy here.

It's a 3/10. I had to watch it two times because it was so boring and unimaginative.

There are better Supernatural episodes

>I had to watch it two times

Because I feel asleep halfway through*

It's a shit movie. I don't know how they managed to make magic and multiverse boring and mundane, but they did. Classic marvel.

Wow, I never noticed that. Marvel is good at those subtle details.

RDR was great. Riding into Mexico for the first time was Kino

>film has two bad jokes
>so it's terrible

Sup Forums has great film criticism!

He sorta looks like he's doing Steampunk roleplay with that vest on.

>it's very strange
who am i to judge?

Have you seen Sucker Punch?
That's who he is.

I haven't seen Sucker Punch.

I've wanted to play it for years but they still haven't done a PC version. What the fuck, Rockstar? They can do GTA but not RDR?

Though I must say, the graphics sure have aged if that screenshot is any indication.

I played it recently, it isn't that great looking. RDR on PC would be great.

Nicely done.

No, but you're gay.

Shut up before I stick my dick in your ass and fuck you.

It's the closest thing we are going to get to a modern day heavy metal.

>Peter dances 80s style
>Rhonan dances 2010s style with dumpsted and shit
>Peter says that looks gay
Would be slightly funny

Considering Ronan's inflated ego and self-important attitude toward his actions and mission, treating him with general disrespect as the butt of a joke who is defeated by a goof and his Circus squad was actually a good way to cap his death.

Agreed. I just wish it was carried out in a better manner.