What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


ugly character models

did anything even come of this?

I don't think so


>mfw they're supposed to be gamers but don't game


>Betting your animated series on a tranimal beast lead

Don't do this...

that's funny if true

>dub dub dub posts

Diversity doesnt sell especially not the faggot kind

Nothing, it went exactly to plan.

>At first I thought you were a tranny faggot and I wanted to curbstomp you for that but then I realized you kill niggers. That is hardcore.

Aside from all the obvious problems, the humor was too on-the-nose.

Gen Z doesn't watch TV

I assumed I was on the oldest end of gen Z and I'm only 21. Why are they making a show about gen z when most of it is still in highschool? Individuality doesn't develop until you're at least nearly done uni.

I was actually kind of hoping this would get made so we could have some quality cringekino.

Is that video still up?

>no one even there
if you wanna see anything sadder, check out the creator's twitter

And the show's twtter

And the twitter of some shitty web series he did

It's been reuploaded recently, But it was taken down 2 times before.

>that first twitter
yikes how embarrassing. Sup Forums should swarm his twitter and rile him up. the result could be hilarious

fun fact:
the guy who wrote pic related posed as a gay transexual ftm black man and got the producer of gen zed to admit to him on the phone that there were no scripts for the show and the focus was on raising money for it

I can't believe "Hate Speech" is not allowed on Youtube. What a stupid, asinine rule to enforce.

Wow. my twitter is more popular and I've forgotten about it until just now.

>The episode is called "The Cake is a Lie"