Ignoring the high bar set by the original star wars movies, the prequels were still great movies in their own right

Ignoring the high bar set by the original star wars movies, the prequels were still great movies in their own right.

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Episode 1 was decent, that might be the hype it got though and nostalgia. I don't remember the CGI at all, weird.

>I don't remember the CGI at all, weird.
It was top tier for it's time

no they weren't and you know it

They were fucking ass and I'm sure anyone who enjoys them on an unironic level has legit brain damage.

TPM and AOTC were fun and comfy. ROTS was pure kino.

yes they were, Lucas made a few mistakes here and there throughout the prequels but overall they were really good. Episode III especially was a masterpiece.

Lucas is so hit and miss I can't even tell if they were kino or shit

Episode I - 5/10
Episode II - 7.5/10
Episode III - 10/10

Revenge of the Sith is alright. TPM can be good occasionally.

If you like Attack of the Clones you have brain damage.

Episode I - 3/10
Episode II - 4/10
Episode III - 4/10

>the prequels were still great movies in their own right
This is factually untrue

AotC was kino, why do people hate it besides the romance parts?

They did something new at least.

All of the Star Wars movies were mediocre at best.

RoTS is the only one that isn't utter shit. Its still a bad film.

Even if the story and writing was a mess, at least George was creative.

Because the romance is 75% of the movie?
It's easy forget until you actually watch the movie, that it's mostly unbearably long scenes between a creepy asshole and an uncomfortable Natalie Portman.
It doesn't make sense as a love story because she's vocally creeeped out by Anakin.
>"Don't look at me like that, it makes me uncomfortable" sorry m'lady.
>she covered the cameras. I don't think she liked me watching her.
>I've thought about her every day, jar jar, and she's forgotten me completely!
>"You'll always be that little boy I knew on tattooine."
>You're in my very soul -tormenting me! If you feel the same way PLEASE say something! "I can't."

Lucas clearly has no idea what he's doing, which is evident from him bitching about how the best film in the saga wasn't good.


I want fuck that alien

better than the token disney bullshit

Attack of the clones was good at some points . Those scenes with Jango Fett? Epic. The end where al of the Jedi fight the droids ? Epic. When gods goes HAM for the first time on count dooku. Goose bumps. Are you guys forgetting this stuff?

That ayylmao still looks pretty good

Until you see Obi-Wan in the shot and realize that he's literally the only real thing in the entire scene

Everything on Geonosis is superior to anything Disney has put out with the IP.

Thank you for your hard work, dear Disney© employee.

50 cents have been deposited in your Mickey Mouse© bank account.

>be me
>7 years old
>in theater with my mom
>watching Episode 2
>the movie is nearing its conclusion
>"well take him together Anakin"
>my heart starts racing
>doors open
>mysterious figure appears
>"My old apprentice!"
>turn to my mom with a big smile on my face in anticipation
>its yoda with his little laser sword
>my jaw drops
>yoda's spinning backflip resonates with my soul
>all hope looks to be lost
>yoda suddenly taps into the force
>does a super jedi flip
>he really goes to town
>my life now forever changed

The 2nd is not

They were not great, they were average at the time they came out and still are. Unfortunately the story is rushed, non coherent and could have been made better. Anakin has shitty character building and we have no sympathy for him and that's why the prequels failed since they were supposed to show Anaking as a tragic hero and his fall to the dark side. Concerning diplomacy in galaxy and other relations it was an ok addition I guess, expanding the universe is not a bad thing if done in correct amount.
Art, world building, design of vehicles, droids is great and is never awkward, it felt like part of SW from the beginning (seeing the progression from prequel to OT vehicles/starships was also a great addition). There was much thought put into prequels concerning art and story. Unfortunately Lucas focused too much on CGI which somewhere was great and mostly was a lackluster, he didn't manage to achieve what the OT achieved with it's special effects. Also let's not forget when ep I was coming out that there were shitload of toys and star wars related items so it was obvious Lucas went more for a cash grab.
For me the clone wars cgi cartoon redeemed the Anakin story and put more background to characters/relations which the movies lacked or showed very superficially just for the sake of being there.
I liked TPM since it was new, but if looking at the 3 eps as whole, tpm doesn't fit in, so either it should have been skipped or ep2 and ep3 should have been made completely different.

Bro, why didn't they just keep running with the fact that Anakin was creepy/scared her. It shouldn't have been a love story.

Sheev didnt have that face until after that fight.


>high bar set by the original star wars movies
The original movies are mediocre to good.

Quit putting Star Wars on such a high pedestal and you'll enjoy your garbage more.

Because Anakin had to eventually have Luke and Leia, and having Anakin rape Padme wouldn't fly.

Plus, it's pretty clear in the movie that when she says he makes her feel "uncomfortable" she means dripping wet.

As an adolescent I liked the prequel more. The battles where more intense. The world building was fenomenal. (Kamino, coruscant, the fight with grevious ).

And now rip star wars got bought up by Jews and made into a faggots indoctrination machine with 0 original though.

This thread better be intentional bait.......

Have you ever considered that the prequels would be utterly forgotten if they weren't linked to the the original star wars classics?
Also watch the plinkett reviews.

What are you talking about?

Attack of the Clones isn't good in any right, it's a legitimately terrible film. The writing is cringeworthy, the acting is wooden, there are long stretches of nothingness and the once cutting edge special effects now look laughable.

I disagree. If they weren't linked to the original Star Wars movies, if there hadn't been such impossibly high standards placed upon the prequels, the prequels would have been much more beloved and much more popular. The original trilogy was placed on such a high pedestal by just about everyone before the prequels came out, the hype was so strong, that literally nothing George Lucas could make would have satisfied the public at large.

And furthermore, if the prequels hadn't deflated all the hype around Star Wars and tempered people's expectations of the series, I guarantee The Force Awakens would have been just as hated, if not more so, than The Phantom Menace. If the prequels had never happened, I guarantee people would be saying JJ Abrams "ruined their childhood" and they'd be wishing Lucas had control of the series again. Guaranteed.

Episode III is the only prequel that could be called "good". The writing is terrible but it's very entertaining. I and II have terrible writing and are boring.

That theory is as worthy as my own, but of course we will never know.
I will maintain that the force awakens had it have been the sole successor to the originals would have gone over well with the original fans, because it looks and more importantly feels the same.
It even has the banter and fun characters that the originals had. Rogue one had the look but not necessarily the feel of the originals and would have been a disappointment had it have been the direct sequel to the originals.
To be honest star wars in general, although still enjoyable, is limited in scope unless you really divorce the current filmography. The old republic is a prime target for a truly new franchise entry, then we can see if star wars as a universe will ever stand up film wise.

Good things about the prequels
>the scores
>the imaginative character and production design
>Sheev's actor
>the action scenes (fuck you I like choreographed fights)
>the jedi downfall in 3
>the "you were the chosen one" scene works despite all the build up falling flat
>the location shots on Naboo

>all of the dialogue and most of the actors and plot. The plot isn't a complete disaster but anyone other than Lucas could have made it better instantly
>the direction
>the CGI
>the mismatched tones of 1 (dry and vague political drama and slapstick) and 2 (bad romance story for 90 minutes before an overwhelming endless war for the final third)
>Anakin's arc is good in theory but doesn't work at all. The relationship with Padme is even worse

All the stuff at the peripherals is good but the actual meat of the film isn't remotely.

>*leads him to her bedroom*

>"wtf do i do"


To be fair, the scores, and imaginative characters and production design, have always been good in Star Wars, and the dialogue and actors and direction have always been bad in Star Wars.

>2002 CGI beats 2015 CGI in the same movie series
how are CGI artists getting more shit at their job as time goes on dispite the advances in technology? could it be all the diversity quotas?

>having Anakin rape Padme wouldn't fly
Still a better love story than what George Lucas wrote

What's that ayylmao called?


A long-necked whitey.

At least the prequels were original

>implying George Lucas isn't a jew who hired a Jewish carpenter who built his cabinets to play han solo

It's outsourced to countries where the majority of the population poops in the street

Episode 1- 7/10
Episode 2- 7/10
Episode 3- 9.5/10
Episode 4- 8/10
Episode 5- 9.5/10
Episode 6- 4/10

Nigger what

>A New Hope below Revenge of the Sith
>Attack of the Clones above anything at all
Try again, and apply yourself next time.

The correct order is:
V > IV > VI > III > I > II

I suppose I'd also be willing to accept
V > IV > III > VI > I > II

They could have been way better but they were still good and by all means better than The Force Awakens. My favorite was The Phantom Menace although I doubt I'd still enjoy it watching it again as an adult. But as a 6 year old I was totally hooked.
Also this trilogy spawned a fuck ton of videogames and toys and that's a good thing, these movies are supposed to be good old fashioned fun for children and maybe teens. Can't say the same about Disney Star Wars, the only videogame about it is EA's Battlefront 2 and maybe the Lego one.

Close yet far off.

The true order is 4, 5, 6 3, 1, 2

Objectively fucking WRONG!

Episode I - 3/10
Episode II - 2/10
Episode III - 5/10
Episode IV - 9.5/10
Episode V - 10/10
Episode VI - 8/10


All you hoth people over the original Star Wars are crazy

Rogue One is better than any of the prequels. Probably the most beautifully shot as well.

>watch the plinkett reviews
opinion discarded

ROTS is objectively the best Star Wars movie in terms of visuals.

>Le episode VI is the worst of the original trilogy meme

Also RotS is the most memeable movie of all time, even more so than the opening of the Dark Knight Rises

WTF????????????? Prequels was SHIT.............................

>and the dialogue and actors and direction have always been bad in Star Wars.
Empire at the very least had some decent direction, and the actors in the original trilogy were pretty well cast, most obvious being Harrison Ford, who was charismatic as fuck as Han.

>that literally nothing George Lucas could make would have satisfied the public at large.
The Force Awakens satisfied the public at large. All George had to do was make something that was at least competent, but george being george, he failed at writing a screenplay, and directing his actors. The trilogy was doomed with Lucas at the helm.


you faggots wouldn't know a good movie if it jumped up and punched you in the dick

That's a mark against the prequels, tho.
>OK George, we're setting these prequels...how far in the past, again?
>oh not long, 50 years tops, probably less.
>Oh OK, so let's go get the old props out of storage, they'll need some dusting off...
>old props? What are you talking about, every single thing in these prequels is going to be brand new, never seen before in the Star Wars universe!
>but George, that doesn't make any sense! Only 50 years have passed, and we're talking about starships! most of those older ships would still be in service 50 years later, so the ships in the prequels need to look exactly like the ships in the originals, or else everyone will wonder where all the new ships they saw in the prequels went!
>George? What's wrong?
>you're fired.
>wha--? w-why?
>it's my vision, and I want new ships! How else are we going to sell a shitload of new toys? You think anyone's going to buy all the new shit if they already own it? No! I need the money, fuckwad, that's how I'm paying for my vineyard! now get out of here, I don't want to see you again!
>but George--

Haha, nice one my man

>"holy crap mom!"

So pure. I wish I could go back to a point in my life where I was as genuine as that.

Star Destroyers were actually being commissioned at the very end of the Clone Wars per the novels. It's really not that big of a discrepancy.

I think this is the best analysis of the prequels you're going to get from Sup Forums to be honest fäm

This is exactly what I thought in response to that post about how it shouldn't have been a love story.

How else would they have had Luke and Leiah if she thought he was a huge creep?

are you fucking retarded? that looks 10x better than AOTC

I really like episode VI, more so than episode IV. The only part of the former that I don't like is the ewoks.

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