Does Sup Forums like Karen Gillan?

Does Sup Forums like Karen Gillan?

Body of a sexy boy. To bad she is an anglo

giv pale gf

I did until I found out that she was a coal burner.

Selfie was a pretty decent show, suffered from shit marketing I guess. has she done anything besides memey marvel movies since?

>had dinner with her family once, was too shy to ask her questions about Doctor Who

Recently discovered that she plays Angry Blue Lady in GotG, had no idea. That being said, she's probably the weakest actor in the two films and I haven't seen anything else from her besides DW, which I thought she was alright in.

>she will never knock on your hotel room door drunk,naked and confused


fuck off, ahmed

I don't like her boots so no. Footwear is a huge turn on/turn off for me.

I like her body of work.

are you gay or a woman?

Under rated in GotG movies.



the 1 in 100,000 time that Scottish genes turned out right

She has the body of an uncooked hotdog

I think it's just a side effect of a foot fetish.



this is probably the funniest reply I've see to that
>giv me xDD


Maybe you should come up with a better shitpost then the
>giv :3333
schtick. Also, why are you obsessed with that website?

Not even that guy but I will make some giv posts in the future just to piss you off

It doesn't piss me off though.

Da babe !!!

No, Sup Forums prefers pic related.

Knew the doctor was an alien for sure when Amy Pond threw herself at him and he doesn't fuck her?

Great moment honestly