I can't believe Josh Peck turned out so much more successful than Drake Bell, I mean, how did that even happen...

I can't believe Josh Peck turned out so much more successful than Drake Bell, I mean, how did that even happen, it's just-- ohhhhhh.....

drake bell is ugly af though

Josh Peck just got married.

dan schneider
give all my bitches back

Drake bell lost all his teeth


>implying height has any relevance in manlet hollywood

josh is a kike and drake isn't.

How dare you. That's beer can dan

>wouldn't go that far but as a kid I always wondered how he played the ladyslayer. He really isn't that good looking. Pretty average really. And as he ages his JUST genetics are really showing

>beer can dan

Don't call me that.

>Nathan Kress
Guess Freddie never unJUSTed himself

he found a way, he found a waaaaay

>hug me brotha


Most actors are fucking tiny manlets.

Is he still "dating" that lesbian?

it's legit, dan is 6"x8" chode-xplode mode

fucking leave me alone BROTHA

Lol, this honestly is pretty sad

He has nothing going on for him in his life, the least Peck could have done is invite him to the wedding.. he didn't have to include him in the ceremony or anything, but damn just invite the poor guy. He spends every fucking day at Disney, he needs help.


Wait, Google, what?

Disneyland *

honestly fuck drake. yeah it's awful he didn't get invited but that's such an egregious move there had to be a reason why. he didn't have to tweet about it, there's no reason to go airing dirty laundry like that

i would never do it, i'm the kind of person that always keeps to himself (not saying it's healthy or right either) but imagine you have no one to talk to about it and you need to vent

miranda cosgrove wasn't there either, why didn't he call her
or fucking amanda for that matter

>no money
>no friends

Brendan should take him under his wing

Amanda and Miranda same room with dan the man???

Fuck that's hot

I was talking about him being fucking dead


But Brendan is no longer king of JUST, Drake has ascended beyond Brendan. Brendan has nothing to teach him.

Explanation for the Disneyland thing?

Well fuck.

Drake Bell has been spotted at Disneyland every day for the past few years. And because of his debt and how his house was foreclosed, people started putting the clues together.