The Mist (of oppression)

Why are you not watching the white mist of cis oppression

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What the fuck happened to Spike?

they rebranded, trying to get a more well-rounded demographic.

actually checked
it out because this thread

>8 min in
>doggo dies
>white/male privilege sjw bombs dropped
>wife seems to be one of the main characters even tho she died within 10 mins of the movie

despite this I will soldier on and watch the rest, kinda seemed like they were making fun of sjws

getting harder and harder,

idk if this is the same dad from the movie but hes beta and super cuck, ironic hes the only actor with some talent and they cast him as this guy

Keep us posted soldier.

They seem to be making fun of SJWs and nu-males.
This is Spike we're talking about. UFC and the people who watch it will probably always be their target audience.

I remember when they first started the channel and they had that rat lawyer who said shit in the opening and aired Stripperella right afterwards.

the reviews on imdb are killing it


Fucking lol

what? people are slaughtering it

im about 16 mins in now and im starting to get worried. faggot sjw beta who literally uses tumblr terms and shit almost gets ass kicked at a party and king chad stops other jock from fucking him up, basically saying its 2017. I don't think there making fun of sjws. this pilot so far is a fucking disgrace to the movie and book

because if there are no white woman/black man relationships in the show, I'm not interested.

They have to be making fun of them.
The faggot is a literal walking meme and borrows every word from the buzzfeed glossary.

Maybe its a setup for some character development trope. Maybe he just dies because of sheer stupidity.
Im going to stick around for at least episode three.

I honestly might tap out, 2 mins later we find out girl got date raped by evil white male, considering how much I fucking loved the movie im losing my fucking mind rn

i fucking died when the first white male character was a super rainbow twink haha still show is watchable

I really hope your right, just im getting a million red flags from this pilot,

The faggot did the raping

Seek help user, your obsession is not healthy for growing boys.

Unironically this.

This seems to be the most likely scenario. Either that or Spike is abandoning its entire audience.

bad writing to that scene where they are going to release the nig and chick from jail and she somehow already knows that they will die in the mist even though she knows nothing about it

The black dude tells her about the mist the moment the cops put her in the jail cell.

Are the monster designs good?

well the mist finally showed up and all ive seen is cockroaches the kill people, likeable old guy died so im hoping that faggot dies too soon
im starting to get that feeling too, chad look like he genuinely didn't do it and faggot was only witness

no monsters
just moths and an angel from Hannibal

the cgi is fucking terrible, acting is terrible, alternative storyline/characters are shit. I swear to god the had a perfect template to make this a good show from the movie. I actually got excited when I saw this thread. I don't think this piece of shit is even worth a second episode. oh yea and every woman character is a strong independent strong minded ect.

shit/10 whoever directed and wrote this should fucking kill theselves

>non-binary bisexual friend is the actual rapist
>football Chad is a wholesome guy
Get ready for a twist.

After that "everyone thinks you're a liar, they all love chad" moment in her bed room, he definitely did it.

Wouldnt happen

The pilot is just about teen drama and rape and shit. The mis only shows up in the last 10 minutes. I know it's only the first episode but christ, I can't watch anything nowadays without seeing all this social teen drama.

>the kids seem to like 13 Reasons Way, throw some of that in

So are we seeing the characters through the lens of them being trapped by mist monsters so they show their worst bits or is it just normal shit with no mist so far
I wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter but I want to believe that them doing retarded shit is because of the whole imminent death

even fast forwarding through a torrented mp4 felt painful

>white/male privilege sjw bombs dropped

can I get a direct quote?

Not direct but
>gay friend: football is just an excuse for white male violence
>main girl: 3/4 of the NFL is black
>gay: well they're just oppressed and using it over come a [some tumblr term I can't remember] school system
>girl: or they just like football
>girl's dad: or they can be both oppressed and like football

jesus christ

american entertainment is literally held hostage by tumblr scriptwriting cliques

cthulhu sent their regards

The Jews indoctrinate the goys and then let them burn it all to the ground. And then the Jews have a little laugh all the while their knit communities remains Goyim and degenerate free.

im surprised the mist didnt come in episode 10 DESU

>find out mist is out
>download 3 episodes
>get comfy
>black guy
>"no problem, not a Sup Forumslack
>sex repressed parents hate sex-ed
>"okay, staying true to source material"
>dad pissed at his genderqueer son
>"bit much, but just getting started"
>mu cisheterowhitemalefootball privilege
>"aaaaand were done here"
>come to Sup Forums

now what guys?

>3 episodes


not every character has to be right all the time. maybe this character is being used to point out how stupid SJW are

posting in epic

>implying mist monsters could take a woman this alpha

ragnar can

To be fair here

Prime Ragnar could solo the entire Stephen King universe

Sad truth. Those fuckers already killed comedy.

It's the Walking Dead, but with the cast of Degrassi and some fog replacing zombies.

Didn't like the movie, but I loved the book and I feel your pain.
It's looking even worse than what they're doing with Dark Tower. Worst of all King is such a fucking leftist that he's applauding every awful fucking decision these assholes are making. At least 11/22/63 managed to avoid a lot of this bullshit.

Did everybody hate her too much to even notice that she was 100% right?

this isn't going to stop until that boy's blood is spilled

mumblecore killed comedy blame kevin smith and linklater

I can't imagine a more horrifying monster to emerge out of the mist than a fucking white male

I think half of you are missing the fact that the bisexual tumblerdor is the real rapist.

He's actually a niceguy latch-on pretending to be bisexual to get laid, literally one thing feminists hate more than chads.

hate-watching it for the lulz now:
so far we have some waif with a pitchfork beating the shit out of an armed guy twice her size
the faggot talking about how his dad abuses him ("i dont fall for gender i fall for personality") then a jock wants to kick his ass
of course our black lead has to be jailed by police
and our female lead daughter gets date raped, the mom says its not her fault (b/c we know its the dads fault for letting her sneak out to a party)

you could skip to the interesting parts. that's assuming there are any.

i stopped at the 7 minute mark...all that and a conversation about the environment in just seven wastes no time and every scene is jam "intderesting parts" might just be the monsters when they come

football team vandalizes rape victims home with a brick and spraypaint
daughter "slut shames" mother
"rape apologist" gets eaten
daughter trapped with rapist

so yeah...pretty sjw heavy...i think the writers want us rooting for the monsters

and our badass tought 'save the day' character is a chick

>It's looking even worse than what they're doing with Dark Tower.
what are they doing with dark tower

I remember when the trailer was out everybody was saying this was gonna be shit and full of SJW, they were right

That implies they were ever good

The writers are probably millennial English majors who were hired on the cheap. You will be getting more and more shows with extremely hamfisted and unsubtle shit like this as millennials become more prominent in the writing profession.

imdb is dead now that (((they))) shut it down, its no fun anymore

Well, besides Idris Elba being Roland (despite Susan Delgado still being white), they're starting from the third book for some damned reason in an attempt to make it a sequel series. All of this is produced by Sony, directed by a literally who, and written by four fucking people.
Honestly I'm not optimistic.

how is imdb dead


The obvious twist is that fagboy is the one who raped her and then pinned it on the football player. Fagboy got really defensive when the rape victim mentioned that he could hit on dudes, saying he was also into chicks. He obviously hates the football player and he obviously wants to fuck the rape victim but is too much of a beta to make any moves.
Then there's the fact that he's passive aggressive and will lie in order to get his way and vilify anybody he doesn't like, showing this by threatening the chick in the jail cell.
Calling fagboy out for manipulative pile of shit who found the opportunity to rape his bff and get away with it.
At least the writers are hamfistedly implying this.

>it's BLACKED porn

>show picks up steam among faggots everywhere
>the faggot becomes the biggest hero of the series
>season finale premieres, all of buzzfeed is eagerly tuned in
>it's revealed that the chad is innocent and the faggot raped her all along

Imagine the sheer torrent of salt.

Why is Robert Pattinson playing a teenage girl?

They sure as fuck didn't help, but Colbert, Paul Feig, and slimey limey put the final nail in the coffin.


no way they make a bisexual abused by his intolerant father a rapist
either way, i dont care who raped her...i dont think anyone does whether its 'typical fratboy rapist' or 'niceguys are the real rapist rapists'
we have all this shit and no cool creature designs by the third episode
just roaches and moths
fuck this show

>Based on the novel by Stephen King
It's a novella you retards. Don't you even know what source material you're adapting?

And with that, not even a mention of the storm that originally preceded the event and throwing in some historical BS I'm pretty sure wasn't in the story, we're off to a rollicking start.

Didn't even occur to me but they did go to the trouble of having him more or less say he was bi rather than full queer.

That's all it'll be. These hacks didn't read the book or even bother watching the movie.

>no way they make a bisexual abused by his intolerant father a rapist

Well they're sure as hell hinting at exactly that.

>pulling the "I've run out of ideas, better get one of the main characters raped" card in the first episode

This is the funniest series I've seen in years.

"What's The Mist?"

"I dunno, Goldsteinshekelberg, something about monsters in a mist."

"And teen drama?"

"No, it's about this father trying to raise his son to be strong-"

"He's useless?"

"No, he saves-"

"He's useless now. Let's put in a mother. Make her the lead. Whore daughter, falls in love with a nigger, make him respectable, put him in the military, and BAM! hit!"

>yfw the Fanboy and Chum-Chum parody is more accurate to the original than this

Bugs! Bugs are scary. Make it killer bugs.

>no way they make a bisexual abused by his intolerant father a rapist

That bisexual is a white male. You think they get a free pass because they like sucking cock?

"Any character that disagrees with our agenda, have 'im die horribly and ironically! Like that woman trying to do right by her son, keeping his mind off degeneracy. Rip her mouth off!"

"Isn't that a little...forced, sir?"

"Ha! That's what she said!"

*Queue Jewish chittering*

"Sir I don't even think you can scream with your voice box ripped out. Don't you think gurgling and spewing blood and vomit would be more realistic and therefore more disturbing?"

"We already recorded her scream and that shit's too goddamn violent. We gotta think of the kids!"

the peace loving muslim is afraid for his safety because 'situations like this dont turn out well for people like him' (theyve already accused him of being a terrorist)
the sheriff has turned into a tyrant b/c yknow 'fuck da police'
some dude brings up hurricane katrina out of nowhere
the priest is trying to cure the faggot of his faggotry
im not even watching the skipping scene to scene...but this show is just 'bang bang bang'
you might be right...your analysis is clever...but imagine the blowback...i just cant see it
if he were just gay maybe not...but hes genderqueer or something...he also wears makeup...hes a little too close to way they do it...but i could be wrong


>write a story that's literally a framing device about a plot device executing the story ad infinitum
>write story in such a way that it could literally happen in an infinite number of variations and still be telling the same story
>"fans" mad that the author is using an adaptation to twist the story up as he said was possible from the very beginning

Literally missing the point.

>nigger knows how to pick locks trope scene
>makes it a romantic moment with a white chick

If this is parody, this show is a 10/10

Whoops. G-ddamn.

>roland magically turns black when he steps through the door with the rose on it
god king is a genius

It's the four writers and nobody director that'll do more damage than Idris ever will and you and I both know this. You'd have to be either stupid or baiting otherwise.

I liked the first few books. They turned to shit later.

How do you turn a man described as Clint Eastwood black?

The goth kid fucked the girl.
screen cap this

You think these writers are even smart enough to see that blowback coming?

>Roland's journey always resets years after he was born

His physical appearance would most definitely be a constant, and any plot twist that we've been following Roland's twinner would be a disaster, especially if they go that route specifically to explain the unnecessary race change.
Ghost in the Shell did exactly this bullshit spending the whole movie explaining why Kusanagi was whitewashed.

whoever is writing this is kneedeep in that community...i think theyre indoctrinated enough to see it

No, they think it's a great twist. And it is. Just not for the agenda they're clearly pushing.

>Ghost in the Shell did exactly this bullshit spending the whole movie explaining why Kusanagi was whitewashed.
Eh? Please explain.

I've seen some stupid fucking people in my time.
I'll concede it could go either way; I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if faggot turns out to be a rapist.

The big bad corporation erased a Japanese woman's memories and put her brain in a white body so she could be their personal Robocop. The entire twist of the movie, and the lynchpin of the plot, was that she was a Japanese human activist the whole time!

>Roland's journey

You're doing it again, assuming that the "next" Roland is even from the same universe as the one that we read about questing for the tower in the "first" place. Were you literally not paying attention in the first book when the man in black described infinity?

>you did read the books didn't you?

Most of these people don't ACTUALLY believe the agenda, they just follow the zeitgeist.