Depp, Griffin etc. etc

Is Hollywood going to destroy itself with all the political bullshit?

Other urls found in this thread:

>science says replace all white men with virile young third world niggers

It's scientifically proven.

Germany emits 9.2 tons of CO2 per capita per year. Syria emits only 1.9 tons. By replacing the entire population of Germany with Syrians, the country can cut its contributions to climate change by 75%.

Learn more here:

Unfortunately, "science" has become what religion once was... a small cabal of politically motivated crooks who decide how everyone else understands reality.

the ride never ends

>being this desperate for nigger dick
If you don't believe in taking trillions of dollars of tax payers money and giving it to corporations in third world countries with the vague goal of possibly lowering global temperatures by a percentage of 1/10th of 1 degree you're anti science.

I thought one of these pics looked out of place so I highlighted it

they look so happy!

no kids for me!

bring in the 3rd worlders!

Not even hiding it anymore, are they?


probably not haha

it's comedy, she's a comedian



Nah they've indoctrinated a generation of Marxists already so no need.

I'm just going to convert to Islam now so I can crush liberal skulls when the time comes in two decades

Noam Chomsky specifically warned against leftists using political violence. We're not going to win against the right wing.

>what religion once was
>once was

you are fucking retarded

god i hope you dont vote ever again

>"We need to wait for old white people to die to get change"
>"You want to MURDER white people!?!?"

>this country's going to be a better place once the white people are gone

>because so many countries were improved by whites leaving, such as ... ?


Hollywood is already dead.

We are witnessing a twitching corpse.


Whites leaving and arbitrarily decided where a country ends and begins is why there's so much conflict in Africa and the Middle East.

Hol up

So u be sayin

That drawin borders and sheeeit causes conflict when they don't respect ancient cultural and tribal differences

But borders don't exist and everyone from every country can just come live in Germany with no problems

Did you know they were killed during the night after this image was taken?

Because they were hotbeds of peace before wyteppo showed up

I don't know. As someone from Europe I take Syrians over Germans. This does not seem like a bad thing.

Could black people care any less about quality of life or posterity?

this kills the WE

Good, they should never have stolen that land in the first place


Why does this thread have alice pajeet triggered so badly?

Everyone's ancestors, everywhere, stole land, idiot. Do you think it's different if the people your tribe stole land from were the same color as you?

Typical eurocentric rationalization. You colonized the world, now the world colonizes you.

Sex is determined by your chromosomes, Gender is a social construct. Thats all he had to say but instead he smelled free money and decided to come back to collect it. Either way he's turned into a fucking bandwagoning shill and should've stayed in the 90s.

The only people who give a shit about religion these days are literal sandniggers.

And with it goes society and civilization, bravo.

Really makes you think.

Literally nothing is lost if we lose Europeans.

But the world is full of braindead savages that can't do shit for themselves. Why else are we constantly pushing for automation? So the niggers that will eventually replace us won't even have to do basic labor. All their purpose would be is to be consumers and never rise above their shitty universal basic income, even the fucking rappers will be automated.

This is why I'm going to try to breed a Chinese national or something and abandon this ship. Blacks (and a lot of other people) literally don't give a shit if they move into a place and make it worse. They just care that they "conquered" a place.

yeah the human race would be so much better off thanks to the innovation of niggers and chinks

oh wait

"Gender" is a failed social experiement ran by a pederast and got two kids killed. Fuck your mental illness.

Wouldn't mind John McCain passing desu

You'll lose everything.
Except for Europeans, Asians are the only ones worth keeping.
Blacks are literally cancer, they destroy whatever they touch.

Can we at least give it up for DJ Seahorse?

>He thinks Hollywood hasn't always been political...

We could lose up to 90% Asians. Japs and arguably Koreans are the only ones worth keeping. Chinks would be fine if they weren't already in the billions.

Nobody realizes that this post is satire


Germans generally agree with it so who cares if it is satire.

>Sex is determined by your chromosomes, Gender is a social construct
that would have triggered Sup Forums retards anyways.

>people with an average iq that's less than a standard deviation above retarded will be able to maintain advanced infrastructure
um, no sweety

>has a social constructionist worldview
>thinks he can call others retarded

>>people with an average iq that's less than a standard deviation above retarded will be able to maintain advanced infrastructure
Lets see how they do first and in 100 years if everything is shit you can go point at Germany and be smug about it.

Until then I say we try to give them a chance with Europe.

Looks like Sup Forums is triggered for the millionth time this month. Is there anything that doesn't trigger you snowflakes?

>less than a standard deviation above retarded

Let me guess, do you religiously believe that China is the most intelligent country in the world?

>this whole thread

Is this the future of political discussion around the world and especially in the US? Random tweets from people? Literal nobody writers from a show pandering to a certain audience?

Is this the new "real news." It's not fake because somebody tweeted it! It fits my agenda so I'll spew it on Sup Forums because it's related to television but it fits certain agendas I have and Sup Forums is my hugbox so I can't get asspain out of them!

Not an argument. During the 19th century more ameri-indians were killed by other indians than by whites.
The Bantu (majority in many black countries, including east-, central- and southern ones) came from West-Africa about thousand years ago. In many countries they have been known to still hunt down the other blacks like pygmies.
Also, what is China? Who are the arabs, turks and persians? Who are the Mongols?

You have no reason, only irrational hatred and ressentiment towards whites.
Only reason ALL of black africa isn't starving ALL of the time is foreign aid by white nations.

latinos are the fastest growing population in USA
then it's the blacks
This is the future, whatever you fucking like it or not white boi
more and more white people no longer want to have children, and the ones that do want - they racemix, both white men and white women

Lations, Blacks, Asian people and multiracial people are the future. Future does not include white people, so why would you pander to them? It makes no sense

>muh Americans

>implying the Latinx community will survive mass deportations
>implying the black community doesn't cull its numbers through black-on-black violence

>when a climate denier goes to prison

>Kill white males!
>Don't reproduce because muh climate change
>Let the world come to us instead and that'll somehow solve global warming
This would trigger any rational person.

Shit, source?

>Not an argument. During the 19th century
let's not forget white people killed and still kill each other as well

>Literally stating that whites shouldn't be tribal while the whole world is tribal as fuck

>>Kill white males!
Objectively that is the group who did the most damage.
>>Don't reproduce because muh climate change
Also a fair argument if you judge it just by the numbers.
>>Let the world come to us instead and that'll somehow solve global warming
I mean if you think about it from a global warming perspective it makes sense that more people stop being white. Whites do well in cold climates and with the whole world heating up we don't need that many whites anymore.

This is why we need to quit pretending and come together as a WHITE people and start kicking non-whites back whence they came, and forcing them to take the race traitors with them.

>whites are getting blacked & browned
>whitebois are becoming sissies
Born just in time

>come together as a WHITE people
Never going to happen. the biggest enemy to white people is always other white people.

Even I myself would take all of Africa and the middle east in Europe over a single German.
I have never seen white Yuropoors and Muricans get along.
You don't even need to divide whites. We are already divided. Just start conquering.

You're dense.

I know this is bait

>Objectively that is the group who did the most damage.
To the environment? Look at China, they're doing just as much

>Also a fair argument if you judge it just by the numbers.
Then that should be told to everyone, not just whites.

>I mean if you think about it from a global warming perspective it makes sense that more people stop being white. Whites do well in cold climates and with the whole world heating up we don't need that many whites anymore.

Such a circular argument. Nothing that you have said is even remotely close to logical. What you're doing is advocating for genocide

>and start kicking non-whites back whence they came

then we would have to genocide the entirety of the us

What do you guys think of the Laci Green redemption arc?

Yeah, for sure. How can anyone defend this shit anymore? People will still go see the blockbusters and shit but being involved in the film industry is starting to be seen as embarrassing by normal people.

I am not baiting. Look at central Europe. Its getting hotter. Germans can't work in the heat. Makes sense to me to slowly replace the population with people more resistant to the heat.
>What you're doing is advocating for genocide
Okay two things. Nobody deserves it more than Germans. Second. It is not a violent genocide. People will just die childless of old age and new people come in from other countries.

Genocide is too harsh of a word for that.

She finally found a big white dick. I know many similar cases of SJW and crazy feminists who ended the same way.

Things aren't so bleak when you see groups like Castizos and Syrians as racially assimilable.


This whole le beaceful PoC le ebul wypipo you retards spout is entirely fucking wrong.

History runs on human blood, the only difference is that white people were better at conquest than most others, and unfortunately have the conscience to feel bad about it and try to help the people they conquered.
The difference between arabs, or turks and whites is that white people have too much conscience (due to cultural indoctrination) while arabs most certainly don't.
>Objectively that is the group who did the most damage.
No it's not. White males invented the modern world, they're the reason you're not a tribal forest dweller or a medieval peasant right now.
>Also a fair argument if you judge it just by the numbers.
Except that white countries are at the forefront of climate friendly tech and living. Blacks and browns, and for the most part yellows too don't give a shit about the climate.
>I mean if you think about it from a global warming perspective it makes sense that more people stop being white. Whites do well in cold climates and with the whole world heating up we don't need that many whites anymore.
Not how climate change, the sun or skin color works.
Nice cuckold tr011!one
>Blacks growing
They kill each other and have too many abortions, the black pop. will stay stable at a little less than 15%,meanwhile latinos will grow. And latinos fucking hate blacks, so this "victory" (should it happen) over whites will be very short-lived for you Jamal.

Not even a surprise, feminism is just a shit test.

>white people have too much conscience
Nah, it's high standards of living really. That's why British white people are different than Eastern European white people.

Besides, all that is happening now has happened before. I don't see you weep for ancient Romans.

>two decades

There's going to be open leftist revolt if the 2018 midterms don't go the way they want.

>nobody weeps for the ancient romans

Why do you think we call it the dark ages?

>I have never seen white Yuropoors and Muricans get along.
Really? Outside people shit talking on the internet I've always found European/American relations to be really good and cordial.

>Its getting hotter. Germans can't work in the heat.
This is the most retarded thing I've read all day. Germans are smart enough to invent climate cooling and ventilated buildings, arabs, or blacks mostly can't work in the heat or the cold at all.

Also, if it doesn't matter if europeans are replaced by foreigners in their own countries, if culture and borders and everything else is fluent and opposing change doesn't make sense, then why is climate change bad?
>Because it'll make things worse
Okay, but then mass immigration will too judging by statistics and history.
>Nobody deserves it more than Germans
Again with the PoC peaceful, ebul wyatt man memes.
You wouldn't be spouting your retarded opinions all over Sup Forums had it not been for German inventions.
You're probably a butthurt migrant in Europe, filled by ressentiment because you realize that "brown conqueror memes" are just that, and that mid-easterners actually end up living at the bottom of society once they get to Europe, not as kangz.
>high-standards of living
Retard. Japanese don't have this, (you probably don't know any history and think they were le beaceful PoC until the wyatt man came). Rich arabs don't have this. It's cultural infiltration and indoctrination.
>Besides, all that is happening now has happened before. I don't see you weep for ancient Romans.
Yes, and it made everything a hell of a lot worse. Especially for the romans themselves.

>then why is climate change bad?
I am saying it isn't. Climate change and population change seem to work in parallel.
>You wouldn't be spouting your retarded opinions all over Sup Forums had it not been for German inventions.
Oh shut up kraut. You haven't invented shit. Fuck Germans.

Europeans are rude and buttmad about american hegemony.

They always get a welcome reception here in America, but for some reason the huddled masses of mainland Europe can't cope with their subordinated butt frustration.

>Again with the PoC peaceful, ebul wyatt man memes.
>germans dindu nuffin

That nat geographic issue on gender. They used to be a legit magazine. Now, they have become part of the pandering. PBS also has multiple specials on trans kids.

I bet you will get at least one reply of an american whining about Europeans. And one of an European blaming all the Americans.

In a decade none of this will matter because Hollywood will be catering to the ching chong 24/7.

>Europeans are rude and buttmad about american hegemony.
Best argument against whites and for melting pots.

>I am saying it isn't
So why does it justify removing Europeans for being responsible for it?
>Oh shut up kraut. You haven't invented shit
Ok, you're clearly fucking illiterate. Also, not a kraut, just not a fucking retard like you.
>Fuck Germans.
Confirmed for buttmad migrant. lel.
>PoC dindu nuffin
>Black sicentists inevted all'a dis sheeit man no the wyatt man

Don't think its an argument for or against melting pots at all actually, just a commentary on Europeans tude towards americans.

And americans are what? If you are only talking about the white ones then it is just europeans and europeans.

If americans are better then mixing is better. Because that is the main difference.

>It's cultural infiltration and indoctrination.