I don't get it. What's the big deal about going left?

I don't get it. What's the big deal about going left?

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y doe?

>Going left implies the enemy will be on your right.
>Most people are right handed
>It's easier and safer to maneuver your arms and rifle around cover/concealment on your dominant side
>The guys moving left have to take more time to level their rifles and get in a proper fighting position or risk exposing more of their body to incoming fire

is that why the lefty went left? makes sense desu


positions usually end up stronger on the right side, so for them their left will be face the enemys right. This is so that the attacking forces right side can penetrate further and possibly outflank the enemy.

Why would you assault a MG position on a hill by running directly toward it in a big open field?
Why didn't they just sneak around the back of it if he had such a hard on to take it out?

>Why would you assault a MG position on a hill by running directly toward it in a big open field?
Because its a movie?
Why would a platoon be led by a middle aged captain? Why is the captain so old?


>Why would a platoon be led by a middle aged captain? Why is the captain so old?

lots of ww2 casualties meant lots of vacant positions therefore meaning promotion

Fuck, he reminds me too much of my younger brother. Can't watch this without grimacing.

You weren't in combat at that age in the American army.

For some reason its an unquestioned trope in war films that actors are all way too old. The sarge is way too fucking old too.

>I wanna go home I wanna go home


>mfw he goes from giving advice and instructions on how best to treat his wounds to babbling nonsense and begging to go home

not really. the average soldier age in ww2 was 26 so you would imagine there were officers a good deal older, especially by the end of the war

>its a letter to my dad
>its got blood on it

false, most officers and NCOS during ww2 you can find up to age 50.. the max draft age was 45 and you damn believe tbey were taking older guys...

This scene was brutal. I haven't watched this movie in years, nor do I have any desire to anymore.

>funny thing is sometimes she'd come home early, and Id pretend to be asleep. She'd stand in the doorway looking at me and I just keep my eyes shut. ANd I knew she just wanted to find out about my day, that she had come home early, just to talk to me. And I still wouldnt move I would just lie there with my eyes shut and pretend I was asleep. I dont know why I did that

tough shit

this little story he tells just makes his death all the more painful

Get him some engines quick, that will calm him down