Why do great directors fall?



Jar Jar is literally the only bad thing about the prequels. You are cherry picking when you use him to say the movies were bad.

>Del toro drops the Hobbit in Jackson's lap right before it starts film
>lol why the Hobbit turn out so bad

I don't get the Hackson meme, is it just uninformed idiots or what?


Scott was always a hack who just like Lucas was surrounded by people way more talented and smarter than him that had the balls to stand up and stop them from ruining those classic movies.

I hate RLM but I've got to agree with them when it comes to Cameron. He is master of making brain dead blockbuster movies. You might hate them for what they are but they don't pretend to be something deeper and greater.

Jackson got fucked by Del Toro and he pretty much took the blame and did those movies anyway cause of pure love he has for Tolkien's work. Normally he would prepare himself years before shooting. He is just a very systematic director who needs time and preparation.

Spielberg is just old and he gets involved in those bad projects.

>I don't get the Hackson meme, is it just uninformed idiots or what?

He's still responsible for the end product. If he didn't or couldn't make it right he shouldn't have.

"Last minute" doesn't explain why he inserted so much bullshit. It doesn't excuse the lack of focus in the story. Why Legolas is back. Forced love story. Forced stronk womyn elements.

Why is the thing three goddamn movies when they clearly didn't have material for that?

why is cameron there?


>He's still responsible for the end product. If he didn't or couldn't make it right he shouldn't have.

It's always so easy for you NEET faggots to assign blame isn't it, without even trying to think about the logistics that go into, you think they could just scrap the damn thing and just be done with it?

Fucking mong

>Jar Jar is literally the only bad thing about the prequels.

>great directors


Cameron has been doing the Disney blockbuster formula longer than Disney has been doing it. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought him in as a consultant for how make 100% mass appeal movies.

Unironically Jar-Jar is the one I find least annoying among those.

>great directors

>eyes wide shut

>Be Peter Jackson
>Spend most of your life making low budget schlock
>Finally get to adapt one of your favourite and most well know stories of all time
>Sure it's not perfect, but considering the standards presented by the source material it exceeds expectations
>Before you can move on to making your own shit, Universal offers you their remake of King Kong
>Initially decline, as you don't want to see one of your inspirations remade
>Realise the Hollywood Elites don't care what you think and will just hire a less demanding director
>Decide to go along with it
>It's a great success despite not pleasing everyone
>Let some other director with similar acclaim tackle the Hobbit for you
>Fucker drops it
>Studio comes to you just weeks before the shoot begins
>Tell them to fuck off
>They threaten to hire Brett fucking Ratner
>Take the offer since you'd rather have your name tarnished than one of your favourite children's novels ruined
>Midway through production, the studio says they want you o split the originally planned 2 movies into 3
>Can't argue without getting blacklisted
>Finish production of second movie within 24 hours of release
>Try to keep production up-beat and an over-all positive attitude in all the BTS stuff and commentaries
>Be forever remembered as the guy who ruined the Hobbit

He's the hero we deserve

Explain how LOTR isn't perfect

you either die the hero, or live long enough to become the villain

Explain this Hackson.

>Midway through production, the studio says they want you o split the originally planned 2 movies into 3

This is a blatant lie. Hackson didn't get his normal prep time, so at the end of principal photography he hadn't figured out the battle of the five armies sequence, so he panicked and called the studio and lied about having enough material for 3 movies, that way he could push the battle shit back another year.

This also answers this question So much shit was inserted because he had come up with an extra 3 hours of content for it to work as a trilogy. Now I'm not defending Hackson, even with prep time he still would have put in stupid shit, we saw this in the lotr trilogy, but the Hobbit would have been significantly better as just two movies.

its old age and their brains starting to go.
directors peak between the ages of 30 to 50 then after that its dementia time.

I see only one great director in that picture

no Tom Bombadil
Gimli is a joke character
Most of the songs are missing.
the end of the Fellowship of the Ring didnt happen like that

Legolas anime moves
Ghost men at minas tirith