Not a single comedy released this year

>not a single comedy released this year

But there has been like that weekend at bernie's remake

Literally nothing funny to watch...

The mainstream media doesn't produce comedies that can make me laugh. Rick and Morty is the only funny show on tv.

Come see Baywatch, user. It's pants-pissingly funny!

There was a really RAUNCHY and LITTY rated R lil' comedy released just a few weeks ago

comedies are supposed to have jokes in it tho

How can we laugh at movies knowing we all live in Trumps America?

Comedy died on November 8th 2016


user who cares about the jokes fuck the critics it's for the fans #LITTY

American Made
Baby Driver
Daddy's Home 2


Baby Driver is coming out next week. It's getting great reviews so far. GotG 2 could also pass for a comedy. And there's a movie with Amy Poehler and Will Farrell coming out soon.

The never ending asshurt from Trump's presidency is funnier than anything a comedian could produce in a lab.

No scar jo fans here? The female version of the hangover entitled "ROUGH NIGHT " was actually pretty funny and it wasn't terrible movie. Chicks hate it because it's got hotter chicks than them in it and they are actually funny. Don't be faggots, and give "ROUGH NIGHT" a chance


t. Chick

>Scar Jo

Hah lbvs desu teehee yaaaas

>its actually funny to me XD

It was pretty funny though user there like partying then they accidentaly kill the striper so they just to a complete weekend at bernies remake was great.

>A Luan Pepe

I've made it
do you like it

It's nice.



such ugly animation

You seriously sound like a shill


You sound like a faggot who probably uses "shill" and "cringe" too much. Fuckin don't watch the movie then.

but you do sound like a shill

It will be released? What's the name?

should've made a leni thread, normies like her more

>not seeing the schumerkino that is snatched