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Damn it


look at these dubs that I just found

Biggest death of 2017 by far

his chin was that awesome for real.
F maximum respects

Crap. What a great actor.


at long last, the town of Lazytown is safe from harm


>no chin as awesome

Fuck, I am really bummed out now




>batman and Robbie both die this year

rip in piece unfunny Reddit meme

May you always be a pirate forever, Robbie.
You are a pirate.

i never watched the show, but I always thought he was a great performer and really dedicated when I saw clips and memes.


>we lost a hero this year
>we will possibly lose a villain this year

This better get a sticky. F.


Is pancreatic cancer basically a surefire death sentence?


More like Robbie Rotting


His is stage 4. Basically untreatable now.

Poor bastard. They're even trying "unconventional" treatment too now. Basically magic water, sugar pills and reiki. Probably even praying too.

Poor guy.



Kys user, pls leave.

Pretty much. You won't show symptoms usually until it's too late. With your pancreas compromised, it'll be impossible for your to produce or maintain it's insulin and blood sugar levels. Without blood sugar your metabolism shuts down, and your cells atrophy and die. It's not a pretty way to go.

It's the only screencap I could find

That calls for Batman x Lazy Town crossover movie

Your welcome faget.

cancer is scary as fuck



He's actually been granted the most loving and beautiful death of any "celebrity" with the last 20 years by far excluding Gene Wilder. He has finally found appreciation and can feel accomplished as he moved onward. His family should feel proud and supportive if him and his life decisions.

>would have lived had he accepted religion earlier


har har


This. Christians do not fear death because our lives are eternal.

It's 50/50 if you survive a year. After that the survival rate continues to plummet. That's also assuming it hasn't metastisized and spread elsewhere.

>it's real and not a mene



>It was unbearable to tell our children that their dad would not live to be an old man, and that the time we had together was scarce. Taking away the hope that their dad will ever recover.


RIP that chin


Gotta admit the show is creepy to me and I don't like the normie memes but the guy in interviews seems cool as fuk. I've rearely seen anyone act as genuinely appreciative towards his fans as him. What a shame

You will live in memes forever.

May Jesus forgive him

The concept of eternal life is a nightmare when you really think about it

>On June 7, three liver tumourswere removed. After the operation Stefan suffered an infection which lasted a week. and afterwards, he received an infection that lasted for a week in hospital. Stephen has bile-duct cancer (Cholangiocarcinoma), a rare and little-researched disease.
Yeah it's not looking good.

On earth maybe. Earth is Satan's domain. We cannot comprehend Heaven really

No it's not fuck that death is horrifying

May he find his ways to Odin's halls.

I call BS really. You'll be not wanting to die the second something bad happens. No one is truly okay with dying.

Bad guys who did nothing wrong?

good. meme man gone

Who the fuck actually sits through and finds the we are number one videos actually funny?

I don't want to die painfully and I don't want to die because of the pain it would cause my family but I really see death as another stage of life.

This is what happens when you smoke.

Still want to be """cool"""?



>I really see death as another stage of life.

yeah the final stage, a very short one

Reminder that Robbie was a corrupted former Sportacus.

He was the previous incarnation of The One.

I'm not an atheist. One day you will see the world as a more mystical place and maybe you can allow some religion in your life. I will pray for you.

as an hommage I propose that we all share the we are number one eddits and other lazy town stuff.
May he survive, or bring lazyness to the afterworld.

Imagine existing forever, sure it would be awesome for the first couple of million years, hanging out and getting to know everyone in heaven, travelling the universe. But there will come a time when you've gotten to know everyone, read all the books, played all the games, seen every last scrap of kino multiple times. There is nothing left to say, do or see, you'll be bored, more bored then you've ever been in your whole life, and there will be no escape. The boredom will last for eternity and you will never ever escape it

That's the thing about humans. We breed, so there's always more people to meet, more experiences to explore and more works to understand

It's less of forever and more of "this shit is beyond time"


There will be a finite number of people, if you are a Christian you have to believe that because the bible talks about the end times. You could spend a million years with each person whoever got into heaven, let's say a hundred trillion and still after all that time eternity still stretches out in front of you. You could visit every star, planet and moon in the universe and once you got back there eternity waits for you. The is truth in old curse may you live forever

Perfect immortality isn't possible anyway. You'll always have the ability to kill yourself, which is a pretty good choice if you get trapped on a dead planet or something.

I don't think many people today would turn down a cure to aging.

No F's yet lads, Robbie's gonna fight till the end. He didn't fucking deserve this. So many other shitty actors who don't give a shit about their careers deserve this. Life is cruel my guys.

these shitty memes have been getting annoying hopefully people will stop making them once he kicks the bucket

o fuck

lol you can regulate insulin and blood sugar
look at type one diabetics

pancreatic cancer kills you by effectively poisoning your blood, not by giving you diabetes

>mfw I have type 1 diabeetus

are you saying I'm not immune to cancer, user

the doctors told me I was immortal

You obviously don't know how internet works, newfag redditor.

only the good die young

>le "immortality is bad"
One of the shittiest cliches ever. You're speaking from the perspective of someone without it. "Boredom" probably wouldn't be any more of a problem than it is now, probably even less because you're not wasting short time on it.

What kind of cancer was it?

It's not safe from me...

reminder that cancer always wins.
Don't do chemo and live a longer but shittier life. Ignore the cancer and go do fun stuff

Chemo can give you a few more years at the expense of a few months of feeling like total shit.

The problem is people who seriously think chemo is going to do anything on their stage 3/4 shit.


but seriously though, F

He even got back together with the other actors to livestream the song.
Stefan Karl was a good man and it'll be a shame when he finally passes.



oh fuck don't do this to me


I salute you, Robbie.

God damn, why don't we have the ability to turn humans into Deadpools yet by letting cancer fight itself yet


Feels horrible. Love you Stefan

only knew him from the lazytown memes on Sup Forums back in the day

F though

this was obviously going to happen since it's pancreatic cancer

I can't understand the ways of God, but I hope he takes care of him



You were a great man, I'll never forget ya

>tfw this was prophetic

>We're number 4
Like his stage

P...pls delet

Fight hard big man
you have a wife and family and even though it is the end know you touched many lives

im sad now lads