Could someone explain to me why this movie is so highly revered? It's not the greatest scifi movie ever. Hell...

Could someone explain to me why this movie is so highly revered? It's not the greatest scifi movie ever. Hell, it wasnt even the best movie of 1982.

Besides the visuals (which are great) what does this movie have going for it?

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Vusuals over the top for it's era. Literally, feed Your eyes. Also balance between darkness and light in every shot makes it 80s era futuristic 30s Noir film.

this movie is not for you OP go watch capeshit #37

>Besides the visuals (which are great) what does this movie have going for it?

For someone accusing me of liking capeshit, you dont seem to be capable of telling me why this movie is good

Accusing somebody of liking capeshit or being "reddit" is what people do when they are butthurt about your opinion, but aren't smart enough to come up with a well thought out response.

Agreed. Im not even claiming that the movie is bad, just claiming its overated
I welcome any challenging opinions

It's not just that the visuals were technically impressive, but in an age of Star Wars the setting and overall mood and atmosphere of Blade Runner was a very unique version of the future. The style has been so abused in other media that it's hard to appreciate that it was innovative for the time.

All you did was say this movie was overrated without ever explaining how or why this movie was overrated. Why should you get a serious response?

god tier cinematography

Soundtrack perhaps ?

>It's not the greatest scifi movie ever
what is the greatest scifi movie ever
>it wasnt even the best movie of 1982
what is the best movie of 1982

Trenchcoats. Nerds and loners like them some trenchcoats.

The Thing

>Home again, home again jiggity jig
>Tears in the rain
>Expensive owl
>God tier music

Harrison Ford was boring, I didnt care about him or his mission. It looks good and sounds good, thats about it. The story wasnt very interesting, although it could have been if it was handled different

So far we have

>that one monologue

What about Rutguer Hauers whole performance? What about the writting of his character?

Had a similar reaction when I watched it for the first (and so far only time) and only with time did I really get why some people revere it

Im fairly neutral on it, I can easily see what it does well and its quality as a "thinking mans" sci fi movie. Its very different from what I expected it to be and it felt (and still feels) more like great scenes and actors sewn together into an incoherent, almost random story. The effects are good but I dont know if id call it a "good" movie. Birdman is a good movie. Star Wars is a good movie. The Dark Knight was a good movie. Blade Runner is an experiment and the reasons to like it are mostly separated from what makes a good movie (apart from the already mentioned visuals, but then again tons of garbage like Dune had great sets and costumes)

>watched it expecting an action movie
>it wasn't an action movie so I hated it

>watched it again without these expectations
>it was alright

You guys excited for the sequel?

This is me exactly

Well it's pretty good I guess but it's no Batman vs Superman.

'Like tears in Rain' was ad-libbed. The original version of the script was just going to have a generic showdown between Baty and Deckard.

>ever thinking blade runner was an action movie

Oh dear god no. It's utterly obvious that the sequel is going to suck.

>people still fall for the "this important part was improved!" meme

>Birdman is a good movie. Star Wars is a good movie. The Dark Knight was a good movie.

Way to oust yourself as a braindead fucking millenial.
>not enough exposition = bad movie
Your generation is cancer.

I have a legit question.
Roy, Zora, and Pris were all attractive. So what's up with Leon?

what i've noticed is certain types of people enjoy the characters and story in blade runner, and they are the same types of people who over analyze kubrick movies trying to find hidden symbolic meaning in every frame. they are legit autists and you shouldn't pay attention to them

I think Blade Runners problem was too much exposition

I said it was ad-libbed because actors making shit up doesn't fall under 'writing'. Baty was pretty much just a lunatic until Hauer made up those few lines to give him some depth.

It wasn't ad libbed
There was a written monologue for him but Hauer made a few changes to it, removing what he thought was unnecessary and put his own spin on it.

Leon was big, dumb and ugly because his only job was menial labor

>Sushi. That's what my ex-wife called me. Cold fish.

The sound design

it's ironic that futuristic LA is imagined as heavily Chinese/Asian whereas it should have been obvious in the early 1980s what the demographics would be

It looks like it's going to have some pretty GOAT visuals, though. Perhaps consider it a peek into the future of cyberpunk movies?

No he didn't. He praised the technicals but said nothing else impressed him.

>durr only old movies can be good!!1

I hope youre also retarded enough to not realize that star wars is older than blade runner

That would be nice. Seems like there are very few cyberpunk movies nowadays, not that there ever were many. I suspect that because our reality is so tech-heavy, people are less inclined to want to see tech-dominated fantasy on the screen.

no because the chinks will expell the tacos

Great visuals, insanely great soundtrack, Rutger Hauer at his prime and an interesting storyline about what makes you human, which in turn is just becoming increasingly relevant as we get closer to actual AI (also the worldwide displacement of human labour by robots that is coming has relevance here)

In short, it's a great film, just make sure you watch the best cut (final cut)

>Visuals are top
>Music is well chosen
>Story about people being treated like not real people
>Tears in rain
>Cyperpunk la
I think it was the first movie in the sci fi genre to do these, I think.


Rutger Hauer is the star if the movie user. Harrison Ford is the sad sack who learns to value life again through his experiences with Roy and Rachael. You're not supposed to be rooting for anyone really, just empathizing. I actually think Ford's performance is really really good, though. Less showy than the others. You can really see how it gets to him more and more through the movie, culminating with Roy's death and his decision to run off with Rachael.

You guys all watched the final cut, right?

Okay but other than the cinematography and the story and the soundtrack and the performances what does this film really have going for it??

I've always thought that this NASA ad for the JUNO Mission was a fantastic use of Vangelis:

>the performances
those were garbage outside of Hauer. Ford just looks generally confused most of the time and the acrobat chick looks like she was the first person that showed up for casting

Oh definitely, Harrison Ford, what a hack. He'll never be popular.

What really makes it, to me, is that the middle section after the view passes through the telescope isn't CGI. It's actual shots of Jupiter taken from the approaching craft, spliced into video.

Aside from the cinematography which ranks in the top 5 of all time, and its huge influence on science fiction from movies to video games, what does Bladerunner have going for it


where the FUCK are Dwayne Johnson's oscars?

I have not conceded on the performances or the story, your sarcasm falls flat.

Rutger hauer gives a good performance, but thats it. Ford is boring.

Much of the story is exposition, ironic considering visuals are one of the movies biggest strengths.

Atmosphere. It's about leaving an imprint on you rather than entertain your mind with a story or inform it with morals and wisdom.

It's like ambient music, if you get it you already get "BR" and if you don't, the same applies.

>lel it ranks on this arbitrary list by someone with the same opinion as me

Well memed sir. I know its influence, but you don't judge a movie by the reception it recieves, you judge it based on its own strengths as a movie. The whole:

>it made lists and developed a cult following

is just as bad an argument as:

>it made a lot of money

He made it sound like it was his personal list. Are you ok, user?

1982 had to be a brutal year for a sci-fi movie to open:

Blade Runner
The Thing
Star Trek Wrath of Khan

Point was arguing something ranking on some list is lazy. If the cinematography is the best tell me how, although you'll find little argument out of me on that subject as I believed that is one of the movies biggest strengths


the scenes and dialog are well-crafted, the acting and dialog have a lot of style
the replicants are a symbol for humans, and the humans, gods, so it resonates on a deep level

This is true

It saddens me we dont get years like this anymore

I agree, although I dont think the acting had a lot of style. I think the costumes they had the way it was shot had a lot of style, but the acting (with one or two exceptions) was ho hum.

I agree about the themes, but I thought they didnt handle the themes as well as they could have, a lot of themes are delivered through exposition.

>Arguing something ranking on some list is lazy
All he said was that he loved the cinematography and that it's in his top 5, he didn't say that since it's in a top 5 list it is therefore great. Seek help.

He says it ranks in the top 5 of all time, not that its his personal list. Reading comprehension. Try it.

If it weren't for your dubs I would have slaughtered you.

>He doesn't understand how people talk
This is getting sad, user.

I second The Thing

Theres a big difference between saying

>It ranks in the top 5 of all time


>its in my top 5 of all time

Don't get mad at me because you understand english poorly

Muh dick.

There really isn't, when discussing subjective mediums. And without a source for the list, it is assumed it is their list. Talking to the handicapped is tiring for me, so there isn't a reason to respond again.

>Superb cinematography & soundtrack
>Good acting
>Simple but interesting story
What's not to love?

>but the acting was ho hum.
I don't know about that, just about everyone is great at doing what they're supposed to be doing. Every voit kampff test is a slow burn of tension and the scene is an actor, acting like a robot, acting like a human, trying not to get found out, under pressure of this nonsense interrogation.
It's all pretty good.

So now everything that is not sourced is to be taken as opinion? I think you are the one who doesnt understand how people talk. Theres a HUGE difference between stating an opinion and stating a fact and how you articulate both.

Please dont respond again, you are the dumbest person in this thread right now

I suppose you are correct about this. I think my gripe is with the characters and how they are written more than how they are acted.

I still dont like Fords acting, but thats my opinion.

ford can't act worth a shit. he's good at things like indiana jones but that's about it

It was an adaptation. Personally, I also feel it's an overrated movie as well. Visuals and effects carry it, actors hardly do much other than just be there. Existential mumbojumbo didn't hold my interest nor did I expect it to.

It's better than 2001 (the movie not the book) and it's worth several rewatches, but I rarely take the dvd out and watch it myself. I rank it among Event Horizon, Pandorum, and Death Machine: flawed but visually entertaining and something interesting to watch from time to time.

I completely agree, I think 2001 is much more overated than Blade Runner. At least Blade Runner actually HAD characters.

i haven't read the book but i'm assuming the characters are just as dry in it, because that's pretty much all PKD books, his characters are awful and are only there to experience the plot.

Pandorum is just a garbage mcdonalds movie version of Dead Space


It makes me sad seeing the Dead Space franchise sell out then die, just like Resident Evil.

the only "sell out" was 3. Dead Space 2 is superior to 1 in every imaginable way, including horror

I agree, I dont think 2 is as good as 1 in horror though.

>3 is the only sell out

So if they make a 4, you dont think it will be the same as 3? Unless EA sells the rights, it will be.

Doesnt matter since it wont happen. If it will I hope they see that the strength of the series in the first place was its innovation (delimbing focused combat, great hud etc)

innovate again with something that completely revamps the series. Always thought the third one should have already done it by only having one "necromorph" that acts more like The Thing, splitting apart and changing form

>his characters are awful and are only there to experience the plot.
Not really. A scanner darkly is heartbreaking because you genuinely feel for bob.
Other times they're literal cyphers like a tarot card, stations of the cross, or the zodiac.
I'd suggest reading VALIS and then asking yourself how self aware it is.

>film majors
yeah nah, go make my coffee barista