What are some movies about becoming alpha as fuck?

What are some movies about becoming alpha as fuck?

Stargate sg1
You can't become alpha in 130 minutes. You need 4-5 years like Daniel

Goold fucking shits

There Will Be Blood


Karate Kid

Check out The Accountant

2001 or 2016?


Taboo 2. That dude fucks everyone, including his sister and his mother.

Blue Velvet

it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible, dutiful.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support, which he sees as ''a childish useless submissive woman'' [or whore and he feels betrayed by her]
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.

Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy, or for the most impotent, their tongue in the pussy]

THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loose it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.

this. meaning of life stuff is the way.


What watch is that? I might buy one.

did he say that?


>fuck generic blonde bitch for map to treasure
>find said treasure, turns out to be an immortal mummy princess
>end up being the chosen one for immortal mummy princess
>cuck her with generic blonde bitch

Can't get more alpha than saying no to a literal goddess

Google it nigger, swag fags from across the internet have catalogued every Mann film since forever. The info is out there down to his fucking underwear.

But given that Vincent runs around with a pocket Katana, i doubt his watch will be within anyones acceptable price range.

That movie made me go out and shoot the USP. Did not enjoy the trigger pull. Ended up getting a Sig P226, which I love.

>alpha as fuck
>getting rekt by a cabbie driver

>nigger cabbie


>being pussy whipped by an inferior girl is alpha

>tips fedora and sexually assults 3 chinks and tard rages on security.

I'm literally vincent.

I always watch predator right before I go to the gym or fuck my gf to get the adrenaline pumpin'.

Oh it's IWC.

Pretty good brand. I never could afford one though.

op was talking about the cabbie driver

>pure aryan beauty
>inferior to a dirty ancient Egyptian

It's not.

It's not. You're probably right, but you also shouldn't want one.

>murders innocent people
lol you must think school shootings are the most alpha shit ever

>It's not.

But some autist online said it is.

Do you not like the brand?

My opinion on the brand matters as little as yours, but that's not an IWC.

What is it?

>he's bound by the social contrust of good and evil
>it's a wolf among sheep thriving on the survival of the strong

You're the truest beta.

There is this site.. Dont remember what its called atm, but Adam Savage posts there, and its dedicated to replicating movie costumes down to the stich on the fabric. Those costume fags are amazing at finding shit, CIA nigger tier research.

I dont know about the watch, i only use G-shocks because of Operator movies and affordability. But given Vincents costume, i'm convinced that watch has to be expensive as fuck.

A watch

>A watch
What the tick are you tocking about?!

It's an IWC

Gun Woman or Nikita

Haven't you heard? Egyptians were European

Isn't Egypt in Africa?
Either way, Sofia Boutella was way, way hotter than the blonde with the weird eyes. Tom's character not giving in to her wasn't alpha, it was utterly moronic. He could literally become a god with a beautiful immortal queen by his side, but he chose a woman who despised him at first
