ITT: 10/10 movie costumes

ITT: 10/10 movie costumes

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I'm almost certain this movie was what planted the seeds for me becoming a sexual reprobate later on in life.

Me too, man. This movie gave me a severe latex fetish.

>posting capeshit in 10/10 costume thread
back to rēddit


Always loved their wardrobe design in this movie. Damn, I miss the 90s.

Ben Hur costumes










Who would have thought CGI capes would become the norm? Spawn was ahead of it's time.

Damn right, it was. Must have rented Spawn from the video shop a million times in the 90s.


unpopular opinion but i honestly think they should add spawn to the dceu considering how he's already part of the TDKR universe.

the best batman suit inc.

fucking nolan fans

>Enough from the Clown!

Can never watch that scene without thinking about Spawn.

>he's already part of the TDKR universe.
When did this happen?

This is a good example of a single 10/10 scene in an otherwise shit movie.



i really liked malebolgias cgi costume



What would it take to make a quality Spawn movie in the 2010s? For my money...

>downplaying the superhero/paranormal/sci-fi elements of the comics/first movie
>focusing on the urban horror aspect of the character/story
>potentially take the focus off of Spawn himself and keep him shrouded in mystery; make his presence felt throughout the entire film but don't necessarily make him the protagonist
>make sure to get the visual aesthetic of the film right; going for a look stuck somewhere between Se7en and the simultaneously cartoonish and dark look of the 90s comics

he looks like old biff from bttf 2

prepare for everyone in this thread get told to shut up


Everything post-Winter Soldier was god tier.

The Dark Knight Returns universe, not Rises
Frank Miller wrote a crossover with Batman and Spawn, called just Batman/Spawn

>10/10 costume
>11/10 casting

She has such a stupid face.

Pic related.

Also, the fight scene is GOAT.

Shit movie, but cool aesthetic. The nomad looked awesome.

>Also, the fight scene is GOAT.
I forgot the link:

*moves whole body to turn head*

spin-off never ever

>no cloven hooves
I really hope the reboot is more loyal to the source material (aesthetically and in Hellboy's personality terms)

It still looked better than the chicken neck Nolan gave the Batsuit that made Bale's head look enormous.


>I really hope it's more like the comic
>no mention of hoping it will actually be good

People like you are ruining capeshit.


yeah of course I'm hoping it to be good... why would I want the opposite?

>implying making it more like the comics isn't equal to making a good Hellboy film

The entire movie is 10/10 costume design.

how is this movie shit you pleb

Why does his fur look like pubic hair?

They were cool but I had no idea what the fuck they were supposed to be.

I get that Hobo with a Shotgun is supposed to be grindhousey as shit, but in the context of a film about a scummy gangster and his sons that rule a city and a hobo trying to take them down, two living suites of armor on motorcycles didn't quite make any sense.

almost as cool as this

>ywn kidnap Mia Sara and turn her into your evil gothfu princess

Gib vvitch gf

Still pretty much the coolest armour I've ever seen in a movie.

Snyder ruined his costume because he wanted to satirize batman

Forgot pic, lads.

Lost in Space had some god-tier costumes, too.

*finds inaccuracies in your movie*

Idgaf tbqh, he looks like an outrageous fucking boss and I think that's awesome.

step aside, best batman suit to date comming through

>that head
>those arms
Is this the natty limit?



Maybe I should have said "kinda shit". Bad acting (what little acting there was —
McDermott did his job, I suppose) and a really lacking plot, plus some really cheesy moments. The cameos were great, though. It's fun to watch from time to time.

Aesthetic 10/10

Cute nipples and plastic abs. Boy this superhero shit is ridiculous. If I'd be a superhero I don't think I could actually manage to order an outfit like that without laughing.

Whoever made that should've gotten a damn oscar

the cown was too narrow, they could improve that thing.. like this british guy did

His costume in the graphic novel made a lot more sense. The nipples were a direct satire of bat nipples and Snyder had to grey down the color scheme of course so you get nothing close to what it was supposed to be

all those gadgets are sick, but if all those armor panels were actually functional, the suit would be even clunkier and heavier
BvS suit is better because it is lighter, skintight, and more flexible
Batman rather not even get shot at than try to deflect bullets

It's a skin condition!

I really liked the new suit, too bad they bulked to much it leave little room for neck, and it just seems.. unatural

Is the HBO cartoon good?

to what it could have been: pic related

let the bodies hit the

yeah he is just too big and heavy to be agile, but I like the Dark Knight Returns style to it

it's tactical swat mech man

still a thousand better than rubberman in burton movies

the suit of the stunt man actually looks okay i guess


I always thought he had no skin and was just wearing chrome armor on top of exposed muscle

i hope that was a typo

>we need to find a way to make our TV show appeal to a broader demographic of men


Thats almost exactly what Mcfarlane is doing/trying to do right now. A fairly low budget "boogeyman" movie about Spawn

yes, sorry about that.

>Batman rather not even get shot at than try to deflect bullets
Then they stuck in a tension-destroying bit where he gets shot point-blank in the head and was bulletproof the entire time.

Pic related.

For the time, this bit of cgi was fantastic. Even now its great. Violator looked good too.

Spawn was a victim of it's age, if it was made now it would be amazing,

I use this as a wallpaper every now and then

McFarlane has been trying to get a new film going for years which is basically a detective noir with Sam & Twitch, where Spawn is a whispered myth in the shittier parts of the city.

It won't happen as Spawn is too much of an anti-hero and studios want Avengers films to make toys of.

He looks like Goldmember


Too bad his costume for the rest of the movie is just normal clothes and a goofy sandnigger hat

This isn't the case ?

is that not how it is?

I love this movie and I've never valued this, thanks user