Why does america like to ruin old cartoons?

Why does america like to ruin old cartoons?

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They belong to them, they get to do whatever they want.

looks comfy desu

doesn't look bad

So cute!!! XD

>LOL what if thing for children, but for adults? >Commentary
>So smart

Looks close enough to Rosa and Barks comics, and that's a good thing if you are not a pleb.

Remember that one European cartoon? Neither do I.

If you dont like, then stop watching kids shows you fucking pedo faggot

>Americans gets defensive over Ducktales
>implying it was anything more than a standard saturday morning cartoon in the first place

>why does (x) group keep using (x) to make a profit?

t. anime pro

>He didn't watch Quack Pack

That's Donald Duck pro, thank you very much.

I don't think it looks too bad honestly. Kinda looks like old comics


except they don't look like squareheads in the comics

Why does animated movies and shows get uglier for every year?

Are you for real?

Same reason movies look terrible. Actual talent replaced by software.

MCoG was pretty good, though it was hapa and also eventually ruined.

Because Jews need more money to donate to illegal Hasidic settlements in the West Bank.


>digital art just draws itself hurr durr

Rope yourself you stupid faggot

Fucking CalArts

>Remember that one European cartoon?

They ruin old movies too

benny schwaaaz is on that show, i have some hope for it. and disney is usually p careful with their shit.


That doesn't look too bad. It's the new Mickey Mouse cartoons that look like god damn Ren and Stimpy that's fucking shit


what are you talking about this looks like the most reliable reboot ever

although Im 30, I might watch an episode or two

oh the nostalgia

I guess Disney thought it was hip to be square.

More expressive in 2 colors than anything american with a full palette.

Macomedia Flash was a mistake

Is Pepe purposely trying to eat the popcorn out of midair here or is he accidentally spilling it?

Huey (Dewey) Lewis pls leave


it seems like everyone who visits california too long gets their brains sucked out. i know someone who is unironically ripping off spongebob thinking that it is somehow an 'original idea'


Older cartoons have powerful brand recognition and cartoons they make now are just plain bad so it just kind of happens. They need 20 minutes of filler slice of life for the slow paced boring no action nu-tunes.

youre status = BTFO

that was chinese though

You mean Mongolian.

This feels like a worse version of this


kys newfag

ugh why do european languages sound so FUCKING RETARDED??

>why does everyone like to make money from nostalgia?
fixed it for you.

>we wanted to give the newphews more personality
>so we made them all the same snarky personality and voiced by bored sounding white dudes

Most people aren't really sure based on how there is at least one person to always ask when it's posted. My guess is he's excited/surprised and shaking it.

he sneezes and the popcorn goes flying


u mad lol

are you being serious?

english is a European language

Maybe it was once but not today


As an American who has lived in various pig-foreign countries for years this is the only one I can get behind.

code lyoko


well, this

>language sounds retarded
>burgers literally are retarded statistically

I really don't like the art style but the animation looks very good



There was a period of Tom and Jerry where it was animated in Russia because it was cheap as fuck to do it. Tom and Jerry was always pretty overrated, but it was pretty bad

>they differentiated Huey Dewey and Louie

I don't mind certain parts of the style, but all the character designs are subtlety grotesque

>the show went from hand drawn to toonboom
>" the animation looks very good"

The song got worse too.

god tier, even the sequel in Gekotzt wird später is great

This looks good desu, it's clearly based on the old kino 1960s comics and not the 1980s TV series

I'ts growing on me 2bh

Most of these shorts aren't very funny. Launchpads is the only good one so far.

>not today
so the language fundamentally changed it's germanic structure?
Are you retarded

And the "Turd in the Punch Bowl" Award goes to....


Modern animation styles need to die horribly. Did someone look back at old Disney cartoons and say to themselves, "Well look at that, I CAN DO WORSE!" ? Because that's the only way this happens. Someone actively trying to do worse than what came before.

What is it about ducks that cause so much autism?

What you just posted looks nothing like: this flat angular shit. One is full of color and heart, the OP's is drab and drained of color.

I miss TinTin.

Delia Duck fucked an actual non anhtromorph bird?

The last names in top left corner combined with the mysterious "____ Duck" give kind of an incest vibe, but I suppose Duck can't be a rare last name among cartoon ducks

Wait his full name is Goofy Goof? I did not know that.

The girl duck is a cute, please post pics of the girl duck

No, that bird is just covering the face of her husband since I guess it's supposed to be a secret. You can also see the tree's leaves are covering his name

Oh I didn't even notice there was a head in the background

Good lord those copyright laws are retarded.

Tin tin creator creator made extremely clear that he didn't wanted anyone touching his character after his death, but hollywood producer couldn't let a valuable IP alone.

> The horny old man that rides the subway is replaced by this


ours to ruin. wtf do you care

That artstyle is fine.

>butthurt af

Let me guess, you think Japanese is the best language in the world?

What the fuck? Where is this?

Well, I'm okay with that. If you're dead, why shouldn't people be able to make fanfics with your character?


Espartaco: and the aun beneath the Sea

very spiritual kino


What the fuck? You have obviously never seen a Barks or Rosa comic in your entire live. Those looks nothing like the abomination in OPs pic.

Don Rosa wanted to do a story about Huey, Dewey, and Louie's parents and teased it with that pic, but Disney wouldn't let him.

Fucking Disney. I'm glad he's dead!