Could we get an Iron Giant thread going? I just watched it for the first time on a whim and thought it was fantastic...

Could we get an Iron Giant thread going? I just watched it for the first time on a whim and thought it was fantastic. Are Brad Birds other films worth checking out?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is Brad Bird an Objectivist?

What was his fucking problem?

some people just enjoy being assholes

Man, good thread. One of the best animated films out there. Heartbreaking masterpiece. My boy VD goes in.

Vin Diesel's best role.

Most def nigga.

>Are Brad Birds other films worth checking out?

Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol is one of the best action films of the 21st century

>Brad Bird directed a Mission impossible movie

Huh - Neat. The Iron giant was far more feelsy than I would have imagined, does he pull that in his other stuff? I was thinking of checking out The Incredibles next


You are who you choose to be

Not today motherfucker

what actually broke me was the scene where the giant thinks Hogarth has died. That fucking choke up and quick tremble was some shit

Are we really supposed to believe no humans were killed when the giant went into destructo mode?

First tank that gets blown up at 0:36 has got to be fucked, the army dudes don't start running away until he prepares to shoot the second tank

tl;dr niggas were probably toast

A local movie theater did a free screening of TIG and it was the first time I'd seen in in the big screen. A Hidden Gem
I still wonder this to this day

a masterpiece
god-tier animation

I think you mean The Iron Man.

On the plus side feminists hate its author more than they actually hate Hitler.

"The financial failure of Warner's previous animated effort, Quest for Camelot, which made the studio reconsider animated films, helped shape The Iron Giant's production considerably. "Three-quarters" of the animation team on that team helped craft The Iron Giant.[18] By the time it entered production, Warner Bros. informed the staff that there would be a smaller budget as well as time-frame to get the film completed."

"Bird regarded the trade-off as having "one-third of the money of a Disney or DreamWorks film, and half of the production schedule," but the payoff as having more creative freedom, describing the film as "fully-made by the animation team; I don't think any other studio can say that to the level that we can.""

>Studio funding and personell was cut to bare minimum, Brad even brought in students from California Institute of the Arts to help finish the animations
>Strict deadline that any lesser director would have flubbed
>In spite of all the movie itself has no hints whatsoever to its troubled production, the animation work is outstanding and it never feels like they had to compromise

How the FUCK did they do it?

MI4 isn't really a feelsy movie. Just an exceptionally well-done, fun, spectacle-driven blockbuster action flick.

what's the story here?

Bumping this because I want to hear the story. Also I only recently learned it was based off a book, what's the name of said book?

The Iron Man by Ted Hughes

Sylvia Plath's gravestone is being defaced/stolen my some people, most likely feminists. They carve out her husbands last name from the gravestone, because they see him as being responsible for oppressing her and making her kill herself.

>Dean will never fuck your mom

Why are feminists so destructive and vile?

That makes me mad. Who are they to judge that, what if she loved her husband beyond everything and would've been sick of people defacing her grave to remove his name? I know none of these people though, I'm not familiar with the author.

just doing his job until when he realized how wrong he was, at which point he lost control