What is Sup Forums's opinion on Robert Downey Jr outside of his Iron Man roles?

what is Sup Forums's opinion on Robert Downey Jr outside of his Iron Man roles?

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Manlets will never learn.

RDJ is taller than Mark Ruffalo.

Being tall is literally a sign off unintelligents

has anyone even seen rdj's feet? What if they're actually hooves?

They really won't

his best role is in A Scanner Darkly. the same applies to Keanu Reeves.
this film deserves more love from Sup Forums, its pure kino.

Does he think we don't know or does he just not care?


But if he truly didn't care then he wouldn't do it in the first place, right?

he hopes people don't know but he knows they do so he pretends like he doesn't care to hide his insecurity

Is this the ghost of Elliot?

What a coincidence this episode was on last night.

Mark isn't insecure about it though. and he's actually not shorter when you take into account RDJ's manlet technology.

Tommy remake when?

What's his problem?


how does he explain his shoes? i mean clearly they are abnormal... anyone can see that. does he just say theyre a different style?

if you were looking for reasons not to kill yourself i dont think you'll find many

I feel like nobody would even notice if he didn't draw attention to it. He's not a big hunky type like Evans or Hemsworth, he doesn't need to be tall.

when you've got a billion dollars in the bank you start to want things that money cant buy.

>pass user since 2012

One of the most bro people in hollywood. Meme about his hight and shoes all you like but he was one of the very few people who stood up for Mel Gibson. He went through a shitty period with drugs and he got his friends back after he went through a shitty period with alcohol. Look the award speech up, he basically said how can you judge this guys mistakes when I know how most of you party privately. When the MCU movies got really big he stood up for all his fellow actors so the mouse would pay them more money. He does charity shit all the time and seems to genuinely enjoy doing it. When he appeared in the voting add he was appropriately neutral unlike some other actors who basically shilled for Hillary. Hes also a genuinely talented actor.


Casual costumes or just pants with a blazer jacket with bigger sneakers were a trend for quite some time. Nowadays it's not. Low-profile solid colour or patters are a thing these days.

I actually believe he knows and his image assessor force this stupid shit on him

he is a pretty good actor, sad he sold his soul to Marvel

No one look at your feet when you are metting people, looking down its a sign of weakness, you look people right in the eyes.
This is how manlets using plats had survived this long.

how can lanklet bois even compete?

he's actually the only good lead actor in marvel. im glad he got a second chance and got his life back on track.