ITT: Oscar winners we never saw coming

ITT: Oscar winners we never saw coming

>110% oscarbait
>racebait during the #oscarsowhite

>a movie about black people

wow im shocked this won

Make that two years in a row, spotlight was lackluster

I was referring more to the mix-up during the actual ceremony but yeah


>CRASH (2004)
Like wtf where they thinking? It's subpar even to oscarbait standards

the "mix up" was orchestrated to make up for #Oscarssowhite

>movie about a black man who is also a faggot

Really, who wasn't expecting it to win? i can't remember the last time we had a nominee as oscarbait as this.

The Danish Girl, the year before it


Make it 4 years in a row. Birdman was overrated "lol this is so smart xd" bullshit and 12 years a slave was megabait


Can we all agree that this was the last worthy winner?

Should have been Silence.

no. Zero Dark Thirty was better.

La La Land deserved nothing

why not?

Fair enough, but GNAA: The Movie was shit too. Hacksaw Ridge was the only decent one of the bunch.

I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case

Moonlight was a great film.

No you dumb cuck, Return of the Kino

What? No that was the most Academy pandering film of the decade.


Well duh, of course the whole damn thing was rigged in advance.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's why Natalie Portman was a no-show too. Someone gave her the head's up she wasn't gonna win and she decided it wasn't worth her time.

Unironically expected Avatard to win

Same. Hurt Locker winning in '09 was a pleasant surprise actually.

Which was more blatant Oscarbait/race-baiting shilling in Sup Forums's opinion? 12 Years Employeed or GNAA: The Movie?

so boring

nothing happens apart from a chair being broken and a gay handjob. Bravo

Fun Fact: Most combat vets dislike HL.

It simplified complex issues into comfy narratives.

Among a list of other detriments.

The most accurate scene in that movie is at the end, where a vet feels overwhelmed with choice on the homefront, and course of action in simply picking the right cereal.