What should I watch tonight Sup Forums?

What should I watch tonight Sup Forums?

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Some good kinos in here, watch them all faggot




Eastern Promises

Dubs confirms

The Thing

>probably some shitty 3gb rip
>only 20 flicks to chose from
kill yourself, my man


not op, but what do you use instead of vlc?

>A Clockwork Orange

>>*breathes in*

even the fly

odds the thing

windows media player

Dubs have spoken.

>universally acclaimed by all
>except by some user on Sup Forums


Not those two but Clockwork Orange is by far Kubrick's worst, it's trash buddy

fuck off
that movie is tumblr desu

It, Chrissy

That movie mega trigg- oh wait, we're not supposed to say trigger anymore. Mega anally blasts tumblrites

It was actually pretty divisive when it came out. Roger Ebert disliked it quite strongly.


I have just had a memory jogged of a comedy scene in a movie.
All I can remember is this scene, more specifically a certain part, nothing else about the film itself...

Scene goes like this...

The character is an african american, sort of gangsta.

Hes sitting in a car, and sees it has a car phone.

He hits a button and the automated voice says
lines to the effect of "Enter Number (via voice recognition) it has a clear english voice/accent.

Guy goes "Heh"

*Phone* Five
*Phone* Five
*Phone* Five
*guy pauses for a sec*
*Phone* Six
*Phone* Three
*Phone* Two
"FOE" *holding up 4 fingers as well i think*
*Phone* (something to the effect of) Invalid
"aheh... FOE..."
*Phone* Invalid
*Phone* Invalid

and thats all I can remember..

the numbers arent specifically the ones I saiy, the main part I remember is him repeating FOE in that gangsta accent and the phone not understanding him.

Its hilarious.

Please help!

It will be a comedy and have african american actors..


You fuckin legend.

May all your shitposting be great and your fingers never cramp!

I just wached it. Oh fuck my sides..

Again Foo!

Cheers again man.

Inland Empire if you want to experience a living fever dream


The Falls pretty amazing.

problem child 2