Be me

>be me
>easily spooked
>can't watch horror movies cause fucking jumpscares always get me
>find qt gf
>she is obsessed with horror movies and stuff
>laughs at me when I'm scared

What movies should I watch in order to man up, Sup Forums?

Real gore videos. ISIS videos. Stuff like that. Once you've seen that movies won't scare you.

post her feet

Root for the bad guy. Less tension when you're hoping for someone to die.

I wouldn't recommend this.

None of that disturbs me but I'm still scared of suspenseful music and jumpscares.


I'm not scared of gore, just feel really sorry for people/animals who went through this.
I guess I have advanced empathy or something

I've tried this when I saw 'Don't breathe', helped a little bit at the beginning but scene in the basement stil got me.

Just watch 10 random horror movies. The jumpscare mechanics are pretty much all the same and you'll learn to anticipate them quite easily.

Dont breathe was a rare exception. It did its jump scares REALLY well.

Watch sinister.

My man, let's order SuperMaleVitality together

Seen it. Most humaliating experience so far. Don't know how to say it in english but gif related is basically what happened on one of the jumpscares. I've even said something like 'Jesus Christ'

Don't man up. Let your qt gf bully and peg you when you get scared.
It's the patrician choice.

Pretend every movie jumpscare is that gif

I kinda like it desu but I'm afraid that in this scenario I'll be cucked one day

I predict most of them anyway but it's the tension that gets me everytime


Massive horrorfag here. Just stop being a little bitch. I bet your girlfriend doesn't respect your weak ass now. You've fucked it all up. She will likely cheat on you now with a guy that thinks Friday the 13th is the pinnacle of horror films. Jk, bb.

My advice is to maybe learn horror history. I was seriously afraid of The Exorcist and Elm Street for years. Just couldn't watch them. I looked into behind the scenes stuff and felt less afraid. Now I watch horror movies alone all the time. Nevermind the fact I have no friends. What's important is to really learn the history. I think the respect you'll have for it will eventually trump your fear.

I honestly wasn't expecting a good advice but here we go. Bless ya, user!

Watching horror documentaries would probably help. There ones out there about Hellraiser, Dracula, Psycho, Halloween, just about anything significant. Some of them are pretty interesting, like The Omen, Poltergeist and The Exorcist.

Don't get me wrong, some movies will still be scary. The jumpscares in Candyman really got me. Last Shift genuinely spooked me without the jumpscares. I think once you're less afraid, you kind of appreciate it if a horror movie can scare you.

Start with tame stuff and work your way up. It's worked for me over time.

Scream is a good tame choice. Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and An American Werewolf in London are pretty easymode too. It Follows and The Babadook literally have no jump scares, you can watch at ease. Start there are then maybe try your luck with more jumpscary stuff, like The Conjuring or that sort of thing.

It Follows has a few jumpscares. One of them is pretty good, too. It ranks up there for me. Exorcist III has the greatest jumpscare ever. OP should watch it.

>You can't be immune to jumpscares, those are cheap and do not rely on fear but on instinct.
>You can however develop tolerance to them by learning to recognize when they are coming.
>Being emphatic is good in the real world, but on movies, you have to learn to not care abot anyone. The horror movie is best viewed if you connect with your most evil self and laugh at stupid characters dying for their stupidity. Keep in mind it's a movie, none of it is real.
>Psychological thrillers are from that perspective, way scarier than a horror movie, if you tend to keep thinking about things and get scared easily by ideas, stay away from those.
>It's recommendable to begin with the clasics, IE The Excorcist, The Shining, Friday the 13, Nightmare on Elm Street etc...

Thank you guys, I'm going to buff on your recomendations and hopefully become horror alpha

I was always a huge bitch when it comes to horror. But I wanted to see It Follows in the theater because it had a Q&A with the director and some cast and crew afterwards.

Growing up, I would plug my ears before a potential jump scare. I refused to let myself do it for It Follows. I just gripped the armrests tightly and tried to just get into it, like a roller coaster. Ride the wave, so to speak.

It worked. There are like two jump scares in It Follows and I definitely jumped with the audience, but then I was okay. I think I hated jump scares because I was embarrassed about jumping, not actually afraid. When I realized everybody jumps and enjoys it, I tried to enjoy it with them. It mostly worked, just takes practice.

Good luck, OP.