Are you ready for your adventure, Sup Forums...

Are you ready for your adventure, Sup Forums? Jester has the traveling arrangements all sorted but it may be a little wackier than you imagined.

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aye laddie go on

Fuck Jester

Jomp thi chasm!

I sure am just let me have a quick sip of delicious barry's red cola.


Hmm, Barry's red Cola.


Go whence I came

Smell Jester.


Ye ar ded, sorry travlah. Didnae see thit won comin

Gotta pay £3 to continue mate

see jesters pusy


its called a fanny mate

Scratch off the Scratch-N-Sniff Card™ number 5. What do you smell?

see jesters fany

Smell Jester.

Limmy's just trying to work out a way get a consistent pay. Noone wants to do his sitcom or skit show or most tragically the Falconhoof series meaning he's got nothing solid after the tour for his book is finished.

What the fuck

How could NO ONE want to do Falconhoof?


Knowing Limmy he probably made it too depressing and creepy.

Scottish television producers either want drama or light prime time comedy about people being silly. They don't really do weird depressing stuff which is what Limmy is best at.

This depresses me, but I really think he ran out of ideas

Don't get me wrong, I love Limmy's Show! unconditionally, but it might not have worked for another series. The book tour stuff wasn't that interesting, what can he actually do next?

Not sure it's an original idea made by a Jock, it should be good enough for BBC Scotland. Limmy's said the only option left is kickstarter and he doesn't believe they would get close to reaching the money needed.

He's just trying to get money to pay for the lights.

Stream Overwatch until he dies.

Would love another series of Limmy's show but it's really unlikely.

aye but at what cost?

Limmy's OW streams are kino
>Invites some of his fans to play competitive with him
>Start with small talk
>They lose one point
>Limmy mutes them all while seething in anger
>Lose because no communication
>Eventually unmutes them to scream genuine abuse
>They laugh it off awkwardly
>Kicks them out the party, goes Symmerta regardless of the context and loses more games

Is that actually what happens? I am not into Overwatch so i never watched one of those streams.

I hope he finds something, but £3 for 30 minutes just doesn't seem stable.
If he did a crowdfunding or something, I'd back that

>Stream Overwatch until he dies
More like commits suicide.

>has a history of mental health issues and alcoholism
>everything he tries lately seems to fall through
>every time
He'll probably end up being just another jock who jumped off into the Clyde.

Yeah, he's usually not that bad when playing alone but as soon as he parties up he gets enraged.
>I am not into Overwatch so i never watched one of those streams.
It's quite entertaining if you are. Like Symmetra is a powerful hero under the right circumstances but Limmy is convinced she's brilliant for every scenario in the game. He'll spend 2 minutes shooting her slow projectile into a shield/Rein then not understand how the team didn't capture the area.

His book is shit.
>mfw I sat through two stories

It's alright in written form, don't see the appeal of the live reading. Think he just wanted the shekels desu.

I would vote yes, so he goes through the trouble of setting up a Patreon Account, setting up a production studio, buying filming equipment, etc.
But then i wouldn't actually support him on Patreon lol

The videos would just be him with a camera you mong, noone is making high production off a bunch of cunts throwing 3 quid in a month.

What if it's 4 quid?
Also, I think Patreon allows you to request per-post donations, not just per-month donations. Which seems more consistent with what he said: 3 quid per half hour of videos, not 3 quid per month.
(but that would be a bad idea)

He wants monthly donations for making weird skits around glasgow, Limmy's already said he could never raise the money needed for tv production.