There're no perfect m---

>There're no perfect m---

4/10 movie and I'm being generous

TARS, set shitposting to 90%

i LOVED this movie

Honestly messing with the fifth dimension just removed any weight the film could have had by killing off cooper(?) to find humanity a new home. Shame, because I love the CGI for the black hole and the practical effects for the spacecraft. And getting to see some alien planets in hollywod that weren't just Planet California were nice - I love the gravitational effects for the tidal world and the frozen CO2 world. I just wish we got to see more space stuff instead of an hour of boring Earth stuff. And also fuck the ending.

>muh Murphy
>muh stupid Earth drama
>muh space movie is actually a love story
>muh time travel
the scenes and ideas were neat, but holy fuck, this movie reads like a generic love story, with the twist being it's in space



Were the robots in that movie actually sapient? Did they experience emotions or were their responses just clever imitations? Did Tars have an acquired personality or was it pre-programmed?

Also why didn't the robot drag that scientist inside their ship on the water planet while he was enraptured by the wave? How do the robots move? Are they like compartmentalized rubixs cubes?

Where did the second robot come from if Matt Damon broke his so it wouldn't snitch on him.

That's a modern epic though not a movie

80% of that movie was spend on shitty characters.
3% was actual science fiction.
The rest was retarded plot

>awful characters
>perfect movie
I cannot wait for the day Nolan directs a film not written by him and his shitty brother

was ok, 6/10

That's not even Nolan's best movie, it was visually appealing but lacked everything else.

--eme. You're right there isn't

I turned off the movie when they scavenged an Indian drone. They can't even use a toilet but somehow can send up long lasting drones not made of poo.


the leak of the 2008 original script was better than what this movie turned out to be.

>say man, you got a habitable planet?
>uhhh no not on me man
>it'd be a lot cooler if you did

I hear the dialogue is great. Shame I couldn't actually hear the dialogue over that fucking soundtrack.

Say what you want about this movie, but that tapes scene fucked me up, first time I actually cried while watching a movie

(((They))) need to make a new banner. Instead of Sup Forums make it Nolan hating crybabies. Every single thread it's the same shit. Nerds pull some top1 percentile standart out of their ass and wait for 2010s financial success oriented movie to satisfy it. You know, same time period when other successfull movies are capeshit, robot/car fighting, (((remakes))) or straight up propaganda. Just look at what other "great" directors doing these years and compare. You should be thankfull for all the acting, memes and the fact that he's at least trying not to make something that will go without disturbances through chinese farmer's head. Fuck your snot eating crybaby nerds, and suck a dick cause half of you are fags anyway.


>implying the soundtrack isn't GOAT

louder does not equal better