Is this too reddit for us or is it bad for other reasons?

Is this too reddit for us or is it bad for other reasons?

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it's not bad at all unless you're a fedora

caught this on tv one day, i swear it felt like 4 hours long. fuk this movie


it's kind of boring

>calling a movie "reddit"
>a movie that came out before reddit was even a thing
Fuck off!

If you've got that much of a boner for reddit, why don't you go there instead of pestering this board?

>liking it because it glorifies the druggy lifestyle
>hating it because it glorifies the druggy lifestyle
which is worse?

>reddit spacing
hello fellow 4channers



Redditors love it because DUDE DRUGS LMAO but it has plenty more to offer than wacky druggies doing wacky druggie things.


This movie is absolute shit and calling it Reddit would be giving it too much credit, because even Reddit isn't that bad.

Does it really glorify the life style? I mean the last 3rd of the film gets fairly dark and depraved.


hunter thompson is a hypocrite. he's the drugged out degenerate poster boy for why the 60s counter culture failed and yet he gets pissy at the other hippies for failing and being naive. not surprising that he ended up killing himself


oh no i don't think it does. that's the attitude i'm trying to point out is wrong. i am typically uncomfortable around the topic of drugs so i could never watch the whole movie but i don't think it was bad.

Not realizing it's a satire of the counter culture it "glorifies"

>not realizing that was the point of my post

says someone who probably never read anything besides Fear and Loathing. Read Rum Diaries. Also if you knew what you are talking about you'd realize he pretty much lampoons hippy culture for most the novel and movie

>not liking retarded non-criticism makes you a redditor
>making a space in your post to make it look tidier makes you a reddit
You fuckers weren't even complaining about that just one year ago.

i haven't seen the movie, but the book talks about how the main purpose of 60's drug culture is escaping from the shitty reality of burger society

this reddit spacing meme has to die

Ha gotcha
Thanks for my (((you)))

that's weird that you're holding a single person responsible for the actions of an entire subculture. Thompson wasn't even particularly idolized in his day. being a writer that got his start in journalism kind of limited his appeal in an era when TV and movies were starting to explode in the US. say what you will about his cult following today, but he pioneered a style of journalism and was a rather talented writer in his own right. he was a gun loving, rum drinking, political activist. not exactly the "poster child" you'd associate with contemporary progressives

Main characters are on drugs the entire time in their hotel room. It gets boring.

And by that you mean...
That people should stop complaining about the spacing, or stop doing the spacing?

>lampoons hippy culture

too bad the wave speech is his most popular part of the book and even he thought it was his best work

the guy is a fucking jack ass

complaining about it

sometimes i double hit the enter key it's not really a problem

>the wave speech
the wave speech is great, I cant imagine anyone disliking it other than to be a contrarian.

he's nostalgiafagging over that time period in a satirical book about the failure of the 60s

>the wave speech
nu-Sup Forums is full of Trump voting idiots, that would have been laughed at by oldfags

looks like they've infected you too

0/10 you're just butthurt

butthurt are you also this. This was the point I was making you jackass

low energy post

cry more

this is good

what a brilliant thread. congratulations to everyone involved

why the fuck does he talk like this? i can barely understand him

you're welcome faggot

This is reddit spacing you fucktard.
Separating paragraphs or sentences is just common courtesy for the reader.

Hi, 2004 here. This place has always been and will continue to be shit