S Korea

Why are South Korean just so damn nice in literally every aspect? Can anyone relate?

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I bet you never went in Korea.

True but literally every Korean person I’ve met in Australia is so polite and nice




They are nice 2bqh

No. We are overbearing jerks.

Nice. A woman raping a child is the ultimate fantasy

KYS oneshota

Both of them?

No need to drug the boy. Just ask him and he let you lick him anyway.

This is from some crazy Korean feminist site. I doubt the average Korean acts like that.

>Nice. A woman raping a child is the ultimate fantasy
Especially if she is cute or at least beautiful but I don't think you can call it rape

>oh no, people in other cuntries misbehave
t. Amerimuttina

I'm constantly told by all of the 4 asians I know that Korean girls are nice at first but then a couple months after you start a relationship with them they become obsessive psychos.

>work for 23 hours every day (but get paid for 8)
>get plastic surgery to look like the US soldiers occupying your clay
>make a simple mistake at work
>kill yourself out of shame

>Getting bantered by the only ethnic German on Sup Forums.

I vote for korean girls and ive been in Seoul. Very pretty and extroverted compare to other asians.

I'm starting to see why Japanese hate Koreans so much

As if japs don't do disgusting shit like this

At least they do theirs with more style

>The absolute state of k*Reans

kill yourself disgusting weeb

japs are no better than koreans

is south korea most overrated country in the world? more I read about korea more it feels like the whole country is mentally ill

that's because only crazy things go viral over the internet

Yeah they are the Bros of asia, not cold like Japanese, still with a culture of respect to preserve social harmony

Yes this website is famous for it's feminist extremist that litteraly hate Korean guys. I mean their logo is a hand making the gesture for "small penis"
Pic related, I was talking to a Korean girl that happenned to be a sympathiser of this website, this is their way of thinking basically.

Yes for the first, not really for the second, Never had a Girl but super possessive. Their men however are known to be huge stalkers

What the fuck are you talking about? Stop delude yourself with koreaboo shit and grow out of it. This place is ultra conservative dystopia and deserves nothing but only nukes

>the whole country is mentally ill

same with japan
I mean china sucks but at least they do it in a convential type of sucking

너 미치냐? 너 미친놈이지
>This place is ultra conservative dystopia

>and deserves nothing but only nukes

정은이 충분히 시킬수 있는거야

shit like this makes me not want to have children, so fucking depressing.

tfw no korean qt to rape me

no butt stuff tho

Why are Koreans such alphas?




define conventional

C-can I come to korea?
My brother has business there and there's no work oppurtunities in the fucking gay south of Ireland. I promise I'll be good.

What business ?

Nice try. I'd prefer not to specify but it's to do with finance.

I study Korean to do business here that's all, I'm thinking about choosing finance too actually

Can't really direct you on that pal. I'm finishing colege this year and it's alright I guess. Kinda worried I'll arrive over and realise I hate it.

If you are fine with the culture of hierarchy you will be fine, they are nice and understanding when you are a foreigner. If you can speak Korean and know the culture well you will be like a king, if not it will still be ok unless you can't adapt to the culture.

Nah not the culture part, my job. Really banking on this being my time to work and save for a few years. Work isn't meant to be fun and I know that but hating your work is a different story and I just hope it doesn't end up like that.

I see what you mean I have the same difficulties, good luck with that.