Do you love Jap girls?

Do you love Jap girls?
To be honest please

She doesnt even look Japanese

she is Japanese


Koreans are prettier

Looks Southeast Asian -White mix

No, not really.

But only the 1% of super beauties


Ainu blood or hapa.

They are prettier than korean/chinese girls without surgery.

only in 2D

no, japanese girls are ugly

I love girls

Then give them to me please

only if you give italian girls to japan

Italian girls don't look like this

they're ok, no better or worse than any other

they do

This sounds like a mutually profitable trade deal

If you really love her why haven't you learned her language yet?

A japanese person investing any time in learning a romance language that isn't spanish, portuguese or french sounds ridiculous



There are ones that I like.
There were ones that I fell for.
All in all pretty likable.

But former allies

They aight

Posting a classic

If we talk about top tier 1% then yes i do.
But if we talk about average real girls then no, russian girls are much better.

they all seem borderline retarded