Roman thread, only romans allowed

You are roman if you speak a romanic language, and live in the boundries of the old Empire.

My ancestors :)


daily reminder the cloaca maxima, the model of all roman sanitation systems were built by the etruscans, not modeled after, not planned by but specifically asked of the etruscans to build for rome


>live in the boundries of the old Empire
What if I'm conquering foreign lands

Moscow is the Third Rome. You suck cock.

I guess that makes you a latini coloniarii.
Hi, fellow roman.
That makes you a barbarian federatii, unless you were born of roman fathers.
I don't understand you this is how you sound barbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbar

My ancestors :)

I am born in Hispania of Roman parents

Then acording to the ius civile you are roman. Hello, fellow citizen.

Sure you don't understand, arabs just cannot into Indo-European languages.

True roman reporting in. How are my SPQRbros doing?

I only speak Slavic and Germanic, but I live in Philippopolis, so that counts.

you are not even slavic, you churka nigger


>al-andalus reporting in

i am roman :)

>5th century

Noricum reporting in

Ave citizens

Leaning Italian to get closer to my roots and having a romance language. 100% British roman

why not learn Latin instead?

Hello my fellow Roman brothers.

dead language. With Italian I can actually go to Italy and travel around the museums and sites.

P-pure Romano Briton here

it might be dead but it's still the language of western civilization and Rome, with some work you could read in original authors from Cato the Elder to Aquinas to Newton, which I think is more valuable than being able to speak to some shitalians

My city used to be a fortress. My village the barracks.

stranded iberian here

I would rather make roman babies with your women

mongols cannot into indo-european languages as well

true roman reporting, ama

My ancestors :)

France did more to preserve Roman aesthetics than any other former Roman country, except maybe Musollini's Italy tbqhafwyl with you lads

>fighting in a toga

get this barbarian off the premises

Is Sup Forums supposed to be banned in Anatolia (Turkey) right now?

My ancestors :)

i can get on 4chinz so idk about the ban


This week I will take a flight to Rome and stay there three days. Recommend stuff to do (other than the obvious tourist traps).

L'empereur, le César

Brothels fulls of hot chocolate migrant traps

Not into nigresses desu

t. pshek

Buna siara, ju avita in joina rejone romana
Sai roman, naturalment



go to the VESPASIAN anpitheather

Is that dalmatian?

Yeah the Colleseum was kinda in my plans already

My ancestors :) built it