/v4/ + friends

new week coming up, what are your plans lads?

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Bump with holo

haha so funneh

I wish I lived in Poland

I see the LOTR comparison differently

Hungarians are Haradrim - bunch of shits from different cultural group invading white land

Slovaks are Moria Goblins - took some fucking shithole and think they are hot shit

Polacks are Orcs - jealous, hate everyone and themselves, need a firm iron hand to rule them or else they do something retarded

Pepiks are Uruks - patched Orcs but ultimately still shitskinned mutts and an abomination

Sauron is actually (((USA))) setting up v4 as potential proxy battlefields that will leave them in ruins even if they ''win''

(((Saruman))) is self explanatory

come to Warsaw

Welcome to the club, man. Keep in mind hummus made according to the old recipe and the stuff sold in stores tends to vary a great deal.

The recipe varies greatly so keep a tab on the brand/kind you bought if you want more and get something that tastes far too different to you down the line.

I wish I lived in Nagy Magyarország

then come here? Or are you afraid it will shatter your insane illusion? Poland is a shithole and it's colder than Argentina too. Why would you want to move to a poor country with shit people and shit weather? And if you love polacks so much just get yourself a polish - argentinian like Diego Klimowicz or kidnap a polish tourist there is no need to come here and waste your time

one day user

Good edition, but I'd change Frodo to Hungary and Sam to Poland. Makes more sense when you think about it.

Nice pic I steal

>kidnap a polish tourist there is no need to come here and waste your time

She's Argentinian, not Hungarian.

Yeah our gypsyking is constantly tempted by them

do you want to tear down this building


no it doesn't, Sam got laid and is ALPHA while Frodo was a permavirgin

we all know that polish men are beta as fuck cucks and I spit on you

t. polish woman


I'm from Warsaw and I don't want cuz for me it's not a commie symbol but a place when I had my first kiss so

KEK we have trolls too

that's cute wish u luck user

so fucking cursed

fuck you

Thanks, you too

wat? Is it about me not wanting to tear it down or the kiss thing?

>I'm from Warsaw
I'm sorry

>then come here?
on my way of getting shekels for it, it's not that easy, Marcy
I'm not afraid of anything
>Poland is a shithole
and why don't you move if you dislike it so much
>colder than Argentina
that's exactly what I'm looking for, grey and cold weather, sorrounded by poles (Britain doesn't count because it's full of muslims and pajeets)
>getting any kind of diaspora
ew no, I want a pure polski husband, not an argentine
all yours anonski

kiss you FUCKING normie

uh thanks I guess

>tfw you are dragon and every one hates you

lel that's you youtube.com/watch?v=RBRxM5yq2NU

Frodo is the melancholic loner, Sam is the not-so-smart, but headstrong big guy.
Shut up marcel, you stupid fucking polack.

>and why don't you move if you dislike it so much
because poles are universally hated in Europe and here I won't be discriminated since it's my country
>that's exactly what I'm looking for, grey and cold weather, sorrounded by poles
>I wanna live in Mordor with my fellow Orcs

also what's wrong with argentinian men?

>we have
umm sweetie try again???

>I wanna live in Mordor with my fellow Orcs
I spilled my fucking borscht hahahahaha

hey can any of you take a shot of your polish pasport pls

>poles are dumb
thats true to all the slavs tbqh

In real life bad guys win much more often than
"good" guys.

whats next
>mail me your kidney guys my krokodil kingpin will kill me if i dont give him money

ywn gently slide down the argie girl's vaginal canal

i just want some love


wtf is that

>magyar anime

moar warsaw pics
>poles are universally hated in Europe
I couldn't care less what others believe
>>I wanna live in Mordor with my fellow Orcs
>I won't be discriminated
lmoa, Marcel confirmed 200% polish
>what's wrong with argentinian men?
not for me I suppose, I dated a few...just, nope, they're fun to have as friends
we all want to be loved

by the way who is your fav character in LOTR? Mine used to be Gandalf because he is majestic and wise but also has a sword to cap a bitch ass nigga

why? Have a pic from google

the Sup Forumsest of gommie anime



how does I say that? is this something like russian Ш? or Щ?

yes, English 'sh'
our cz is English 'ch'

>mfw listening to Michal david and Elan
best mood


Tbh they should just destalinize it. Rebuild it a bit, remove the statues holding Marx's books and other propaganda bullshit, modernize this and that and so on until it stops looking like a massive concrete scarecrow. Currently it gives me fucking trypophobia when I look at it at evenings.


noice, is this OC?

>How the fuck am i so easy to spot.

I told you before. Femanon did too. You are extremely naive + you also think that you know everything. That makes funny combination.

Also I told you that my grandpa used to hunt jews during the war. Its in my 100% germanic blood


>by the way who is your fav character in LOTR?

When I was still a kid, I loved dwarfs in all varieties. Obviously had to be Gimli and his bantz with the elves.

Nowadays, I'm more interested in the world than the individual characters. LotR isn't Harry Potter, after all.
Too bad they took so long (and stretched out) with the Hobbit movie. I would have loved that as a kid. I guess kids didn't change all that much since Tolkien's times.

yes, made it last year

why did you need to make another letter, why not just use ШЧ??



t-too much

Why do we have an á instead of aa?
Same principle, most likely.

looks cool tbqh, imo they just should remove any sign of gommunism and leave the building alone, and a little renovation wouldn't be bad either

give milk

Keks are crafty though.
And anyway we're dumb in a special wannabe-moralfag DUDE LET'S GET KILLED FOR FREEDUMBS way, not the Russian DUDE LET'S """"LIBERATE"""" MORE COUNTRIES way or Yugo/Ukrop DUDE LET'S MURDER MORE NEIGHBOURS way. We're all retarded in special ways.


I want to tear this building down and built a new monument: TU-154 and 20 meters status of Lech Kaczynski above

yeah suck that hungarian cock more good slav(e)


Rest in peace son of Gondor. You deserved it.


Mine is Saruman

what about it?

whats our motto?

are you the same guy who said he's glad Shadow of War expanded on Tolkien's shitty writing yesterday?

Dont pee

>Poland doesn't have any su-
haven't you been there? ;_;

It looks pretty good. Reminds me a great deal of the al Bait. Same kind of great looking, if out of place monument straight out of 1920's New York.

wewuz american and shiet


we call it here uncle Stalin's dick

filename implies you've taken the pic yourself

Let build a statue for Kaczynski and place in on the palace like pic related


stop posting ugly as fuck buildings

warsaw? more like gaysaw




Gandalf is an unreliable cunt and dies in Moria like a dumbass. Not to mention that he didn't stop the return of Sauron nor predicted Saruman's betrayal. Considering how powerful he is as a character, he's extremely incompetent and irresponsible. It's very fitting that the actor starring as him is an old fag.
Aragorn is THE hero of LotR.
>the fucking King of Gondor
>has elf blood in his veins, so will stay alive and healthy way longer than any human
>slays orcs and haradrim by hundreds
>slays ALL Nazguls entirely on his own
>looks into the Palantir and resists Sauron's power or in fact makes Sauron afraid of the king's return
>resists the Ring unlike that weak faggot Boromir
>throws Gimli around like it's nothing
>bro as fuck
>gets the sweetest piece of ass in the entire Middle-earth, while pissing off his father-in-law who happens to be the king of elves


>a fucking mutt is the hero


no u

Talion is greatest hero of Lotr universe.
He alone is responsible for Sauron destruction. And he sacrificed his life and soul to do that. Retard like Aragorn is too pussy to do that.

Aragorn masterrace

Hungary? more like Hungry

legia match after uprising anniversary

damn that's cool


what's cool?

Poland ?more like Pooland.