Le BASED HITLER should've won but the KIKES stopped BASED NAZIS from winning...

>le BASED HITLER should've won but the KIKES stopped BASED NAZIS from winning. It would have been so BASED if BASED HITLER won, then the Jamaican NIGGERS wouldn't have bullied me at school
Why do Canadians do this?

Every normie comes to the conclusion in their life time that Hitler should have won even if they don't openly say it everyone still despises non-whites.

We do?

Every single nation should have united to exterminate america so they'd never get to post on Sup Forums


Where? I've never seen that before.

Brazilians do this too

If you see a Canadian getting angry and le niggers, it's Sup Forumsleaf. He got bullied by Jamaicans at school and now he's racist.

Hitler is a national hero here so it's only natural, we're not edgy like Americans.

Oh okay. I'm kind of racist too but I was never bullied nor am I a nazi.

t. Hitler Mussolini, Director of the police of Minas Gerais

>I'm kind of racist

Shit recommendation, friend. I thought I was racist until I went to Sup Forums, where I learned that I'm only kinda racist.

Always find the argument that "USA should've sided with the Nazis, or it was the USA jews that led to the downfall of Hitler.

If Hitler, and the German "race" was so powerful, why couldn't they beat the USA?
We only ever even had ~50% of our forces in Europe.

>Every normie comes to the conclusion in their life time that Hitler should have won even if they don't openly say it everyone still despises non-whites.

I'm not a nazi, but I fucking despise niggers. I can get along with latinos, or at least the whiter ones, since a lot of them aren't pieces of shit.
My whole life I've lived near majority nig populations, and rarely have I ever encountered any with some form of civility. They take over whole areas that used to be predominately white, safe and clean, and butcher them into ghetto shithole nigger baby factories. It's disgusting.

Bullied by Jamaicans?

I've only ever really lived near Haitians. A lot of Jamaicans are alright enough I suppose.

Lived in a shit part of Toronto for like 11 years now and attended school too, a lot of the Jamaican kids here have like super fucked up families and parents who are never there.

Not everyone is the same and like other peoples they are nice, but some have parents who have drug problems or are in jail etc etc

and because of that there are many Jamaican gangs and many kids whose parents dont care start running coke and the like.

tl;dr everyone is a product of their environment

Why the fuck would you bump this thread that no ones posted in for over an hour?

cause you touch yourself at night

t. bullied by Jamaicans

We don't though, my best friend is Jamaican and I think Hitler is bad

If Hitler was so strong, how did he lose to le 56% and Slav subhumans?

*destroys hitler without any help*

No problem kids

>without any help
the USSR would have lost if the dumb j*panese didn't attack pearl harbor and the usa didn't get involved.
2bh if j*pan attacked the Soviet Union from the east instead we would gotten btfo pretty quick. the USSR just didn't have enough resources to fight both on western (from the point of view of the USSR) front against g*rmany and its puppets and against japan on eastern front

>without any help

if Hitler won, would space exploration be more advanced than it is today?

>without any help

Even my countrymen aren't this delusional