This is a reminder that Portugal, Holland, Sweden, and Austria were once all great empires that shook the world...

This is a reminder that Portugal, Holland, Sweden, and Austria were once all great empires that shook the world. Now they're all irrelevant nothing countries.

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How about Spain?

the absolute state of Brazil


Oh, Spain too, obviously.


Sweden is literally conquering the iberian coast with its veteran pensioner vikings

God punished the Portuguese Empire for creating Brazil

Falling of Anglos civilization when?
Can't wait for this, their ruling of the world is complete shit.

Portugal were always irrelevant. They only had a boat.

Why out of all these countries i'm happy that the Dutch are irrelevant now? Why are they such cunts?

The fate of all Empires, for the best or the worst.

Time crumbles everything.

Because we have a country that is 3x smaller than Greece, yet almost 2x the population.

>implying that swedes have any chance against the german coastal defences or the anglo hordes

At least Holland, Sweden and Austria are first world.

I gazed upon my country's tottering walls,
one day grandiose, now rubble on the ground,
worn out by vicious time, only renowned
for weakness in a land where courage fails.
I went into the fields. I saw the sun
drinking the springs just melted from the ice,
and cattle moaning as the forests climb
against the thinning day, now overrun
with shade. I went into my house. I saw
my old room yellowed with the sickening breath
of age, my cane flimsier than before.
I felt my sword coffined in rust, and walked
about, and everything I looked at bore
a warning of the wasted gaze of death.


a boat big enough to rape your natives and steal our gold

Leave the Germans and the Anglos to us. We have dealt with their kind before.

Good luck

All the goods of the earth,
pass quickly out of memory,
except fame and glory.

>We have dealt with their kind before.

didn't you genocide like 30% of northern germans?

It's because of small populations

You forgot about Turkey

Turkey is still a little relevant.

They are not irrelevant since all of them are in EU. And EU beat the shit out of USA and China at the same time.

Portugal has retired from these affairs since 1974 to enjoy good food in their sunny corner of the world without being bothered.

We won, mate.

All empires are destined to fall, roman empire, portuguese empire, british empire and that's not a bad thing, We have a glorious history, and had done it with few population. Portugal is a nation, european one, not a multiracial empire. Still, it's history

And? Mongolia once conquered the known world. The Brits had the sun never set on theirs. What goes up must come down. If you told a Victorian era Englishman watching the Royal Navy Fleet review, that their Empire will soon crumble to a meme carrier with ski ramps, they'll laugh at you. Right now, America is where those Victorian era Brits are. Learn from the Brits on how to fall gracefully.

Turkey was never a great empire. The Ottoman Empire is not equivalent to Turkey.


Remember that there was a time where a Portuguese princess married to an Austrian King and did not want to leave Lisbon to the boring hick village that was Vienna.

All great countries today will someday become as relevant as Portugal is now.

>the sun never set on

That's was Spain for this one. Still true for France in 2018 by the way thanks to our islands everywhere.
Don't know if this sentence was still coreect for Britain empire at peak

Iberia needs another Reconquista, but this time the people that will get genocided are the leftists.

Britain and France at least remain relevant world players.

You didn't win at all.

USA is too big to become too irrelevant. Brits only got powerful because they were the most industrialised.

>Portugal 10 million pop
>France 66 million
>Britain 62 million

We are relevant in our own scale, that's good. But yes, the 'burden' of our forefather's is heavy

Yes and it still holds true to us as well today

They really did though. They have a high human development, a safe, respected country, and spread their language all over the world. And it didn’t cost them anything, unlike for example Austria or Russia who lost territory as a result of their empires.

Yeah imagine being an Austrian and reading about your history and realizing you are nobody now, just a bunch of easterners speaking funny dialekts invaded by slavs and turks. Their mighty ancestors are turning in their graves in horror


Still ours on paper.

“A kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life”
- Sun Tzu

Give Falkland Islands please, it belong to us originally

>and had done it with few population
Not even remotely true.

Brits got powerful because they were industrialized and being an island makes you hard to attack. If Britain was just North France then Napoleon would have ended the British Empire.


Germans had to be destroyed more than once though

You have no clue, Portugal did this, with 1,5 million population. France England or Spain all of them had 5-6-8 times more population than us. Portugal in battle,just check by yourself was 90% of the times outnumbered, and our ration of win loss is historically in the podium (3th place) world wide.

they're too stubborn to die for good

only if you send me a qt french gf

Do you know if these islands are strategic in 2018 ? It bring what ? Fish and that's it ?

An unending supply of colonial butthurt

I thought of doing the same about portugal but you people are so irrelevant that there's nothing interesting to post about you.

At the height of the Portuguese Empire they had little more than 2M portuguese.
There's a reason Portugal is the only imperial power where the center became the periphery

Destroyed Kingdom is meant as a spiritual dead not a literal one.
The conquest of Iberia by the muslims was what sparked the christian flame that resulted in the Reconquista and subsequent conquest of the world by Portugal and Spain. On the other hand erosion of the Roman Empire led europe to dwell in darkness for almost a millennium.


oil apparently

we even offered argentina some of the profits that otherwise would be entirely going to the islands themselves and they pulled out of the deal because then they couldn't use the "britain only wants the falkands for muh oil" excuse

>Portugal did this, with 1,5 million population.
Your largest territories were in America which came mainly at the end expense of diseases.

>Portugal is a nation, european one, not a multiracial empire

damn that was autistic

He is right tho

I know, still amazingly bad post, American tier even

Bad post, because the truth was written?

It's a hell of alot more than Australia has ever done you idiot

you know the pic of the 56% face screaming "WE ARE WHITE"? That is what that post represents

You took memes too seriously, that you can't even analyze a basic sentence.

that "we are European, not multiracial part" didn't belong there and reeked of insecurity and that's the truth

Ohh it seems we have a princess over here that has problems with facts, The age of the empires is over son, ij the end we have our own roots has always.

Portugal - 1 million
de facto Spain - 5 million
France - 12 million
England - 10 million can't find the minute

Are you trying to caution about America's future?

I had no idea this was actually true
is there much strife between the Brit enclaves and the German enclaves