Your are clitoris

>your are clitoris
>Are you better than America

1. Leaf
2. Yes!

Other urls found in this thread:

>he says as he posts from his american browser and american phone
i know you may need a self esteem boost right now leaf but be honest with yourself

>Living at the mercy of the US
>Better than them

>Mutts on vacation

China makes half the things you own, Bangladesh makes your clothes and Syrians get your oil. Are you going to tell they're better than you?

> a german defending america

Listen, if you're going to proxy then try picking a nation that isn't the personification of "soyboy".


kys nazi

fellow phoneposter


>americans use 99% more oil than us


Those look like really rare and abstract pepes.


>almost every country compared pays significantly less than america on healthcare
>B-but muh freedom of choice and competitive markets, corporations are our friends, ok?

It'd be sad if it wasn't pathetic

the site is btw


This is sad


This leaf again. Why are you so obsessed with your neighbor? You create these threads every day. Insecure much? You are very similar to them.

>Russia gets mad when his puppet state gets insulted


>Why are you so obsessed with your neighbor
it's what this board is for, you dingus

Ah OK. That explains why most of the respondents above are so retarded that they made the opposite selection in comparison (not what the OP used) making it impossible to just look at green and red and guess if they are better or worse. It is a good IQ test

canadians are just soyed out americans

t. Johnson deShawn Schulz
t. Hernando Ionescu

doesn't seem like a good deal.

>making it impossible to just look at green and red and guess if they are better or worse
you just passed another good iq test

what a shithole

>unironically being soybois


Reminder that this is all literally because of Nigbongo's socialism, but now we're #MAGAing America Great Again

If you live in white suburban america as many of us, it doesn't matter. You are already doing much better than the rest of the world regardless who your president is.

>You are already doing much better than the rest of the world regardless who your president is.
You really fuckin aren't

>jew gold nigger this assmad trying to prove his superiority

>2% less on health care

When the Romans started pushing the Greeks into irrelevancy, the Greeks attempted to balm the nagging sense of inferiority by feigning superiority.

>inb4 hurr America’s gonna be irrelevant any day now! The world’s gonna be a better place once China starts telling everyone what to do
t. Canada, the nu-male of nations

You're the one desperately trying to reassure your fellow mutt that you are somehow superior to everyone else (which is clearly not the case).
Also we've given back the jew gold decades ago.
When are you returning the 20 trillion you owe?