India vs. China

India vs. China
Which country has better food?

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Both are shit with a few exceptions
t. Chinese person from a country with a large Indian community


India if you like spicy shit, China for everything else


Whatcha doing in my country? You literally came there at the worst time for SE Asian cuz it's prob the coldest time of the year

India. The only good Chinese food is Americanized Chinese food.

Chinks eat too many insects.

India, because chinks cannot into dessert

I like both desu

Americanized Chinese > Americanized Indian > Actual Indian > Actual Chinese

>Americanized Indian

Americanized Chinese food is garbage what the actual fuck are you tastelets talking about?

Indian by far.



>he doesn't know hot pot

chinese food is really an acquired taste i can understand if foreigners hate steamed fish

Ah yes...a piece of animal-grade meat in a bowl of hot water.

Truly traditional Chinese cuisine is what God himself is eating right now, that decadent bastard.

>if your shithole is so great, than you should go back to it, fucking chinks.

Chinese dishes cooked by the Japanese are the best.

Gyoza, ramen, yakisoba... yummy.

someone post that sewer Stewart video. India all days in the week, at least it Wont kill you in the Long run like the chinese

Chinese food and asian food in general is trash, indian food is better.

t. not even a pjaeet

I may be biased (I am Indian) but I think Indian food is better desu
that being said, Thai food is like the best of both worlds

this is how stupid you look when you whine about chinese/indian food being "americanized"

I've eaten at good indian restaurants and bad indian restaurants, I've eaten at Indian restaurants catered towards immigrants, and indian restaurants mainly serving white people

it's all fucking indian food

i think so. real china food is oily one for us

Oh so I'm not the only one to think that.

is there a similar documentary that covers all of China's regional cuisines?


>India vs. China

china, i like noodle soups.

That video is fucking priceless negro.

The old people say its very similar to just like Asian dishes. And the American born and raised Chinks are talking shit about it because of their inferiority complex of being a minority in a white country. Fucking classic.

Even as a chink, I prefer Indian. White rice, curry, naan bread, and that cucumber yogurt shit is better than the greasy cuisine that we have

good post

stfu spic what do you even know about food? go choke on your tacos you 4'11 amerindian manlet

>implying mexican food isn't based
>implying Australia even knows what Mexican food is
>implying Australia ia even allowed to eat Haram Mexican food



no doubt since you curse your own people

banana people are not chinese, end of story

I have never had Indian food, no idea what it is except curry

>greasy cuisine that we have
That's actually the best reason to eat Japanese.

>australian food

Even within LatAm, Peruvian food is the best. Mexican is the 2nd best.


Clearly Chinese



well, sauce me up

Its called a bite of China, I think it has three seasons?

A bite of China by CCTV

China is more consistent but India has higher highs/lower lows

I haven't been to China, but I've visited India eight times in the past five years. Actually just flew back into the Rust Belt from New Delhi on Saturday.

Met quite a few Chinese dudes in India. The last one I talked to -- I think somewhere in Madhya Pradesh -- told me a lot of their food is pretty spicy, too.

Gotta say, Indian Chinese food is some GOOD shit.

Every chinese dish is just a bunch of vegetables and thin slices of beef or pork fried in a wok with a shit ton of gutter oil

India without doubt

>the one time I traveled in China, food was mostly crap

>I have never had Indian food, no idea what it is except curry
you live in a country with lots of indians
surely there are lots of indian restaurants

why not try one?

>animal-grade meat
Well I sure would be fucking worried of the meat I ate was anything else.

Haven't had proper Chinese food. Like Indian Chinese is fucking good.

Nothing beats a good spicy curry.



Indians eat shit


Food Ranger on Youtube

You visited shitty restaurants then.

Chinese food is the best because you can eat it for a month and lose ten pounds but then when you return to the U.S. you’ll puke the first fast food you get. Honestly, our food is not even edible once you get a taste for authentic Chinese food.

t. Visited Sichuan

Tbh, it is not really a competition. Chinese food and Indian food are both amazing and probably the best in the world. It is impossible to say which is better overall since this is just subjective.

I could agree withNot everything with China and India needs to be a competition.

Cantonese food is the best tho. Fujianese is also great


>Americanized Indian > Actual Indian
fuck you. Bastardized Indian is no Indian.

Food in China and India vary greatly by region, far more than any other nations on Earth.

The stereotypical spicy Indian food comes entirely from a single region.

Not really

Yes, really.

Not really

A lot of Indian food is spicy, true. But most of the Indian food in the west is North Indian/Punjabi (Naan/Chicken Tikka/etc).

This is true.

Unironically prefer Mexican to both Chinese and Indian
But Indian still absolutely btfos Chinese in every aspect

Both are still better than korean food.


What do they even have there aside from mi goreng

Chinkaporkean detected

go eat some Hainanese chicken rice or chili crab la

>animal-grade meat
has GMO already gone that far?

Indian street food by far

I only like Beijingese style food since I’m Korean American of Nork/Manchurian heritage and hate everything Chinese

Lmao, everyone is some sort of chink here.


You look like shit


>Eating food made from Pajeet's poo covered hands
Why is that even an option?
>inb4 gutter oil

Whatever you do don't eat Indian food in India, if you don't want to get a disease.


Honestly never been a fan of either. It's not Like I've ever tried the real deal either take out is almost certainly a bad representation.

Indianised Chinese (a.k.a Hakka Chinese) food.

>Whatever you do don't eat Indian food in India, if you don't want to get a disease.
dumb comment desu

india has the best indian food in the world

obviously you need to be a little safer with where you eat, obviously not all street food is going to be safe

but food in india is great

china, india is just spices

Malaysian food where we have both weee


India by far* k

lol Gyopos btfo

The thing is classifying every Indian dish as curry is like classifying Pizza, Pretzel, Donut, Baguette, Bread as Bread

There are hundreds of type of curries with totally different spices, cooking technique and tastes, so, don't be that white guy who walks into an Indian Restaurant and orders curry because the waiter would have no idea what you were saying.

Chinese food is bland, tastless and soy filled, Indian food has spice, taste and is over all great

Asian food, who the fuck cares, only amerimutts eat that trash

Every time I ate authentic Indian food (i.e. restaurants Indians frequent) I get food poisoning/liquid burning shit.

t. Chink


Indian food is just spicy puke. No wonder its part of the anglosphere.

Indian food chink food is boring as fuck

Never had Chinese food, Indianized Chinese we have is good but I have paid multiple times Rs 3000 for Indian food without regret so I'd say I like our food more.