
Don't forget your soy today lads edition

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Ich liebe soy



fancy a wank but i'm drunk and it will take me too long to cum

absolute state

>the Spanish one

Aha lads x

Is Ant the new face of JUST?

hey haha


Good post


You ever have one of those moments where you ejaculate but don't orgasm? That sucks hey.


Relax. It's the January sell off.

This shit happens every fucking year with every fucking asset.

need an alien ship travelling at FTL speeds to peg my cranium


Are you a female (male)

The problem with modern Western society is the loss of emotionality

Videos like this no longer resonate



which one of you is this?

I don't see what's so funny about the spanish one

>expecting anyone on /biz/ to know anything about traditional securities and stock performance

more the rule rather than the exception for me these days

oh to be 14 again



yeah mate
really interested
write a book on it why don't you

same orgasms have gotten noticeably less intense even during fornication sex

walmart looks like greggs

Why so hurtful m8?

refuse to click on .uk links as a matter of principle

Germany is becoming more ethnically diverse and consequently harder to govern.

England should consider this carefully before it lets in non-anglos and becomes heterogenous.

watched that The Water Diviner
Arab woman was Ukranian. Couldn't find an attractive towelhead female.
Big fan of Hando but it was shit tb quite honest. Glad he found his last son all the same.

>earn a large amount each
>have combined worth
>individual worth very similar
>50:50 division

nah that's not a justing. your fat ex-wife who sat on her arse doing fuck all for 15 years getting 900,000 a year plus 300,000 in child support a year is an absolute arse rape in comparsion.

My soda water from yesterday is no longer soderated, it is just water now.

great song mate

reminder Sup Forums is over 50% people under 21 y/o



mad how watching people play videogames is now a legitimate form of entertainment

if you take Sup Forums out of the equation it's probably more like 10%

reckon we should colonise northern and western australia, the coast seems a bit barren there compared to the south east

>How many people knew it was the U.S just by reading the headline?
>California police find 13 siblings chained up in home

approximately 23% of british males aged between 15-25 suffer from acute runtism

Thanks, Bradford lad

Are NHS, envy of the world

it's literally all desert or crocodile-infested swamp

all the more reason to colonise it

business idea:


Gave ol' queenie the chance to put israel there but you didn't do it. Now it belongs to the chinese.

is that trafalgar square? wonder what admiral nelson would think of that subhuman rubbish traipsing around his nation's capital like they own the place

Reckon we should move further inland

didn't stop southern USA

>wonder what admiral nelson would think of that subhuman rubbish traipsing around his nation's capital like they own the place

read about 80 chapters of a manga
don't like manga

Nice cricket btw

Sounds of the Sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

what manga

Oi lads how are you all doing in this fine english afternoon?
You see, I am also part of thr british nobility and wish to acquire knowledge of the location of our queen's glorious royal navy tonight at 9pm GMT, my mates.
Not like there might be a spanish fleet at the turn of the corner loaded with troops or anything crazy mates haha.
Damn stupid irishmen, am I not just right lads?
Well you all have a beautiful evening mates, my gulliver seems to be quite aching.
Rule britannia!!!
God save the queen!!!
God and country!!!

not telling because i'm embarrassed i spent time on it

Anyone else watching the tennis
Can't wait to see Genie play on Thursday, I'm hard just thinking about it

playing the sims x

the sims me can get a gf

i envy that bastard


my lean costs more than your rent

>watching tennis


do NOT appreciate some greasy, hairy Iberian making muttposts as if he's somehow better than your average mulatto welfare ape

i want to engage in anal sex with donald j trump

Tennis is literally a wog sport in Australia, hardly Tarquin

wogs only care about A-league

When you say Tarquin are you implying that he's a rich boy with a pretentious name or that he's going to rape someone and start a revolution?

All your good players are ethnics though

Imagine having such a chad face but the body of a frail 13 year old girl

He's not that attractive tbqh

sims me married a girl so I made my wife cuck sims me, then i simulated sims me committing suicide by drowning him in a pool haha x

he looks like Nancy from Stranger Things
not a very chad face either btw

refuse to believe tarquin is a real name

Luv u lads


you sound mentally deranged lad

get your head checked

girls would be all over that

what's a good name for a posh boy?
Braxton? Albert? Barnard? Abner? Winfield?


Dead Scot clan.


gf just made a bowl of cheerios, brought it back to bed, put it down on the duvet, then went away to do something else, comes back to bed and just plonks her arse down on the bowl hahahaha, cheerios stuck to her bum everywhere hahaha

flu, lads

Gonna be moving to Lancashire soon. What should I know about it before I go?

love pictures like this haha

>wah! what are we going to do in the mart?


the virgin assumption

Essentially a commuter county for the gargantuan urban black hole of York


should let her shag a black man lad and watch

Is grim up north

grim and northern

you got a stammer?

too many sri lancans there

southern fairies literally piss themselves whenever they see a strapping young northern lad walking about

my girlfriends at school right now

and before you call me a nonce, she's 17, i'm 18
