Post a Best Meat cuisine in you cunt

Post a Best Meat cuisine in you cunt


Fuck B*lgogi

>Fuck B*lgogi

boeuf bourguignon and magret de canard are both good meat based dishes

the original nu male

Morteau sausage with potatoes, garlic, onions, persil and molten cancoillotte cheese

I'm hungry now.


French cuisine everybody

Beef wellington m8 it's divine


Finns eat pictures of cavemen with parsley?? Finnish cuisine everybody


nice we have very similar pies in France

Might not look so fancy but damn it's good


Had this every day in Hungary it's delicious

Looks like an English pie but not as nice, why would you put mince in it gross

Thin sliced reindeer steak in gravy with mushrooms and bacon, served with potatoes veggies of choice and lingonberry jam


Charque na moranga a GOAT.

what about your meat pies they delicious


never had it g do you know where i can pick one up la?

Nice English restaurants will do them or if you're ambitious make it yourself. Simpsons in the Strand in London does the best one I've had


this looks the best ITT


Always found these so salty and oily but still tasty

Tasty, do Italians make crackling?

It is very tasty I must say, not sure why Americans don't mix meat and pastry much

>Always found these so salty and oily but still tasty
yeah that's their gimmick. North Africans love salty stuff. Pic related salted dried meat called kadid with couscous

>Meat thread
>Everyone posts stews and baked dishes
Seriously /int what the fuck?

If you want to drown meat in something how about cheese?


is this real?









The humble taco

T*rrone American. I made this last night and was wondering if the Italians would post this

looks like a narco chainsaw massacre

I forget you people can't handle intense flavor, how about a schnitzel sandwich?

just kidding, all mexican food looks delicious. you dont get that here

A bbq

>South Spain
If you are in a bar at the south and see carrillada, give it a try.

Also Patagonian Lamb...

But I'm vegan so I don't eat that shit.

>Central Spain
All around Castile, cochinillo is a must.

>North Spain
Cachopo is similar to the schnitzel, enormous in size and stuffed with goat cheese, iberian ham and red peppers.

I am so fucking hungry now

I don't know what I expected entering this thread but fuck..

No prob man, those sandwiches are pretty good tho


Now this one does look like a massacre, anyone like mutton? They bury it inside maguey leafs to seal in the flavor then start a fire on top to cook it

Here's what you get

well smoked lamb is one of the best foods you can get

End result looks a lot more palatable

This is pork deep fried in lard, tradition dictates a copper pot must always be used

end result

who /vegan/ here?


im not but i want you to stand strong against all the bullying you're about to get from teenagers and Sup Forumstards and have a nice day

Now this is literal goat, an annatto based marinade is used

end result

That's grilling, not barbecueing

This is called tzic, it's a traditional Mayan deer dish

Just the best roast of the world. No big deal

It got lost in translation, they do know the difference, that's called an asado in Spanish. I think what happens is in our language the word also refers to the meal itself as a social thing, think a Mexican carne asada. Since what they get as an equivalent for that from the US is mostly these images in media of Americans flipping hot dogs and burguers in Norman Rockwell type settings, that get called "barbeques" they don't realize you're actually using barbecue grills to slow cook the steaks and also doing stuff like pulled pork or ribs.

At least that's my theory on this frequent mistake, in Spanish they're fully aware of the difference and do call tecniques correctly so it isn't like they have different ways of calling those things in South America.
