ITT: she's not THAT pretty

ITT: she's not THAT pretty

pretty wasn't the most important thing, goy

>tfw i unironically love when girls have the no makeup tired run down look

what is she up to?

More like ITT: OP is a fag

Look at the shape of her skull.


she's not pretty at all, in fact


oy vey

1. Everyone takes bad pictures, especially if they are candid
2. She still looks fine



that pic is actually proof she looks pretty good

if by fine you mean rat faced jewess then i agree

Marvelcucks BTFO




Most famous women desu.

The average actress is typically pretty, yes, but its not like they're mindnumbingly, shockingly more beautiful than your average person like they're often portrayed as. I see women on the street who are just as, if not better looking than your typical actress all the time. They're just not put on that celebrity pedestal.

If the camera adds 10lbs, it also adds +2 on a scale of 10

how can OP ever recover?


Too damn pale, looks sick.

t. samefag



What would Lombroso say?

Looks pretty good to me fag

More likely OP is a jealous woman.

Kim K is 10x more attractive with no makeup on than she is wearing the enamel she's usually seen in.