First Jumanji Trailer

What if we just remove everything that makes Jumanji unique and fun and replace with Dwayne Johnson?

Other urls found in this thread:

>"huh, this looks like a generic sony movie, like pixels or that one ghostbusters they made"
>go back to the beginning of the video
>see that sony logo

>Atari-like game console
>Has PS1 graphics

How do films like this manage to get through the fucking 'pitch' let alone anything further?

So its more like Tron than Jumanji?

>get #LITTY

That looks worse than I thought in every way imaginable

>western isekai

Another classic from sony, I don't know how they do it again and again.

This is why robin williams killed himself.

This is one for the FANS

>Its another generic Rock and Kevin Hart movie

>No Robin Williams

Into the trash it goes



he ded nigga

Only if you fuck a monkey, you're more likely to get malaria, have fun.


>it's a old videogame now
Kek, gotta reach that young demographic. Most of them apparently don't even know what boardgames are?

>Dwayne isn't a producer on this shit
We're not going to get another round of salty twitter bollocks when this bombs are we?

I am more angry over how there are more likes than dislikes by a large margin. I guess most people there have never watched the original.

There is no pitch for a movie like this, you only need to pitch a movie when you're an outsider, or you're doing something risky. Generic bland garbage like this is simply assembled from a formula, the only variables being the cast and crew.

>the only good thing is the trailer's music

This doesn't bode well.

so where does Zathura play into this?

>film set in the jungle
>welcome to the jungle starts playing


Looks alright. I like the updated Jumanji game. I'm hoping they find Alan's tree house or cave or something.

>really parties my rocker

Yeah this, I thought it was going to be a team of adventurers that find the board game on a safari and it takes them to a jungle the likes of which they have never seen before, this is fucking retarded.

Robin Williams will kill himself when he sees this

What's the robin williams connection? Anything leak about that yet?

Has Sony ever made a good movie


Looks kinda fun. I'll never watch it, but it looks fun

fucking love this scene

>a purely comedy movie
One of the things that made Jumanji great was how dark and unsettling everything was, with humor mixed in.

This just looks like another disappointing sony cash grab.
Also whats up with the rock? I like the guy but why the hell is he in every fucking movie now? Hes not THAT good.

Welcome to the Jungle is such a great trailer song, even with this subpar footage it looks great, why is it so rarely used?

Awwwwwww shit, that's exactly what I wanted to say after seeing this trailer, tired of this cliche

how raunchy is it?

>blonde, redhead, jew, black
>rock even says "oy vey"
so diverse, i'm sure it'll be a classic american hit!

Looks like a urinating good FUN for the whole family. CRITICS need to chill out.

>The Rock does the eyebrow thing
>Kevin Hart plays himself again

god damn it Sony

this looks like it could be a decent flick, just change 2 things
1. don't call it Jumanji when it has basically nothing to do with the book/movie. People are smart enough now to realize exactly what you're doing
2. have the balls to replace The Rock and Kevin Hart with some Literally Who's who actually know how to play memorable characters

also fix this bullshit

>from guardians of the galaxy to this
is her career over?

looks like the only fun part in this movie is making the movie

>it's a "let's make a shitty movie everyone will forget about in two weeks" episode
these are starting to seem like some kind of money laundering operation

>Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
>Featuring Dwayne Johnson
>Welcome to the Jungle
>Featuring Dwayne Johnson
What is this pottery?

easy money

Is this the prequel to Jumanji?

shit, we already have a new Mississippi of piss from Baywatch. We fucking can't handle another. Somebody stop this madman

that really looks like shit

I don't think I'll throw money at this shit.

thought this movie was called the rundown?

Hope it's half as good as Baywatch!!

>Jack Black
>jungle movie
how'd he get typecast for this

Jumanji is supposed to represent the Victorian mythos of deepest darkest Africa, not this shit.

Jack black playing himself too

Neither of them can act, it's pretty much what I was expecting

I like Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart tho. The rest looks like shit, i'll give you that.

>Awwwwwww shit

Sounds just like typical black. Why are retarded yanks so butthurt about this?


Why the fuck would they call it Jumanji?
It looks alright for what it is, but its dumb to throw such a big name onto it while being nothing like the original. Its not even loosely based on the orginal.

I wanted to hate it, but smiled through all trailer. Maybe it means it's time to end my misery.

YOU just experienced what TRUE support FOR THE FANS is like. It's FOR THE FANS!

Sony Pictures is operated by a bunch literal of retards and Sony Japan doesn't give a shit.


>Why the fuck would they call it Jumanji
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