Post celebrities doing normal shit

Post celebrities doing normal shit.


You realize they just have a different job then you.

I met him at Chester race course years ago, he didn't know how to bet properly and I set up an accumulator for him. Top bloke desu brought a few rounds for us then I presume went back to a hotel with some cute blonde and left the betting slip on the table.

It didn't come in.

>Sup Forums now has the same trivial interests as TMZ



i know right user! shame really.

mommy bryce being normal taking care of her baby gets called fat by some scum online


I would unironically buy a DVD of celebrities accidentally farting while doing normal things.

Job that pays over 1 million comparable even comparable to the average person

>ywn use those titties as pillows




jennifer lawrence beat the shit out of some hood rat. surprised it never got media attention


So brave


>The papparazi just happened to be there to capture this moment


>they follow her where ever she goes

its boner time

>I don't understand that paparazzi hang out in front of celebrity homes

>kb topless.jpg
>isn't topless

ya blew it

I met Winnona Ryder at the grocery store. she didnt have the discount card and as far as I know didnt steal anything.

Me in the background

wonder if they can just start following the paparazzi with their phones all day.

or will they cancel each other out?

>stop,invincible nigger

>what's the difference between you and me?
I'm not wearing menstrual pads.

this guy knows how to be inconspicuous


these fucking """people""" are disgusting vermin

I stare right into the crevice that houses such a strong heart and bravery.

such a down to earth guy

I'm absolutely not afraid to say Gemma has the best body in the business

Perfect tits/waist/ass golden ratio


I love her





they're just like us

If I could be the meat in an Arterton-Atwell sandwich I'd die a happy man.

Incredible body

Top kek

Based Keanu. Keanu means "the cool breeze" in Hawaiian.

Dear god, I think she might be the perfect woman.

>Rushes to her aid
and does what?
The only move that can be done is to turn her over sideways so she doesn't swallow her tongue
Is JL doing the only move she can do?
What a hero


tbf this looks like her prime

Look OP they are just like you!


too big and fake

Who else would fuck that guy in the back

He caught a glimpse of that sweet no-ass

Me in 10 years

the guy isn't staring her ass, if it was fake they would have fixed this

every time

That's exactly why she can't do BLACKED. Her no tits and ass can't get the bbc up.

That and she's ugly.


>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)



Wasn't she like 19 in this



What's he sippin on, lads?


>"oh hey, how ya doin' luv? come here and get a picture with this ol' shamrock"
>pisses copiously
>"ah, don't worry about that, it's just gods way of saying it's time for more Guinness."


he dies after finishing that pint


>shut it down


wtf aren't these people millionaires?

look user I'm shopping teehee

Read as;
"Not your average Hollywood star: Jennifer Lawrence rushes to the aid of farting woman."

I can never look at her the same way after seeing Justin Longs cock in her mouth
shes still cute as fuck and would wife her in a second


overdosed on crack


so sad



>that dogo going deep into his ho

Not pictured: Jenna Fisher

oh this happened

>"Ha ha ha, see how I tower over you puny mortals."
>"Erm..we're sitting down Rob."

At least he's having a good time

>whoa. this is what poor people look like?
>take a look at this thing, Chad. amazing.
>it's like it's sleeping or something, y'know?

giv ayylmao gf



let's ignore the fact RDJ is wearing high heels for just a moment so that we can all observe that dog banging some chick in the ass

>yo ryan, why is there beard hair all in my coke bruh



Im so confused by whats happening in this picture.

>why is that dogs head between that woman's legs
>why are those woman's legs upside down in the air
>what the fuck are they even standing on
>are they on a roof
>is that plexiglass



>white New Balance shoes